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B&W RESULT: Black and White Challenge #290….Ends Dec. 3

The Needles, IOW. Taken from about a mile away, telephoto lens. August 2020
Huawei P30 Pro

BnW challenge #290 is now closed.
It’s up to sdimbour Sandra to choose a winner. Thanks to all who participated!

BnW Challenge #291 is here.
I love how the lenses add natural DOF, it's something that gets better and better each year.
I have been tempted to “switch teams” occasionally. Especially when rizole got his Huwaei. I was flabbergasted at the images. The images you post and the information you have about a multitude of phones is astounding. But Apple owns me. Too many devices that play so well together and too many fabulous apps. :rolleyes: When envy rears its ugly head I remind myself the phone (camera) is just a tool. It’s the person using it that makes the image.
I have been tempted to “switch teams” occasionally. Especially when rizole got his Huwaei. I was flabbergasted at the images. The images you post and the information you have about a multitude of phones is astounding. But Apple owns me. Too many devices that play so well together and too many fabulous apps. :rolleyes: When envy rears its ugly head I remind myself the phone (camera) is just a tool. It’s the person using it that makes the image.
I've been impressed with Huawei (had 4 different flagship phones) and recently Xioami phones, but always have done my research when buying, never been afraid to try new manufacturers if the price and hardware stack up, that is. I can totally understand why people stick with a certain company because their entire tech ecosystem is based around it. I don't have that problem so when I do switch there's a bit of excitement when it come to testing how good or bad it is compared to my previous phones. My camera does all the work, I see things that I think will make a great photo in the hope that it comes out well, an example is the winter sun shot, saw it whilst driving and thought I need to get home quick to get that photo before the cloud builds up or it dips below the roof tops. I just made it in time :lmao:
I've been impressed with Huawei (had 4 different flagship phones) and recently Xioami phones, but always have done my research when buying, never been afraid to try new manufacturers if the price and hardware stack up, that is. I can totally understand why people stick with a certain company because their entire tech ecosystem is based around it. I don't have that problem so when I do switch there's a bit of excitement when it come to testing how good or bad it is compared to my previous phones. My camera does all the work, I see things that I think will make a great photo in the hope that it comes out well, an example is the winter sun shot, saw it whilst driving and thought I need to get home quick to get that photo before the cloud builds up or it dips below the roof tops. I just made it in time :lmao:
I have to admit a lot of my photography is shot from the car. :oops:
it took me some time to decide between 23 great pics.
HM :
- « peek-a-boo » by djingonthenet
- « Lidl » by rizole
3rd place - Love the details and the composition of « Enjoying the D-Series… » by Disastrous Wolf 7126
2nd place - love the composition that leads to the silhouettes of Jacosta pic
And my winner ischineezguy with …


Love the compostion and details. Just imagine what’s happening there !!!

See you all in the next bnw challenge :inlove:
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it took me some time to decide between 23 great pics.
HM :
- « peek-a-boo » by djingonthenet
- « Lidl » by rizole
3rd place - Love the details and the composition of « Enjoying the D-Series… » by Disastrous Wolf 7126
2nd place - love the composition that leads to the silhouettes of Jacosta pic
And my winner ischineezguy with …

View attachment 198372
Love the compostion and details. Just imagine what’s happening there !!!

See you all in the next bnw challenge :inlove:
Great shot! Congratulations to all and thank you for the 2nd place!
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