• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

B&W RESULT: Black and White Challenge #299…..Ends Apr 14


IOTM Winner - Jul 20, Feb 22
Real Name
Star Greathouse
Project Page

The Rules are simple:

* All images must be taken and edited on a mobile device: a mobile phone, tablet, iPod or iPad.

* Any app(s) can be used in the making of your image, editing is permitted, but this must be done on a mobile device (see 1) above).

* Please remember to add a title and a description of your image and what apps were used. We love to know how you did it.

Please also see the MobiTog Rules and Guidelines for all MobiChallenges posted HERE. Please note specifically Rule 4: Generally, anything goes in terms of processing, within the bounds of common decency and the Specific Rules for the Challenge or Contest, but entrants must document how they achieved the submitted result in their Challenge or Contest post, i.e. name of the device used to take the image and list each app used, in the order it is used.

Judge: Starzee
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I came out in completely the wrong shoes for those conditions today.
I have to keep a spare pair of shoes and socks in my car because when I head to the beach to stalk egrets, I always end up in water up to my ankles. The bigger waves wait until I'm not looking and then come rushing in. They tried to eat my phone once, too.
I came out in completely the wrong shoes for those conditions today.

I have to keep a spare pair of shoes and socks in my car because when I head to the beach to stalk egrets, I always end up in water up to my ankles. The bigger waves wait until I'm not looking and then come rushing in. They tried to eat my phone once, too.
I would share an amusing story involving our boots and goose poop after our walk yesterday, but its grossness level outweighs the amusement level. :rolleyes:
I would share an amusing story involving our boots and goose poop after our walk yesterday, but its grossness level outweighs the amusement level. :rolleyes:
I have a special pair of shoes with no grip/tread that I keep for the back garden where the chickens live. They poop where they stand and a smooth soul is easier to clean. I've started referring to the back garden as the animal compound as little grows that they don't eat or dig up and it needs hosing down on a regular basis.
I have a special pair of shoes with no grip/tread that I keep for the back garden where the chickens live. They poop where they stand and a smooth soul is easier to clean. I've started referring to the back garden as the animal compound as little grows that they don't eat or dig up and it needs hosing down on a regular basis.
I was grateful that yesterday I wore my boots with the worn soles and not my new ones with the deep treads. :eek:
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