• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Degreaves Street, Melbourne


Real Name
Nettzzkii Wilde
Degreaves Street, Melbourne, funky little cafes, great food

Love it. That's my kind of street - the first shop we come to is a creperie. Just leave me there and I'll happily eat, drink and take photos. I'd like to be magicked there.
You and me both!

Maybe that could be arranged... :whistle:

It is, after all, very reminiscent of Harry Potter's magical Diagon Alley... :D
It IS like Diagon Alley... must be why I'm drawn to it.

Let's go, Jilly! [emoji1] I bet FundyBrian has a magical Time Stamp award we could borrow... [emoji848]
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