• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

ImageArt’s Project 365 - 2022

I’m with you on that…..photography got a bit flat the last 2 years with us not venturing out too far.
Yes, but what you fail to understand is, what’s flat to you is still interesting to us. :thumbs: You’ve always got a different take on things Dave, so just post and be damned. Not every image is going to be a masterpiece (now where have I heard that before?).:lol:
Sat 1 Jan

Almost forgot to post! Long walk today to get rid of the cobwebs.

Fimo Miranda 200


Camera+2 Macro, Snapseed
The first shot I thought was a pre post edit that you slide to see the before and after. The grass. I sat trying to move it. LOL
I can’t tell you how many times I try to zoom into a non-touch screen with my two fingers. It’s like getting into a hire car with the windscreen wiper controls on your normal indicator side. :lol:
Mon 3 Jan

Taking a walk today, it just seems same old, same old. A forest, is a forest, is a forest. Looks like I’m going to have to resort to some arty stuff to make my pics interesting.


Original below taken with native app. Passed through KinoGlitch and then Snapseed and iColorama to tweak the colours.

Mon 3 Jan

Taking a walk today, it just seems same old, same old. A forest, is a forest, is a forest. Looks like I’m going to have to resort to some arty stuff to make my pics interesting.

View attachment 174846
Original below taken with native app. Passed through KinoGlitch and then Snapseed and iColorama to tweak the colours.

View attachment 174848
Yes, I’m having to zshush up my foresty images.
Thur 6 Jan

Lots of heavy frost today and only just got myself to the chosen spot before it started to melt after a lot of faffing around and of course the sun went in as soon as I stepped out of the door. Ah well, a fun walk anyway.



Snapseed, Hipstamatic (Stavros+Sussex+Apollo)


Ripley is one of my favourite villages. My coffee shop of choice now only does takeaways although you can sit outside so it’s down the road to another good one which is still charming but where the coffee is not quite as good. I haven’t been here for quite a while so I was delighted to find that all the quaint shops and restaurants have had their windows decorated for Christmas by obviously a talented artist. What a fabulous idea!



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