• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

. . . message(s) in the glass . . .


Real Name
Used to? Did you fall out with it? Songs are my friends for life.
I haven’t heard it in.... decades? I still like the song, but I don’t think I’d say I love it. My tastes have changed a bit over the years... mostly the song brings back *feeling memories* from the times when I used to hear/play it.

EDIT: That being said, I just listened to it again on YouTube... danced along and still know all the words, felt all kind of *feels* and then bought it on iTunes. :rolleyes: It’ll be a great sing-a-long road trip song. Thanks for the reminder John!
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. . . the ultimate song for road tripping . . .

Wow.....now that is a blast from the past!!! I’d never seen the video.... that is not how my 13 year old self had pictured the lead singer. I had more of a Bruce Springsteen-ish look in my mind. :lmao:
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