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My Tiny Home

Which reminds me, anything new RoseCat :inlove:?
Not much, really. I worked from home for the first time today... it was fairly uneventful. The new work laptop connected and worked, albeit rather slowly. My new Sprint MiFi arrived and didn’t work. :mad: Waiting for a tech call on Monday. <sigh> :barf:

The full moon is gorgeous tonight though.... :inlove:
Hon, you've done an exceptional job, it's definitely a home in all the important ways. You must enjoy every minute there, there's nothing like feeling the comforts of your own place. I'm so thrilled for you, there aren't enough words to express.
Thank you Carol!! ❤️
One year ago today I took the giant step to live tiny. I’m so grateful for everyone and everything that helped me along this journey. :blush: ❤️


Funny that you should post this because just yesterday I was looking at tiny houses on Pinterest and wondered how you were getting on. There’s just something special about having your own home. Is there anything you would change? What do you like the most about it?
That is awesome. Are you ever gonna take it somewhere else on a trip or is it stationary? Never saw this thread until now but or was neat to go back and read all the old post and see the beginning images and then the finished product
That looks awesome! :thumbs:
Thank you!
Better labeled My Tiny Home.
:blush: Done. xoxo
Awww, I’m so happy for you. And look at you with your raised beds and garden!! :hearteyecat: Not to mention a cat and ducks!!
What a fantastic journey!!!!
Funny that you should post this because just yesterday I was looking at tiny houses on Pinterest and wondered how you were getting on. There’s just something special about having your own home. Is there anything you would change? What do you like the most about it?
I love sleeping in the loft! It’s so cozy… like a nest. I also love my porch.

I would get radiant floor heat… it was on my “want” list and for budget reasons I nixed it, but I wish I had spent the money. Heat rises, so upstairs gets really warm and downstairs is meh (I hate being cold). But I bought an amazing compact Vornado space heater and it can practically heat the whole house on its own!
That’s really looking like a home now. Congratulations.
Thank you!
So cozy and so beautifully decorated! Congratulations!!!
:inlove: :kissingheart:
That is awesome. Are you ever gonna take it somewhere else on a trip or is it stationary? Never saw this thread until now but or was neat to go back and read all the old post and see the beginning images and then the finished product
It’s on wheels so theoretically I could, but I’d need a pretty big truck to pull it and all I have is a Mini Cooper. :lol: But, if I ever wanted to move, I can!
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