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This is a short audio book of poetry by Atticus, not a podcast, but I thought to put it here because, where else?
Apparently Atticus is a poetry sensation on Instagram with 0ver 700k followers.

His new book, and audio book, The Dark Between Stars, poems, read by the author, 35 minutes long. I’m sure you will listen more than once.
Hmmm... no link or anything attached?
This is a short audio book of poetry by Atticus, not a podcast, but I thought to put it here because, where else?
Apparently Atticus is a poetry sensation on Instagram with 0ver 700k followers.

His new book, and audio book, The Dark Between Stars, poems, read by the author, 35 minutes long. I’m sure you will listen more than once.

Never heard of him - I’ll look him up.

And at the risk of further demonstrating how little I understand the social media universe — how does an audio book — of poetry, yet, get to be a sensation on an image sharing forum? o_O
I got it from my public library. The online library. Via the Overdrive app.
My local library system doesn’t have It. I’m often frustrated by the lack of variety available. I have Overdrive and Libby. Perhaps I’ll just search him on Instagram.
Never heard of him - I’ll look him up.

And at the risk of further demonstrating how little I understand the social media universe — how does an audio book — of poetry, yet, get to be a sensation on an image sharing forum? o_O
Or podcasts for that matter?

It is for the inspiration, the emotions aroused, and how that can enrich your imagery.
My local library system doesn’t have It. I’m often frustrated by the lack of variety available. I have Overdrive and Libby. Perhaps I’ll just search him on Instagram.
I don’t think my local library has it either but it is in the province-wide electronic library collection, and that is how I connect using Overdrive. I can borrow any book, ebook, audiobook, video, that any library in the entire province has somewhere.
I don’t think my local library has it either but it is in the province-wide electronic library collection, and that is how I connect using Overdrive. I can borrow any book, ebook, audiobook, video, that any library in the entire province has somewhere.
I used Overdrive, recently our system move to Libby. Nice interface same books. I have the Fingerlakes Library System. A few counties that have local libraries in small towns.
Check out the podcast series by Tara Brach. She’s excellent.
Tara Brach has been a guiding light in the field of mindfulness and meditation for over 30 years. Podcasts consist of teaching classes, talks, and guided meditation.

Another good one is The Metta Hour by Sharon Salzberg. Her primary teaching is about Loving Kindness meditations.
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Check out the podcast series by Tara Brach. She’s excellent.
Tara Brach has been a guiding light in the field of mindfulness and meditation for over 30 years. Podcasts consist of teaching classes, talks, and guided meditation.

Another good one is The Metta Hour by Sharon Salzberg. Her primary teaching is about Loving Kindness meditations.
I also love listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer’s podcasts.
We love Podcasts too. Any trip anywhere is usually accompanied by a podcast or two

Our current and listened to list includes:

This American Life
Mysterious Universe
Car Talk
Fresh Air
New Your Radio Hour
The Theory of Everything
Freakonimics Radio
How I Built This
Pod Save America
More Perfect
Rational security
Snap Judgement

I loved S* Town
Up and Vanished
Dirty John
Spooked (Seasonal)
Jordan Peterson ? I just listened to his conversation with Bjorn Lomborg. And there are plans for one with Zizek this year
I've listened to a few now but I'm not sure, although I did get a new viewpoint on Foucault who I read a lot of in my Uni days but didn't have the educational framework to properly understand and be able to criticise at the time.
Has anyone watched the HBO documentary about Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos? It is very interesting.

And it turns out there was an even more compelling podcast on the company, the founder, the scandal entitled The Dropout. Produced by ABC News and Nightline.
I've listened to a few now but I'm not sure, although I did get a new viewpoint on Foucault who I read a lot of in my Uni days but didn't have the educational framework to properly understand and be able to criticise at the time.

Try some of his personality theory lectures?
Has anyone watched the HBO documentary about Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos? It is very interesting.

And it turns out there was an even more compelling podcast on the company, the founder, the scandal entitled The Dropout. Produced by ABC News and Nightline.
They advertised it like it was some horror story. I found it quite disappointing.
I listen to 130 podcasts. You can find them all at my podstand profile.

Caveat: lots of these are NSFW.

I work from home and most of the time leave my apartment to hang out with my friends or running errands with my family. I have ample time to listen to shows. I have a shower speaker so I listen in the shower, my Echo and Echo Dot and when commuting, on my AirPods. I guess I have an addiction...:tearsofjoy:
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I listen to 130 podcasts. You can find them all at my podstand profile.

Caveat: lots of these are NSFW.

I work from home and most of the time leave my apartment to hang out with my friends or running errands with my family. I have ample time to listen to shows. I have a shower speaker so I listen in the shower, my Echo and Echo Dot and when commuting, on my AirPods. I guess I have an addiction...:tearsofjoy:
What's your top 10 or 20?
I just can’t get into podcasts. I’ve always hated chat shows on the radio - would prefer to listen to the music. I might have been damaged when I was a kid. o_O My Dad used to insist on having the news on in the mornings including over breakfast and it annoyed me immensely. I get as agitated when Tom listens to all the footie results in the car and the banal commentary by supporters.
I listen to 130 podcasts. You can find them all at my podstand profile.

Caveat: lots of these are NSFW.

I work from home and most of the time leave my apartment to hang out with my friends or running errands with my family. I have ample time to listen to shows. I have a shower speaker so I listen in the shower, my Echo and Echo Dot and when commuting, on my AirPods. I guess I have an addiction...:tearsofjoy:

Wow, that’s some list. Let me guess, you work in tech/development? And you read a lot :lmao: (Are you the same Tiffany that hosts ‘Top Four’?)

I’m going to try some of the ‘making the ipad work for you’ podcasts - and hope the content is accessible to non-techs.

I love podcasts, too - but I’ve never really thought about how to stream them (and/or music) at home - Ie apart from the standard earphones. I once wrecked an iPod by taking it into the pool :oops:. I’d wrapped it in cling wrap. I’ve since discovered that the earphone thingies I’ve seen in other people’s ears (at the pool) aren’t iPod earphones :feet:.

I would still like to know how/if I can listen to podcasts in the pool.
Wow, that’s some list. Let me guess, you work in tech/development? And you read a lot :lmao: (Are you the same Tiffany that hosts ‘Top Four’?)

I’m going to try some of the ‘making the ipad work for you’ podcasts - and hope the content is accessible to non-techs.

I love podcasts, too - but I’ve never really thought about how to stream them (and/or music) at home - Ie apart from the standard earphones. I once wrecked an iPod by taking it into the pool :oops:. I’d wrapped it in cling wrap. I’ve since discovered that the earphone thingies I’ve seen in other people’s ears (at the pool) aren’t iPod earphones :feet:.

I would still like to know how/if I can listen to podcasts in the pool.

Hahaha yeah. I'm a front end developer. And yes, I do read a lot.

No. Tiff Arment is a mini-celebrity in the tech community because her husband Marco Arment Co-founded Tumblr and created a couple successful iPhone apps. He's got over 100k Twitter followers and that coveted blue check by his name. She has some pretty successful podcasts and a vibrant instagram account.
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