• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

APPstract RESULT!! APPStract # 48 May 1-May 31


IOTM Winner - Jul 20, Feb 22
Real Name
Star Greathouse
Project Page
APPStract #48


“We are all hungry and thirsty for concrete images. Abstract art will have been good for one thing: to restore its exact virginity to figurative art.”
-Salvatore Dali

. “There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality.
-Pablo Picasso

1. Interpret the theme
2. Use apps
3. Tell us something about your image/edit

Please see MobiTog challenge rules here

JUDGE: terse Ted

THEME: “No theme for this round. Let your imagination run wild”.​


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A version of Stand by me in zenjen’s wreckages, blended over an experiment with Jerry’s French app Fabrique Cubist


As Jerry says, the app really shreds the image. Restored in SnapSeed and DistressedFx
A trip around the moon :hearteyecat:
Yes, I was thinking maypole — a lunar version of axis mundI.
I’m afraid the idea of ‘making moons’ has taken hold of my creative brain. ie it might be the extent of my repertoire :lmao:
PS: Anyone who wants a theme to jumpstart their appstract creativity can use Inspired by Words as a prompt.
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Oh. Took me a while to plod my poor tired brain cells through but light dawned. It’s not a link or an app, but a possible theme. You won the last APPstract, so chose theme - ‘no theme’ as it turns out... some of us complaining of stalled creativity, you’ve offered a theme for those for whom a theme would jumpstart . . . Right. Gottit. Creak. Whirrr. Clank.
Trigraphy has FX layers???
IT DOES! Who knew? It’s within the Layers. You have to have two layers before it kicks in, but if you click on the + on one of the layers then you get a choice. I’ll show you. Oh, maybe it’s not a plus but a X.:confused: No, it’s a +. It turns into an X when you press the +.:lol:

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