• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

B&W RESULT: Black and White Challenge #282... Ends August 13


Mobi Veteran
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iPhone 14 Pro
Project Page

This is the place to celebrate and showcase all of your beautiful black and white images. This is a theme-free zone so, as long as it's black and white, just about anything and everything goes!

The Rules are simple:

* All images must be taken and edited on a mobile device: a mobile phone, tablet, iPod or iPad.

* Any app(s) can be used in the making of your image, editing is permitted, but this must be done on a mobile device (see 1) above).

* Please remember to add a title and a description of your image and what apps were used. We love to know how you did it.

Please also see the MobiTog Rules and Guidelines for all MobiChallenges posted HERE. Please note specifically Rule 4: Generally, anything goes in terms of processing, within the bounds of common decency and the Specific Rules for the Challenge or Contest, but entrants must document how they achieved the submitted result in their Challenge or Contest post, i.e. name of the device used to take the image and list each app used, in the order it is used.

Judge: bud66 Tim
St. John's Wort infused in vodka?
We've been cat sitting for an easten european (Polish?) lady who is very into sustainable growing, jaring, brewing, drying, fermented foods, what have you. The kitchen and much of her shelving, in the living room have jars and bottles with something you can eat, drink or use as an ingredient. She gave us a vinegar mother for our chickens the other day.
We've been cat sitting for an easten european (Polish?) lady who is very into sustainable growing, jaring, brewing, drying, fermented foods, what have you. The kitchen and much of her shelving, in the living room have jars and bottles with something you can eat, drink or use as an ingredient. She gave us a vinegar mother for our chickens the other day.
I love this!! We call it a SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast) and when I used to make kombucha I had some beauties. Too bad I didn't have chickens then - I had to throw them out! Now I don't make kombucha any more.... :cautious:
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