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Selling photos


Real Name
Fred Claus
Has anyone tried selling their pictures? I'm looking to make some extra cash for my non profit and found this article. I wonder if any of you have used any of these apps and would recommend it?

Has anyone tried selling their pictures? I'm looking to make some extra cash for my non profit and found this article. I wonder if any of you have used any of these apps and would recommend it?

I have never tried to sell my photos. One of our members has sold one, several times, I understand. MsDee but she was moving from Florida to Wisconsin (?) and hasn’t been around for a while. I remember it was an image of a burger and fries. I imagine it was purchased for use in an ad or on a menu.
Has anyone tried selling their pictures? I'm looking to make some extra cash for my non profit and found this article. I wonder if any of you have used any of these apps and would recommend it?

No help from me, I'm afraid. I've never tried to sell any of my photos either. I wonder if there might be a market for selling prints of your photos locally rather than (or in addition to) selling digital versions online.
I'm here... lurking in an out. We moved twice in Wisconsin over the past few months... as there was a gap in our closing dates for both our former and new houses. Just got back a week or so ago from a trip to Florida to retrieve my car... and visit people along the way back. Busier now than before I retired!! ;)

We are still settling in our new home, searching for replacement items we sold/donated before our move...
I do remember selling a few of my photos back in the day... there was a company associated with Instagram, before the blasted Facebook purchase of Instagram, can't remember the name.

Here is a site, I've heard of through this artist - he's a host on the twit.tv network, https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/ant-pruitt - perhaps it may be worthwhile?
I'm here... lurking in an out. We moved twice in Wisconsin over the past few months... as there was a gap in our closing dates for both our former and new houses. Just got back a week or so ago from a trip to Florida to retrieve my car... and visit people along the way back. Busier now than before I retired!! ;)

We are still settling in our new home, searching for replacement items we sold/donated before our move...
I do remember selling a few of my photos back in the day... there was a company associated with Instagram, before the blasted Facebook purchase of Instagram, can't remember the name.

Here is a site, I've heard of through this artist - he's a host on the twit.tv network, https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/ant-pruitt - perhaps it may be worthwhile?
Nice to see you! I can’t imagine moving once, seems like you’ve made it a lifestyle! :lmao: Hope when everything settles down you can find time to post.
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