• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Skylum Imgmi

Its full access for 7 days then pay up either weekly ( :lol: ) yearly or outright. From what I can see its no real improvement on what's out there already and its not cheap.
I see. And I notice that once you’re locked into a subscription, that’s it and you have to be vigilant come renewal time, if you want to cancel it.
I see. And I notice that once you’re locked into a subscription, that’s it and you have to be vigilant come renewal time, if you want to cancel it.
Yes like anything else they will bank on people forgetting and being charged the 25 quid or whatever it is. I'll cancel mine towards the end of next week, can't see me keeping it. Bit of a disappointment really from such a big company.


First image is the edited version via Imgmi, a totally unpronounceable name wonder why they chose that!
Second image is the original, Pixel's tend to produce undersaturated images whereas Samsung and Apple tend to oversaturate their images.
I did put the top image through snapseed for a crop and a bit of a frame but otherwise its all the new apps work. Considering its just a slider I think it does quite a good job, it definitely brings the colours out.
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