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Mobi365 Ubbyisis’ Project 365 - 2022

Day 365 - December 31st Nyårsafton 2022 - High High, High in the sky :lmao:

I didn't get any cannabis :D But the sight of a sea eagle on our stormy walk gave me a real kick:thumbs:

edits in LRM (a short video clip is in my Instagram feed @ubbyliv)


66% moon above our old parish church. LRM and Snapseed

Day 365 - December 31st Nyårsafton 2022 - High High, High in the sky :lmao:

I didn't get any cannabis :D But the sight of a sea eagle on our stormy walk gave me a real kick:thumbs:

edits in LRM (a short video clip is in my Instagram feed @ubbyliv)

View attachment 188628

66% moon above our old parish church. LRM and Snapseed

View attachment 188629
PS I just had to superimpose those 2 photos as they had almost identical composition

Superimpose X and LRM

I’m a restless person who thinks and worries too much too often. I’m also or ”all-or-nothing” person. Before my stoma surgery almost 10 years ago I was using food and wine and cigarettes and working way too much. Some kind of self-medication I guess. Nowadays I neither drink nor overeat and as for work I got an early retirement for health reasons. I only eat once a day because my stomach becomes my worst enemy after every food intake. So my fuel to keep me going is cigarettes and espresso and my daily walks :coffee: I might be a bit cynical but I often think that there's a higher risk that I suddenly die of the next ileus any day than of the cigarettes. I might be wrong, but stupidly enough I don't even want to stop smoking. Very expensive bad habit though. This may sound even weirder but I've thought of cultivating cannabis to get organic pain killers. That could also lead to less cigarettes. Just that cannabis is so super illegal in Sweden so you have to get in touch with criminals to get seeds:eek:
I feel your pain with the internal issues, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 30 years ago and have had issues on and off for years, when it plays up eating once a day works well, I was on the verge of losing my colon in my mid-thirties but thankfully things calmed down and despite a few ups and downs i've managed to hang on to it. When I spent lots of time in Gibraltar smoking and drinking were both very cheap so I overindulged in both, I too no longer drink alcohol though for different reasons - I lost my younger brother early in 2019 to alcohol-related problems :( I did try cannabis when I was in my thirties (shhh don't tell the police as it's illegal in the UK too) to see if it would help the pain and inflammation I had with my UC but I can report that it didn't work in my case, just left me feeling like I had a head full of cottonwool. Walking daily is a fabulous thing to do :)
I feel your pain with the internal issues, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 30 years ago and have had issues on and off for years, when it plays up eating once a day works well, I was on the verge of losing my colon in my mid-thirties but thankfully things calmed down and despite a few ups and downs i've managed to hang on to it. When I spent lots of time in Gibraltar smoking and drinking were both very cheap so I overindulged in both, I too no longer drink alcohol though for different reasons - I lost my younger brother early in 2019 to alcohol-related problems :( I did try cannabis when I was in my thirties (shhh don't tell the police as it's illegal in the UK too) to see if it would help the pain and inflammation I had with my UC but I can report that it didn't work in my case, just left me feeling like I had a head full of cottonwool. Walking daily is a fabulous thing to do :)
I’m amazed over how much we have in common :thinking::inlove:
I know, you're like my long-lost Swedish twin :lmao:
OK, this is not a lie: One of my best friends, when I was in my teens, was a classmate called Yvonne. The one and only time I tested cannabis was with her way back in 1975. I remember I thought it tasted too sugary and I didn't feel any positive effect. I was disappointed :lmao: Unfortunately my friend later developed drug-related problems but the last time I heard anything it seems she is alive and safe and sound.
OK, this is not a lie: One of my best friends, when I was in my teens, was a classmate called Yvonne. The one and only time I tested cannabis was with her way back in 1975. I remember I thought it tasted too sugary and I didn't feel any positive effect. I was disappointed :lmao: Unfortunately my friend later developed drug-related problems but the last time I heard anything it seems she is alive and safe and sound.
That's amazing, maybe us Yvonnes are universally a bad influence :lmao: :tearsofjoy: even now when i'm supposed to be old and decrepit i can't help but be bit of a rebel... Glad your friend survived the drug-related problems, not everyone was so lucky back then - I was a bit scared to try anything other than the cannabis and Ian and I are currently binge-watching Breaking Bad as our seasonal entertainment, I said to him that it would definitely put you off becoming involved in anything drug-related!
That's amazing, maybe us Yvonnes are universally a bad influence :lmao: :tearsofjoy: even now when i'm supposed to be old and decrepit i can't help but be bit of a rebel... Glad your friend survived the drug-related problems, not everyone was so lucky back then - I was a bit scared to try anything other than the cannabis and Ian and I are currently binge-watching Breaking Bad as our seasonal entertainment, I said to him that it would definitely put you off becoming involved in anything drug-related!
:thumbs: I think I'm at low risk. After all I have to be as sane as possible for Linus' sake :inlove:
Day 365 - December 31st Nyårsafton 2022 - High High, High in the sky :lmao:

I didn't get any cannabis :D But the sight of a sea eagle on our stormy walk gave me a real kick:thumbs:

edits in LRM (a short video clip is in my Instagram feed @ubbyliv)

View attachment 188628

66% moon above our old parish church. LRM and Snapseed

View attachment 188629
We had a bald eagle fly over our house a few days ago. We see them a lot in last ten years, after recovering from near extinction. It’s still a bit of a thrill every time I see one. Your parish church top looks quaint. Do you have an image of the whole thing?
We had a bald eagle fly over our house a few days ago. We see them a lot in last ten years, after recovering from near extinction. It’s still a bit of a thrill every time I see one. Your parish church top looks quaint. Do you have an image of the whole thing?

The sea eagle - in Swedish havsörn - is the ”landscape bird” for our region Uppland. I want to be a sea eagle in my next life. Or perhaps an osprey. Just that I’m not sure I’ll get a next life :rolleyes:

built in the 12th century
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The sea eagle - in Swedish havsörn - is the ”landscape bird” for our region Uppland. I want to be a sea eagle in my next life. Or perhaps an osprey. Just that I’m not sure I’ll get a next life :rolleyes:

built in the 12th century
View attachment 188644
That is just as I envisioned! Thanks!
it's illegal in the UK too
It is but from my experience, the police have better things to do than care if you've the odd plant growing at home. Growing it on a factory scale is a different matter I guess.
It's my favorite intoxicant but I'm not very functional when I'm high so I had to put it behind me. :sighs:

My sister has been in constant joint pain for a couple of decades now. She tried CBD but it had no effect on her unfortunately.
It is but from my experience, the police have better things to do than care if you've the odd plant growing at home. Growing it on a factory scale is a different matter I guess.
It's my favorite intoxicant but I'm not very functional when I'm high so I had to put it behind me. :sighs:

My sister has been in constant joint pain for a couple of decades now. She tried CBD but it had no effect on her unfortunately.
I’m sorry for your sister. Constant pain is no joke and most folks don’t understand how debilitating it is.
I lost my younger brother early in 2019 to alcohol-related problems :(
I’m really sorry about your brother… :(
I did try cannabis when I was in my thirties (shhh don't tell the police as it's illegal in the UK too) to see if it would help the pain and inflammation I had with my UC but I can report that it didn't work in my case, just left me feeling like I had a head full of cottonwool.
Can you get CBD? It has no THC so it won’t make you high at all.
YES, it’s been like that since the release of iPadOS 16.1. At first I thought it had to do with StageManager but it’s the same regardsless of if I have it activated or not. There have been a couple of updates to Instagram recently, but the problem persists. iPad Mini no problems at all, just as for you. It HAS worked OK on my Pro two or three times though, but now I have stopped even trying. What a relief to know it isn’t just my iPad :whistle:
Starzee and anybody else with an iPad Pro 12,9 2021
Just a quick note to say that the comment thing on IG with iPad Pro works fine now. I don’t know when they fixed it. I’ve used my Mini for posting since the problem started. And then I started a post from my Pro by mistake today and noticed that it worked :thumbs:
Starzee and anybody else with an iPad Pro 12,9 2021
Just a quick note to say that the comment thing on IG with iPad Pro works fine now. I don’t know when they fixed it. I’ve used my Mini for posting since the problem started. And then I started a post from my Pro by mistake today and noticed that it worked :thumbs:
Thanks! I’ve been using my browser to post on my Pro!
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