• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Mobi365 Ubbyisis Project 365 2023

Day 347 - December 13th - In our home everyone is welcome for dinner :)

Heard a faint rustling (?) noise from below the doorstep when I got back from today’s walk. I didn’t get any good photos of the guest, but here it is anyway.



Day 348 - December 14th - The old ash tree again

It's been one of those days when it feels everything is against you. Just shot one photo on my long walk, which was partly messed up because of the Apple Watch behaving oddly. When I got home a few hours ago I decided to take care of some horrible forms that needed to be sent to the authorities. I thought it would take an hour max. But I got stuck with it for 3 hours. PDF forms you know. And all of a sudden we had a power outage. My DH says I'm like a thunder storm cloud.
Enough ranted

My only photo, edited with Distressed FX+

Day 348 - December 14th - The old ash tree again

It's been one of those days when it feels everything is against you. Just shot one photo on my long walk, which was partly messed up because of the Apple Watch behaving oddly. When I got home a few hours ago I decided to take care of some horrible forms that needed to be sent to the authorities. I thought it would take an hour max. But I got stuck with it for 3 hours. PDF forms you know. And all of a sudden we had a power outage. My DH says I'm like a thunder storm cloud.
Enough ranted

My only photo, edited with Distressed FX+

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Are you like a thunder storm cloud? Mike calls me “mean Starlene” :lmao: I like yours better.
Day 349 - December 15th - Killed at work :(:thinking:

The number of deaths related to workplace accidents have risen quite a bit these last few years in Sweden. Sloppy companies that don’t care a damn about humans. Just quick money that counts.

Couldn’t help thinking of that when I found about 10 poor scout bees lying dead close to the hives on today’s walk. I wonder what they was looking for in the middle of the winter.

edits in Lightroom Mobile


Day 350 - December 16th - I hope it doesn’t melt completely

We’ve got a remarkable weather change. Temperatures around plus 5 (41F) and strong wind from southwest. You can even hear the sound of melting snow. But there’s plenty of it so perhaps we’ll get a white Christmas despite the capricious weather gods.

From my walk. Edits in Radiant Mobile


Day 350 - December 16th - I hope it doesn’t melt completely

We’ve got a remarkable weather change. Temperatures around plus 5 (41F) and strong wind from southwest. You can even hear the sound of melting snow. But there’s plenty of it so perhaps we’ll get a white Christmas despite the capricious weather gods.

From my walk. Edits in Radiant Mobile

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That’s what our weather is doing. Unseasonably warm. And no snow to melt. What good is winter without snow?
Day 348 - December 14th - The old ash tree again

It's been one of those days when it feels everything is against you. Just shot one photo on my long walk, which was partly messed up because of the Apple Watch behaving oddly. When I got home a few hours ago I decided to take care of some horrible forms that needed to be sent to the authorities. I thought it would take an hour max. But I got stuck with it for 3 hours. PDF forms you know. And all of a sudden we had a power outage. My DH says I'm like a thunder storm cloud.
Enough ranted

My only photo, edited with Distressed FX+

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My DH gives me a hard time if I rant in the car. Tells me to stop steaming up the windows. :lmao:
Day 353 - December 19th - Waiting for the snow…

Almost all the snow has melted, but we’ve got warnings about very heavy snowfall on Thursday and Friday. They say it can come as much as 40cm (16 inches). If that’s true I think it’ll be a new record.

edits in Lightroom Mobile

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Day 353 - December 19th - Waiting for the snow…

Almost all the snow has melted, but we’ve got warnings about very heavy snowfall on Thursday and Friday. They say it can come as much as 40cm (16 inches). If that’s true I think it’ll be a new record.

edits in Lightroom Mobile

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We got our first fairly decent snow, about 4 inches. Not a lot but enough to cover. No more in sight. 16 inches is an event. I know a bunch of snowmobilers who would love to see that.
Day 356 - December 22nd - It doesn’t stop

It’s still snowing… I think my hubby is the only person around who clears away the snow manually with a classic shovel. Everyone else uses expensive noisy machines. For example Mr Noisy Neighbour. I just watched him as he’s sitting in his tractor drinking beer while clearing snow. My DH is 30 years older than NN, but I believe he’s in better shape ;)

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edits in PicTapGo

Day 358 - December 24th Julafton - Thoughtful Santa :inlove:

In Sweden, we celebrate Christmas on the 24th. We've had a cozy day just the three of us. Linus accepted the fact that today wasn't a big party day but wasn't too happy about it.
My boys just came back from Noisy Neighbors. As every year they want some Santa help. Linus thinks it's fun. That's the only reason they go there. Didn't offer as much as i piece of chocolate.

Day 358 - December 24th Julafton - Thoughtful Santa :inlove:

In Sweden, we celebrate Christmas on the 24th. We've had a cozy day just the three of us. Linus accepted the fact that today wasn't a big party day but wasn't too happy about it.
My boys just came back from Noisy Neighbors. As every year they want some Santa help. Linus thinks it's fun. That's the only reason they go there. Didn't offer as much as i piece of chocolate.

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I like the picture, but not offering Linus anything for his help? Bah, humbug!
Day 359 - December 25th Juldagen - I met Old Man Winter today :rolleyes: :thumbs:

At first, my brain told me I had met a tyrannosaurus rex, then it said it was a huge angry chicken. But in the end me and my relaxed brain decided it was Old Man Winter, Kung Bore in Swedish. Kung is of course the same word as King. I found an ice crown in Picsart and edited it further. The final touch in iColorama.


Day 360 - December 26th - Relaxing walk before the family party

We overslept today. It almost never happens. Of all days we ”chose” today. But we got everything in order before the guests arrived. I even managed to get a walk before the family party.
Minus 14 degrees and lovely sunshine

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Day 361 - December 27th - Bye bye Mom :inlove:

Linus left with a big smile on his face. Eager to get back home and unpack his Xmas gifts.

edits in Lightroom


playing around with Hipsta X. My Hipsta problem is that I don't have the patience to go through all the lenses and films. My fault - why have I bought them all :thinking::D

Day 362 - December 28th - An attempt to describe today’s scary meeting

As I was out walking a huge black dog, grand danois like, was walking fast towards me. Nu other humans in sight. I got terrified. Turned around and started to walk towards a nearby house. The dog followed. But when I arrived to the door of the house the dog got back on the road and walked further. Of course i didn’t shoot any photos.

I thought I should try doing an AI generated image of this. Apperently too difficult for me. I really need more practice or I should stick to my photos.

Perhaps we should have a challenge: who can make the best AI of a middleaged woman who gets scared like hell by a huge black dog when she’s out on a walk on a road in a snowy winter landscape. Or what ever :D I even came to think of Baskervilles hound :eek:




please note the peak on my heart rate chart :lmao:



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