• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

BargainWatch *post app bargains here*

Chris, I took some delicious shots of the crocuses blooming, with Camera Boost on my iPad. It's wonderful. Thank you for your intelligent coding and design, and for the terrific update. I am wishing you all the best!
Can't remember now what I was looking for but this came up

LAB Photo HD by TigApp

Interesting app, you can alter different parts of an image, sky, ground, all etc
Original was taken with Pure Shot, second and third I was mucking with the sky

The only issue I have is that it saves at 800x597 which is going to be a deal breaker for me. If it kept the full resolution I think it would be a good app to keep around. I can't see any way to alter what it saves at either... :(
I download their other apps and all are lower res than I would like.

Archaic, only three B+W effects, can't alter the effects in any way and saves at 1600x1600. The effects are Platinum, Cyanotype and Van Dyke. This I probably will keep around. Although I would like higher res I really like the effects. Maybe I will try BigPhoto and see how they stand up.
Classic Vintage Photo has 18 effects and saves at 1440x1440. The free version has a watermark, $1.99 to get rid of the watermark but I don't know if 1440x1440 is the highest res.
Lab Photo HD is as I said before 800x597. Doesn't have any in-app that I can find.
Lab Photo for iPhone will in the free version save at 720x537, there is a Hi-Res in-app for $0.99 but nothing telling you what their Hi-Res is.

None have preferences in app or at the system level

The real shame of it is that I have tried all the effects and liked every last one of them!

I sent them email so will see if they respond. If they do I will post it here or in a new thread.
Oh dear, Chris, you said the right/wrong thing. I went, I acquired, I am slightly ashamed of myself.
I do the same thing all the time. I originally was looking for something else (just dawned on me that I was looking for apps that develop as in photo lab) :) and this came up and free to so I figured I would try it....
They are really temprorary... I just went there and looks like its gone now.

And no, I'm not... If you look under my badge, it says Connecticut. :D
Price is back to 2.99 but for some reason it says it is not available in the Canadian store but is available in the UK store. I already own it, I bought it about a year ago, just don't know why it does this with apps from time to time.
HDR Art is free for a limited time. Turn any of your ordinary photo into fantastic HDR Art.
HDR, Vintage, BW, Light Polarizer, Film Simulator. Sales for .99
The apps on sale are by who? Searching for Light Polarizer or Film Simulator didn't find anything, HDR gives you a huge list as does Vintage and BW. Just curious (as if I need more apps :))
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