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Larry the App Guy: My App Reviews

Oilist by 3DTOPO Inc.

Current Price is $3.99US
Was on sale yesterday for $1.99, a one day sale...
I thought it was going to be on sale longer than one day.
It may be an app to watch for sales.

Forget filters. Meet Oilist.
The ground breaking generational art app.
Genuine art. All saved at canvas-worthy 4k resolution.

Give Oilist an image and it will automatically generate a genuine and unique work of art based on it. Painted for you in real time! Participate or spectate, it's up to you, Oilist will delight!

Oilist comes with 18 infinitely customizable styles; from impressionist to abstract.
Universal app and supports either screen orientation.

It is an interesting app and works unlike any other apps I have for painting. This app once started painting will keep painting until you pause t or go back etc. At any point you can save the image. On the main menu there is a button that looks like a framed picture, taping on it saves the image as it currently is.

When you open an image you have a choice of 18 Paint styles to pick from.
Once loaded it will show the menu and start painting automatically.

Down the right side is the main menu bar (in landscape) with Mood, Brush, Options, Chaos, Gravity and Rotation.
There are 10 Moods from Natural to Warm, Cool and others. These all have a slider for intensity of the effect or Mood, these can be changed at any time while painting so you can alter and blend the various Moods.
Brushes is the shape of the brushes, there are 16 styles of brushes.
Options has two sliders for the brushes, the size and density
Chaos has a Central rest point and you can ill the marker in any direction, the four quadrants are Zoom, Spin, Explode and Noise, you can drag the puck where you want and hold it there to add more or change or ext at any point.
Gravity will introduce paint movement and has two setting Manual, where when you turn your device the paints will run in that direction and an Automatic mode.
The last choice is Rotation and its rotation or direction of the brush strokes and again you have a choice of Manual or Automatic.

There is an in-app temporary gallery (while the session is going) and it automatically saves the image to cameraroll. If you go to the in-app gallery you can add a base texture to the image so it looks like it was done on canvas. You can also upload your image to their servers and have it done on real canvas in sizes from 8x11 ($26) to 38x54 ($188) you can also have simple frames added for an additional cost.

The app saves at 4096x4096 or 4096 long side with other ratios, regardless of input resolution.

At this point I have the app and I know that GroovyGouvy has it and I sent a pm to Jen about it but not sure if she got it yesterday.

I am watching the price and when it comes on sale again will post it here.

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It crushes on my iPad4 each time I wanted to paint
That is why I did not try it again on my iPad
As for my iphone it does not
Have send a report to the developer of this app and has not reply me yet
Any help on this or I need to upgrade mu iPad:D
It crushes on my iPad4 each time I wanted to paint
That is why I did not try it again on my iPad
As for my iphone it does not
Have send a report to the developer of this app and has not reply me yet
Any help on this or I need to upgrade mu iPad:D
I have not had any issues on my Air 2.
Will post a note on AppZapp and see if anyone there has had issues.

Have you tried deleting the app and reinstalling? The odd time when an app doesn't behave this helps. So far on AppZapp the most complaints are about missing the short sale and most don't think its worth the full price, $2 seems to be a price most are willing to spend Not the $3.99. I would agree that $3.99 is maybe to high for this but I have only started playing with it too and maybe I will find a combination of everything that is really good. I have got some pretty good results so far.
Last edited:
It crushes on my iPad4 each time I wanted to paint
That is why I did not try it again on my iPad
As for my iphone it does not
Have send a report to the developer of this app and has not reply me yet
Any help on this or I need to upgrade mu iPad:D
The app was just updated a few minutes ago so maybe try updating, one part was to fix some crashes...
To Lzed'
Have you tried the app PaintStorm Studio
After the recent update I have problem opening this app on my iPad4 :(
This was not an issued when I purchased the app and it was running smoothly but a bit slow which I like
Any help on this
Thank you
To Lzed'
Have you tried the app PaintStorm Studio
After the recent update I have problem opening this app on my iPad4 :(
This was not an issued when I purchased the app and it was running smoothly but a bit slow which I like
Any help on this
Thank you
Nope don't have PaintStorm Studio. I have been watching for a good sale for it. Last Nov it came on for $10 here and I missed it. Right now it's $18 here.
Try deleting off the iPad and reinstall. Are you on very latest iOS 10.3.1, don't know if that would make any difference.
Not sure if I am going to upgrade to iOS 11 when in comes out, I have a bunch of older apps that still work but chances of them being updated are slim and none and iOS 11 is 64bit only no longer support for 32 bit apps. I keep getting anoyed when the message comes up saying this app will not work with future versions of iOS...
Nope don't have PaintStorm Studio. I have been watching for a good sale for it. Last Nov it came on for $10 here and I missed it. Right now it's $18 here.
Try deleting off the iPad and reinstall. Are you on very latest iOS 10.3.1, don't know if that would make any difference.
Not sure if I am going to upgrade to iOS 11 when in comes out, I have a bunch of older apps that still work but chances of them being updated are slim and none and iOS 11 is 64bit only no longer support for 32 bit apps. I keep getting anoyed when the message comes up saying this app will not work with future versions of iOS...
Thank you
Have tried
Even the developer email me to do this and it fails miserably Not only the Paintstorm Studio and PaintStorm lite also
Have send the crush diagnostic with error bug type 109 and error version 104
What are these I don't know
Hope they can solve these problems
LIPRO by graf

Currently free instead of its normal $3.99US
So get while its free!
It is only about 10MB in size so doesn't take up a lot of space.

Pretty good app though it does have a couple of quirks....

As always I have no idea why developers don't make apps universal and support landscape. This is an iPhone app and portrait orientation.

You can take pictures within the app or load images from cameraroll. To start with it looks fairly generic and starts with filters, 27 of them. While nothing special at least you can adjust intensity of them.

The fun starts when you get to the editing and here is where this app shines. It has just about every exposure, colour, setting you can ever need.

It also has a few tricks that I have not seen in many other filtering/editing apps, namely it has lens corrections in it along with straighten, crop etc. What this means is you can correct images that have lens distortion (more noticeable with add-on lenses)

The app does some strange things when saving (at least on my iPad Air 2), save gives you the option of modifying the original or making a copy and while modifying the original works I couldn't get it to create a new image. The export also does weird things, if I just tap on export it looks like it works, ie the three dots turn black but then they change back to the three circles. To export I have to tap on the export twice then it will open the export menu where I can save or open in another app and save from the export menu does save as a new image.

Save resolution is good at input=export up to its max of 4096x4096.

Overall with the tricks this has I will use it and for the current free price is very good.
Cloak by Nicholas Pacholski

I was looking at the app Artful Pro and someone there said Cloak was a better app as it was cheaper and had the same effects etc. So I figured for the $0.99US I would get Cloak.

There are 18 filters to pick from, none are adjustable and most are nothing unique, about the only one that is harder to find is a straight invert which this app has.

There are a lot of masks to pick from and from what I see they are well done. I didn't count how many simply because of the way it displays on my ipad, it cuts most of the mask preview off leaving only about the top 1/8th inch or so that I can see. It's enough that I can tap on it but can't tell from looking what it looks like until i actually select it. Still useable just not very convenient....

Edit, I did go back to do some more samples and counted and there are 115 masks/shapes to pick from. (If I counted right :))

Part of the issue is this is an iPhone app and portrait orientation. This is why I wish Apple would tell all developers that apps have to be Universal and work correctly...

The app is 1:1 ratio only and when you open an image you can zoom and select where the 1:1 section comes from.

You can apply filters or masks to videos which is pretty neat.

Now the biggest issue I have with the app and something I hope like the Universal and supporting landscape is the save resolution.
Currently the 1:1 video is saved at a very poor 320X320
Currently images are saved at a poor 640x640.

One way to improve it a bit is to take a screengrab (on iPad's at least) where I can crop and get an image that is 1270x1270. Would be nice is when saving in the app if it had a "open in" so I could open it in BigPhoto and enlarge it. Saving, cropping and enlarging in Big Photo anything over about 3200x3200 starts to pixelate.

Artful on the other hand (the free version) has a lot few filters and only a few masks but does save at 1536x1420 on my iPad but I do think its tied to screen grab, if I use it in landscape saves are 2048x908.

Everything said I do like Cloak and will keep it but will still look at Artful Pro to come on sale. Although today it was supposed to be on sale it must have been one of those micro sales that last as long as it take the developer to change the price for the sale then change it back...

I have mentioned the app Artful a couple times...
Free version with ads and watermark

Artful Pro $2.99US
Artful Pro by GREEK APP LLC

And some samples:




Cloak by Nicholas Pacholski

I was looking at the app Artful Pro and someone there said Cloak was a better app as it was cheaper and had the same effects etc. So I figured for the $0.99US I would get Cloak.

There are 18 filters to pick from, none are adjustable and most are nothing unique, about the only one that is harder to find is a straight invert which this app has.

There are a lot of masks to pick from and from what I see they are well done. I didn't count how many simply because of the way it displays on my ipad, it cuts most of the mask preview off leaving only about the top 1/8th inch or so that I can see. It's enough that I can tap on it but can't tell from looking what it looks like until i actually select it. Still useable just not very convenient....

Edit, I did go back to do some more samples and counted and there are 115 masks/shapes to pick from. (If I counted right :))

Part of the issue is this is an iPhone app and portrait orientation. This is why I wish Apple would tell all developers that apps have to be Universal and work correctly...

The app is 1:1 ratio only and when you open an image you can zoom and select where the 1:1 section comes from.

You can apply filters or masks to videos which is pretty neat.

Now the biggest issue I have with the app and something I hope like the Universal and supporting landscape is the save resolution.
Currently the 1:1 video is saved at a very poor 320X320
Currently images are saved at a poor 640x640.

One way to improve it a bit is to take a screengrab (on iPad's at least) where I can crop and get an image that is 1270x1270. Would be nice is when saving in the app if it had a "open in" so I could open it in BigPhoto and enlarge it. Saving, cropping and enlarging in Big Photo anything over about 3200x3200 starts to pixelate.

Artful on the other hand (the free version) has a lot few filters and only a few masks but does save at 1536x1420 on my iPad but I do think its tied to screen grab, if I use it in landscape saves are 2048x908.

Everything said I do like Cloak and will keep it but will still look at Artful Pro to come on sale. Although today it was supposed to be on sale it must have been one of those micro sales that last as long as it take the developer to change the price for the sale then change it back...

I have mentioned the app Artful a couple times...
Free version with ads and watermark

Artful Pro $2.99US
Artful Pro by GREEK APP LLC

And some samples:
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View attachment 93855

Nice images! All these masks included? Can you add your own? To get DEs like the above?
Cloak by Nicholas Pacholski

I was looking at the app Artful Pro and someone there said Cloak was a better app as it was cheaper and had the same effects etc. So I figured for the $0.99US I would get Cloak.

There are 18 filters to pick from, none are adjustable and most are nothing unique, about the only one that is harder to find is a straight invert which this app has.

There are a lot of masks to pick from and from what I see they are well done. I didn't count how many simply because of the way it displays on my ipad, it cuts most of the mask preview off leaving only about the top 1/8th inch or so that I can see. It's enough that I can tap on it but can't tell from looking what it looks like until i actually select it. Still useable just not very convenient....

Edit, I did go back to do some more samples and counted and there are 115 masks/shapes to pick from. (If I counted right :))

Part of the issue is this is an iPhone app and portrait orientation. This is why I wish Apple would tell all developers that apps have to be Universal and work correctly...

The app is 1:1 ratio only and when you open an image you can zoom and select where the 1:1 section comes from.

You can apply filters or masks to videos which is pretty neat.

Now the biggest issue I have with the app and something I hope like the Universal and supporting landscape is the save resolution.
Currently the 1:1 video is saved at a very poor 320X320
Currently images are saved at a poor 640x640.

One way to improve it a bit is to take a screengrab (on iPad's at least) where I can crop and get an image that is 1270x1270. Would be nice is when saving in the app if it had a "open in" so I could open it in BigPhoto and enlarge it. Saving, cropping and enlarging in Big Photo anything over about 3200x3200 starts to pixelate.

Artful on the other hand (the free version) has a lot few filters and only a few masks but does save at 1536x1420 on my iPad but I do think its tied to screen grab, if I use it in landscape saves are 2048x908.

Everything said I do like Cloak and will keep it but will still look at Artful Pro to come on sale. Although today it was supposed to be on sale it must have been one of those micro sales that last as long as it take the developer to change the price for the sale then change it back...

I have mentioned the app Artful a couple times...
Free version with ads and watermark

Artful Pro $2.99US
Artful Pro by GREEK APP LLC

And some samples:
View attachment 93851

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View attachment 93855
Wow... those are pretty unique! Especially the smokey ones and the tree.... I could see a super creative type making some really interesting art with this.
Nice images! All these masks included? Can you add your own? To get DEs like the above?
Yes. Cloak has around 115 masks, some are quite nice and for the $0.99 I think a pretty good deal. No in-apps, no ads, no watermarks. Only thing I hope he fixes is save resolution and being limited to 1:1

Wow... those are pretty unique! Especially the smokey ones and the tree.... I could see a super creative type making some really interesting art with this.
I like a lot of the masks, there are some I will never use but most are quite nice and some like these are unique (although Artful previews shows quite similar ones).

Just to see what it would do I took a screengrab, cropped it then using big phone upped resolution to 3200x3200 and on the screen looked pretty good. If I zoom in at about 50% it starts to pixelate a lot so you can get them to a usable resolution without too much trouble. Size will of course depend on what your doing it on as screengrab res is different for different devices.
Artful Pro

Artful Pro by GREEK APP LLC

It is a universal app and does work in either orientation.

A bit frustrating to get, this developer like having micro sales that don't last very long. I missed a couple times but today it showed $0.99 and I was able to get it for that, I went to copy the link and it showed in AppZapp with the price back at the $2.99US in red so price some places is back up. If you decide to get it make sure of the price... hate developers that change price like this.

In any case I do have it so...

Save resolution is as mentioned before I think tied to your devices screengrab size, in my case the 2048 long side or 1536x1536.

This app does a fair bit more then the other app.

Crop with some preset sizes or free and you have a straighten.
60 filters that are adjustable for intensity or strength.
The most common basic exposure adjustments including clarity. There is also a magic wand that will adjust the base image, tapping on the magic icon again (without saving) reverts back.
Stickers, a bunch of emoji stickers or some shapes.
Overlays which are limited, Golden, LightLeak, Rain, Mosaic, Vintage or Paper. Problem is there is only one effect of each. They are adjustable for strength. No Rotation unless you go back to crop and rotate the image...
Frames, only three simple frames, nothing I would use...
Brush so you can draw over top of the image.
Focus limited to linear ot circular

The big one is Mask Shapes and this raises one issue, it's not intuitive how to get to them. I would like to see either a button on the edit screen or something more obvious then it is now. You have 150 Masks and while many are the same as in Cloak there are some missing like the smoke one that I really like in Cloak. Artful Pro also lets you set a background colour for the mask and you have a choice of 38 colours. Unfortunately once you pick a colour you can't go back to a plain white. In filters and most everywhere else the have "original" or no filter etc, so why not here is beyond me.

I will send a note to the developer and see if these can be fixed.

For $0.99US I think it's a good app but with a couple of issues I don't know that I would pay more then $0.99

Tomorrow I will post some samples.
Artful Pro

Artful Pro by GREEK APP LLC

It is a universal app and does work in either orientation.

A bit frustrating to get, this developer like having micro sales that don't last very long. I missed a couple times but today it showed $0.99 and I was able to get it for that, I went to copy the link and it showed in AppZapp with the price back at the $2.99US in red so price some places is back up. If you decide to get it make sure of the price... hate developers that change price like this.

In any case I do have it so...

Save resolution is as mentioned before I think tied to your devices screengrab size, in my case the 2048 long side or 1536x1536.

This app does a fair bit more then the other app.

Crop with some preset sizes or free and you have a straighten.
60 filters that are adjustable for intensity or strength.
The most common basic exposure adjustments including clarity. There is also a magic wand that will adjust the base image, tapping on the magic icon again (without saving) reverts back.
Stickers, a bunch of emoji stickers or some shapes.
Overlays which are limited, Golden, LightLeak, Rain, Mosaic, Vintage or Paper. Problem is there is only one effect of each. They are adjustable for strength. No Rotation unless you go back to crop and rotate the image...
Frames, only three simple frames, nothing I would use...
Brush so you can draw over top of the image.
Focus limited to linear ot circular

The big one is Mask Shapes and this raises one issue, it's not intuitive how to get to them. I would like to see either a button on the edit screen or something more obvious then it is now. You have 150 Masks and while many are the same as in Cloak there are some missing like the smoke one that I really like in Cloak. Artful Pro also lets you set a background colour for the mask and you have a choice of 38 colours. Unfortunately once you pick a colour you can't go back to a plain white. In filters and most everywhere else the have "original" or no filter etc, so why not here is beyond me.

I will send a note to the developer and see if these can be fixed.

For $0.99US I think it's a good app but with a couple of issues I don't know that I would pay more then $0.99

Tomorrow I will post some samples.

Bought it, too and thought I should have saved the money for something better. [emoji4] in my eyes not even worth 99c or now 1.09€. I once had a shape app where you at least could blur the edges of the shape what made the difference. And I don't know why you can't pick another image of yours as a background. And as you said: go back to none means starting over. I've given up and deleted it. [emoji4]
Cloak by Nicholas Pacholski

I was looking at the app Artful Pro and someone there said Cloak was a better app as it was cheaper and had the same effects etc. So I figured for the $0.99US I would get Cloak.

There are 18 filters to pick from, none are adjustable and most are nothing unique, about the only one that is harder to find is a straight invert which this app has.

There are a lot of masks to pick from and from what I see they are well done. I didn't count how many simply because of the way it displays on my ipad, it cuts most of the mask preview off leaving only about the top 1/8th inch or so that I can see. It's enough that I can tap on it but can't tell from looking what it looks like until i actually select it. Still useable just not very convenient....

Edit, I did go back to do some more samples and counted and there are 115 masks/shapes to pick from. (If I counted right :))

Part of the issue is this is an iPhone app and portrait orientation. This is why I wish Apple would tell all developers that apps have to be Universal and work correctly...

The app is 1:1 ratio only and when you open an image you can zoom and select where the 1:1 section comes from.

You can apply filters or masks to videos which is pretty neat.

Now the biggest issue I have with the app and something I hope like the Universal and supporting landscape is the save resolution.
Currently the 1:1 video is saved at a very poor 320X320
Currently images are saved at a poor 640x640.

One way to improve it a bit is to take a screengrab (on iPad's at least) where I can crop and get an image that is 1270x1270. Would be nice is when saving in the app if it had a "open in" so I could open it in BigPhoto and enlarge it. Saving, cropping and enlarging in Big Photo anything over about 3200x3200 starts to pixelate.

Artful on the other hand (the free version) has a lot few filters and only a few masks but does save at 1536x1420 on my iPad but I do think its tied to screen grab, if I use it in landscape saves are 2048x908.

Everything said I do like Cloak and will keep it but will still look at Artful Pro to come on sale. Although today it was supposed to be on sale it must have been one of those micro sales that last as long as it take the developer to change the price for the sale then change it back...

I have mentioned the app Artful a couple times...
Free version with ads and watermark

Artful Pro $2.99US
Artful Pro by GREEK APP LLC

And some samples:
View attachment 93851

I'm buying it for the first Infrared filter I've seen. Sure hope i can get my photos to look like this one!

WooHoo! It does work! Infrared finally!

Bought it, too and thought I should have saved the money for something better. [emoji4] in my eyes not even worth 99c or now 1.09€. I once had a shape app where you at least could blur the edges of the shape what made the difference. And I don't know why you can't pick another image of yours as a background. And as you said: go back to none means starting over. I've given up and deleted it. [emoji4]
Yeah after playing some more I wish it had of been a free app but I will live with the $0.99US
Cloak though a bit more limited and the improper layout on an iPad has a much better UI, especially accessing the masks.

The Big issue is that though the app does work in landscape orientation it cuts off the bottom of the screen which is where the masks are so they don't show in landscape unless you go back and forth a couple times, or turn my ipad to get them to show. Just a bit strange.. Photo Picker is also Portrait orientation only.

The other issue I am struggling a bit with is when you import an image the automatic sizing is haywire, most times I have to go to crop it to get it right.

Anyways a couple samples...

Proseezion by John Konstantaras

Proseezion, the high-end camera app designed to get the best possible photo quality. The innovative research behind the app makes impressive photos without that processed look. Instead, the images look like they were created by a superior sensor. Detail is greatly increased: even more than RAW in difficult situations. Noise is almost impossible to find: even in extremely low light. The innovative image stacking technology means this can all be done without torturing a single capture, which usually results in that processed look.

Main features:
A true innovation, the sensor’s Dynamic Contrast Range (DCR) is adjustable which means the images real dynamic range is under your control! The DCR control range starts at Normal contrast and is adjustable to +/-1.00 with two decimal points precision. Giving you the true dynamic range you need without that HDR look.

With a single on-screen panning gesture you can set both dynamic contrast range (N+/-1.00) and exposure (EV+/-4.00). Panning vertically you set dynamic contrast range and horizontally exposure. A real time histogram with Zone Scale helps you expose the scene correctly while the live preview simulates the result. Panning with two fingers allows you to control one exposure aspect at the time (N or EV). The values are shown in real time with an option to reset them to zero.

While you can tap on the spot you want to focus, you can also long press and focus manually on a critical area. To help you fine-tune, Proseezion zooms into the selected spot.

Proseezion automatically selects the lowest possible ISO for the shot to ensure optimum results.

An aviation style horizon indicator ensures that your photos will never need rotation.

Your photos will have full metadata to review the settings, location, date, EV and N values used.

5 second timer allows you to get out of the scene before any shot and ensures that your photos will not be shaken.

Some photos are best shot in a square format and an option for that is included.

You can view the last photo taken and share, use or print it.

The shutter button is moveable and allows you to place it in the most convenient spot for each shot.

In economy mode you can save space keeping high-end quality.
OS >= 8.0

An interesting app and one I will keep playing with.

This app takes multiple images and merges them into a single image, similar to TaruCamera or Cortex Camera but unlike those two apps the save resolution is not changed. In some ways this is more of a new Averaging App that merges lots of images into one.

The app is not quick, there is a 5 sec period before it will start (after touching the phot button) and then will take three sets of 12 images or 36 total. How long taking the images will take is dependant on the light level, ie bright outdoors is pretty quick, maybe 5seconds or so, if it is indoors or darker it takes maybe 15-20 seconds and in really dark even longer so a tripod is pretty much a requirement, even in bright light.

Because of the multiple images you can get some interesting result when it is windy and the app shows very little de-ghosting.

Like the Averaging apps that will take a large number of images this one if a car drives through the scene do not show at all. With Taru or Cortex you sometimes get several ghost images showing.

Price has been bouncing between $2.99US and $0.99US. Developer is another that seems fond of very short sales and I have seen some complaints about that but I got it for the $0.99US a few weeks ago.
Currently the price shows as $0.99 but for how long I don't know.

It's biggest draw is because of the number of images it does take there is virtually no noise even in very dark.

And no zoom...


It is currently +18 (+64) and wind s to 27kph or 17mph
This image as well as the next were taken through the living room window.


Then I decided to go outside on the deck


And one of our Orchids
Yeah after playing some more I wish it had of been a free app but I will live with the $0.99US
Cloak though a bit more limited and the improper layout on an iPad has a much better UI, especially accessing the masks.

The Big issue is that though the app does work in landscape orientation it cuts off the bottom of the screen which is where the masks are so they don't show in landscape unless you go back and forth a couple times, or turn my ipad to get them to show. Just a bit strange.. Photo Picker is also Portrait orientation only.

The other issue I am struggling a bit with is when you import an image the automatic sizing is haywire, most times I have to go to crop it to get it right.

Anyways a couple samples...

View attachment 94051 View attachment 94052 View attachment 94053 View attachment 94054

So now that you see what the masks look like and how they work couldn't you do the same thing yourself in any layers app?
Proseezion by John Konstantaras

Proseezion, the high-end camera app designed to get the best possible photo quality. The innovative research behind the app makes impressive photos without that processed look. Instead, the images look like they were created by a superior sensor. Detail is greatly increased: even more than RAW in difficult situations. Noise is almost impossible to find: even in extremely low light. The innovative image stacking technology means this can all be done without torturing a single capture, which usually results in that processed look.

Main features:
A true innovation, the sensor’s Dynamic Contrast Range (DCR) is adjustable which means the images real dynamic range is under your control! The DCR control range starts at Normal contrast and is adjustable to +/-1.00 with two decimal points precision. Giving you the true dynamic range you need without that HDR look.

With a single on-screen panning gesture you can set both dynamic contrast range (N+/-1.00) and exposure (EV+/-4.00). Panning vertically you set dynamic contrast range and horizontally exposure. A real time histogram with Zone Scale helps you expose the scene correctly while the live preview simulates the result. Panning with two fingers allows you to control one exposure aspect at the time (N or EV). The values are shown in real time with an option to reset them to zero.

While you can tap on the spot you want to focus, you can also long press and focus manually on a critical area. To help you fine-tune, Proseezion zooms into the selected spot.

Proseezion automatically selects the lowest possible ISO for the shot to ensure optimum results.

An aviation style horizon indicator ensures that your photos will never need rotation.

Your photos will have full metadata to review the settings, location, date, EV and N values used.

5 second timer allows you to get out of the scene before any shot and ensures that your photos will not be shaken.

Some photos are best shot in a square format and an option for that is included.

You can view the last photo taken and share, use or print it.

The shutter button is moveable and allows you to place it in the most convenient spot for each shot.

In economy mode you can save space keeping high-end quality.
OS >= 8.0

An interesting app and one I will keep playing with.

This app takes multiple images and merges them into a single image, similar to TaruCamera or Cortex Camera but unlike those two apps the save resolution is not changed. In some ways this is more of a new Averaging App that merges lots of images into one.

The app is not quick, there is a 5 sec period before it will start (after touching the phot button) and then will take three sets of 12 images or 36 total. How long taking the images will take is dependant on the light level, ie bright outdoors is pretty quick, maybe 5seconds or so, if it is indoors or darker it takes maybe 15-20 seconds and in really dark even longer so a tripod is pretty much a requirement, even in bright light.

Because of the multiple images you can get some interesting result when it is windy and the app shows very little de-ghosting.

Like the Averaging apps that will take a large number of images this one if a car drives through the scene do not show at all. With Taru or Cortex you sometimes get several ghost images showing.

Price has been bouncing between $2.99US and $0.99US. Developer is another that seems fond of very short sales and I have seen some complaints about that but I got it for the $0.99US a few weeks ago.
Currently the price shows as $0.99 but for how long I don't know.

It's biggest draw is because of the number of images it does take there is virtually no noise even in very dark.

And no zoom...

The write-up for this app sounds very promising. I bought it immediately. We'll see how well it works.
You can see the leaves all have double/multi exposed blurring, which is sometimes nice. It will be especially interesting how well it works for flowing water.
The only thing in the write-up I didn't agree with is the HDR look. Actually, I really like the HDR look for some things, not taken to extremes, of course.
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So now that you see what the masks look like and how they work couldn't you do the same thing yourself in any layers app?
Yes you could recreate the masks but what's your time worth... :) for $0.99 its not worth bothering. There are some masks that I wouldn't use, or have not found an image I like them with but thats all part of it.
I may take some of the masks and save them blank and try in Superimpose and yes I probably would like it better in there but this once you get used to is fairly fast and easier. I find it much easier to leave my iPad in portrait for this app, so it doesn't cut stuff off.
The write-up for this app sounds very promising. I bought it immediately. We'll see how well it works.
You can see the leaves all have double/multi exposed blurring, which is sometimes nice. It will be especially interesting how well it works for flowing water.
The only thing in the write-up I didn't agree with is the HDR look. Actually, I really like the HDR look for some things, not taken to extremes, of course.
So far I like it, just have to make sure the tripod is handy... Similar issues in AvgNightCam or Average Camera.
Should work good, I have had good luck with the Average Cameras and getting nice looking water and this I think would do pretty good.
Some of my pics have a more saturated look to them but don't know if I would call it HDR.

This pic is one that I tried hand holding and I had my elbows on the table...
I tried something similar at the dining room table and my first attempt had a double image. This time I propped my phone more steadily.

For the next photo I decided to tidy up the scene a bit.

The point of this demo is twofold. First, I saw better colour and detail in the dark chair wood on the screen that what I ended up with in the photo. Second, my second photo is just a slightly different angle and although I tried to make it the same as the first it has a different white balance. So then I wondered, how is white balance controlled? I don't see any white balance control.
I also noticed that after each photo the settings revert to zero, which would be a nuisance if trying to make a series.
Last, I forgot to make a comparison photo with a familiar app! Next time.
The level and camera settings are quite tiny. I would like to see the actual ISO and shutter speed being used displayed on screen.
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Thank you
Have tried
Even the developer email me to do this and it fails miserably Not only the Paintstorm Studio and PaintStorm lite also
Have send the crush diagnostic with error bug type 109 and error version 104
What are these I don't know
Hope they can solve these problems
I have Paintstorm but I only use it on my iPad Pro. It is a very power hungry app and I make sure I close everything else if I use it. I haven't used it much but intend to try and get into it more in the future.
Yeah after playing some more I wish it had of been a free app but I will live with the $0.99US
Cloak though a bit more limited and the improper layout on an iPad has a much better UI, especially accessing the masks.

The Big issue is that though the app does work in landscape orientation it cuts off the bottom of the screen which is where the masks are so they don't show in landscape unless you go back and forth a couple times, or turn my ipad to get them to show. Just a bit strange.. Photo Picker is also Portrait orientation only.

The other issue I am struggling a bit with is when you import an image the automatic sizing is haywire, most times I have to go to crop it to get it right.

Anyways a couple samples...

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The smokey ones are pretty cool. But I'll watch it until there is a better res. [emoji4]
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