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Mel's iArt

Soul mates :inlove:

mahoganyturtle said:
Soul mates :inlove:

mahoganyturtle said:

This was done with the same macro flower image that I used for the tutorial with Joanne

Decim8 threw out a bright blue based version and then I ran it though tiny planet...the koi and chinese looking dragon mask in the top right corner were complete flukes!! it hung around in my camera roll till I added the photocopier texture today :D
Okay....AMAZING!!!!!!! :inlove: :inlove: I can't believe this was a fluke!!! Soooo wonderful!!!

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mahoganyturtle said:
Can you tell I am sick in bed with a cold at the moment LOL...nothing else to do but play with apps
This is crazy awesome totally and completely cool!!!! :inlove:

mahoganyturtle said:
Inner glow (thanks Emanuel for the new app suggestions :D)
Just love this! You inspired me to download the Rollage app! :D

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Meditation: Answers come when you are still.

Don't ask me what I used on this one...it was a slow meandering back and forth between a variety of apps with no rhyme nor reason, hence it being a meditation piece ;)

mahoganyturtle said:
Meditation: Answers come when you are still.

Don't ask me what I used on this one...it was a slow meandering back and forth between a variety of apps with no rhyme nor reason, hence it being a meditation piece ;)

mahoganyturtle said:
Meditation: Answers come when you are still.

Don't ask me what I used on this one...it was a slow meandering back and forth between a variety of apps with no rhyme nor reason, hence it being a meditation piece ;)

mahoganyturtle said:
wow I am so behind on this thread...no chance I will get it caught up so will just add my latest

The courage of the poet is to keep ajar the door that leads into madness. Christopher Morley

Done with a variety of apps, glaze, paintfx and scratchcam to name a few.

I LOVE this Mel! And the poem is perfect... Wonderful piece!

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mahoganyturtle said:
wow I am so behind on this thread...no chance I will get it caught up so will just add my latest

The courage of the poet is to keep ajar the door that leads into madness. Christopher Morley

Done with a variety of apps, glaze, paintfx and scratchcam to name a few.

The colours and mood are amazing Mel. :)
This image is incredible.
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