• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Our Pets: Furred, Feathered or Scaled

Wow, Billy had a long life. 20 is a great age for a cat. Well done to your mum for keeping him for that long. It's amazing what a hole an animal leaves when it goes. :( You "see" them out of the corner of your eye or expect them to be somewhere and they're not. RIP Billy. :inlove:
Yes, he lived a good long time for sure. :notworthy: ...and it's hitting me more how she's getting older... we're all getting older.... Feeling a bit blue today. :(
Adopt. And it's free. A lovely idea if you ask me. I can't imagine ever being without a critter, even though every time we lose one I say "never again".
I don't think she's going to adopt any more... she's on a fixed budget, and usually with senior cats comes vet bills... I'm going to see if there's any places in her area where you can visit and hang out with cats. There's one she's been to before but it's not in her area.
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This is my mom's cat, Billy. Sadly, she lost him on Thursday...he was 20 years old, bless his heart. :'( How I loved Billy... (
Photo taken with my mom's Samsung J3V, texted to me (go Mom!) and edited with Prisma and Snapseed.

Another beauty. And twenty years. . . What a gift. And what an absence. RIP Billy, and all blessings to Cat's mom.

These two handsome furline were curled up and enjoying my Quileute blanket. Too cute!

Native 7+ with no tweaking
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