• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

MobiColour RESULT: #2

Bright Light
- edited using Relight
Looking at other people's photos made me realize how different things look farther south.
Here in Alma, New Brunswick, we are surrounded by lots of white. Often the only colour is the sky, when it is clear.

iPhone 6, Fusion HDR.
I love the light in this one, especially in the left front. Dutch master look.
Thanks Ted... :)
I thought that too, which influenced my edit to create the watercolor/painterly look in iColorama. This is a cropped version of my Time Stamp version (which I kept *whole* to sort of describe the scene I was looking at), but I really loved this little praise dancer. :)
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