B&W RESULT:#21 Black & White Challenge

Well, good luck with that. I always use the browser because it's easy to miss things on the app.
Although the big perk (to me LOL) using the app is you can insert most of the emojis from your iDevice, where in the web you can only use the MobiEmojis. :look:
Urban scrubland. No processing except desaturation.
This is fantastic!! I love the edit so much... and your dog-eared phone holder (looks like my fave Hipstamatic case).
Thank you.
I cut a hole in the front cover with a craft knife so I can take pics with the cover folded open. I had to rip the lining out to get that to work, it looks pretty shabby now.
Wow, this week has gone quickly! This black and white challenge is now closed. deepop David, let judging commence .:D
As I'd been away from Mobitog for a few days, yesterday I was catching up on the photos in this challenge when I saw one that stopped me immediately as I said to myself,"There's the winner!" And then I realized that I was the judge this week. So without any hesitation, I'll say that the above and beyond 1st place photo is
"Beautiful morning in Varanasi, india", from aparna_g, a shot that's filled with action but incredibly serene, fading into a foggy nothingness. Beautiful in so many ways.

2nd place goes to rizole's "Selfie,"so striking with the vague disembodied face with milky cataract eyes floating above the over-large light to dark gripping hands.I can't pass by the photo without stopping to study it again and again.

3rd place to ImageArt's "On the banks of Lake Wanaka", a beautiful exposition on silhouettes and the rule of thirds with great palette of silver and black.

Honorable mentions to Chemotaxis for his hip, stark "Me" and Starzee's wonderful "Popcorn Man."

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