• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

B&W RESULT: Black and White Challenge #274….Ends April 23


Neary Lagoon
Pixelmator Photo now known as Photomator
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David Foster Wallace said that English doesn't just borrow words from other languages, it mugs them in the alley and goes through all their pockets.
Lately, we have had some banter in one of Rohan Dave’s thread about words and learning new words. Perhaps we need a thread in this international forum to introduce our favorite local words or phrases. Even our personal favorites….. Hmmmmmm.
Interesting. It is well used here for street performers, but the word doesn’t have old English roots—possibly from the Spanish ‘buscar’.

Busking busker busk - same here: someone doing something outside and in public domain with an upturned hat guitar case and/or empty icecream container in front of them.
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