• No miracles have occurred, so MobiTog will be closing its doors here on June15 and moving to Discord. Please see updates in the MobiTog Closing thread, including a link to join our Discord server.

MobiColour RESULT: MC #26 Theme: Simplicity - July 25-31

Yin Yang
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

Joyce Kilmer
"A few people asked
Why a tree?

I said it was for my own
edification -

a tree always
has something to teach"

Katherine Gallagher
Lovely.... so Zen.
Did you stack the stones? That's something I want to try....
Not me. The only balancing I did was not falling in the river.
Me and my eldest have done stone balancing at a Llandudno in Wales. We busked it and made enough money for him to buy a book he wanted.
It's like photography; very easy but you have to keep at it to get decent results.

Our beloved Sam-the-dog loved three grandbabies in his ten years. We're glad of memories like these early 'sniffing each other out' moments.

When I was looking for 'simplicity' in my camera roll full of edits and collages and pastiche, this one reminded me of the simplicity of a puppydog's love & loyalty, the curiosity & trust of a baby -- and how much can be 'held' & treasured in a simple, inexpert snap.
View attachment 80146

Our beloved Sam-the-dog loved three grandbabies in his ten years. We're glad of memories like these early 'sniffing each other out' moments.

When I was looking for 'simplicity' in my camera roll full of edits and collages and pastiche, this one reminded me of the simplicity of a puppydog's love & loyalty, the curiosity & trust of a baby -- and how much can be 'held' & treasured in a simple, inexpert snap.
I don't know about inexpert. A beautiful, touching photo of a lovely moment.
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