MobiColour RESULT: MC #43 No Theme - Nov 21-27


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iPhone 14 Pro Max
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1. the quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by the object, usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation, and brightness of the reflected light; saturation or chroma; hue.


1. involving, utilizing, yielding, or possessing color: a color TV.

Welcome to MobiTog's color Challenge #43!
The rules are easy: Post your mobile photography color images here - LIMIT OF 3 IMAGES IN ONE POST, preferably 1 image per post. No black & white, no shades of grey, just BOLD BRIGHT COLORS! Or, SOFT PASTEL COLORS. Whatever strikes your fancy, or your color palette. :D

The challenge will last one week, and then the winner of the prior challenge will choose the winner of the current challenge, who will then decide
if there will be a theme to the next challenge or not, and what that theme will be. :sneaky:

Please see the Rules and Guidelines for MobiChallenges posted HERE.
Check out our previous winners in the Gallery HERE.

Let's electrify this space with
C O L O R !!


No theme this week - go wild!! :D

The judge for this challenge is rizole!
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While we're waiting.

View attachment 84801always up for a challenge JillyG about as colourful as my day gets. LGg4 snapseed.

[thanks providence it wasn't his err, socks]...
Looks pretty colourful to me, John.

Last time I was in England I stared out the window for hours, fascinated by the dark at 3pm, the ice on the tree branches, the tiny flecks of snow in the dark sky. Thousand + year old buildings; train (Tube) stations with no rubbish bins (garbage cans for the Americans) - this was in the early stages of post-9/11 'anti-terrorism' - take away the rubbish bins so terrorists can't put bombs in them, right? :thumbs:

British cabs (!) stopping at one of the London High streets and not wanting to get out because I've never seen a million people on a street corner before (I live in the world's most isolated city, pop'n just over 2.5 million, pop'n density 2.5/square mile).

London Eye, Millenium wossname, British pubs, young women wearing on London's winter streets what young women were wearing on Australia's summer streets (shivering, but lookin' good :lmao:), cobblestones,, mushy peas and baked beans with everything, red double-decker busses -- like our ImageArt Ann said the other day, and terse referred to a similar theme: about the ordinary and the visible.. Balzac said something about that, too - you can't write about a culture from its centre, you have to be on the edges to see it as a whole. Family systems theory says something similar about families -- if you (the therapist) want to know about a family, ask the 'black sheep'.

I'm going to consult with Dr Gilbert JillyG about another possible prescription: take ten photos of ordinary stuff in your immediate environment using one of the glitche-ey cameras (e.g. Painted Cam as per mine above, Photo Booth, multitudes of others I can't think of right now) and see what looks different & how. In fact, I think that would be an excellent theme for either MC or LoA... :appsir:
you can't write about a culture from its centre, you have to be on the edges to see it as a whole.
and that, is very true
In fact, I think that would be an excellent theme for either MC or LoA... :appsir:
totally agree, what a great idea
I like what that app has done, can you edit with it or is it just for shooting ?
View attachment 84801always up for a challenge JillyG about as colourful as my day gets. LGg4 snapseed.
John, I could kiss you. Mwaah! There, consider that one full on the lips. :lmao: You're marvellous for not just saying "No, I'm too busy" or "I can't be bothered". I love this image even more because you took it especially.
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and that, is very true

totally agree, what a great idea
I like what that app has done, can you edit with it or is it just for shooting ?

Shoot and save. Seven options, I think - I like two or three - and a random option. Bit clunky and imprecise - you'd be lucky to catch a particular movement or moment - but I like it for its happy accidents and its defamiliarising thingie.
Pretty old in app years, too, I think. One of my first arty apps. Must go check its last update.
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