MobiColour RESULT: MC #68 Theme: The Green Mile - May 15-21

Ryn S could you do me an honor to evaluate the winners of this MC #68 As I am travelling and on the road often I could not get all the images to my iPhone or iPad It will be very unfair if I could not have the images side by side to compare which I usually does them on my desktop computer
Thank you and hope that you do not have to burn oils and lots of caffeine to choose them
Very sorry to all participants for I could not see some of your images Cos I am using mobile data to look at them and it does not download the images often
So please forgive me
Will be back to normal in a few days time and I will surely look into them at my desktop
Ryn S could you do me an honor to evaluate the winners of this MC #68 As I am travelling and on the road often I could not get all the images to my iPhone or iPad It will be very unfair if I could not have the images side by side to compare which I usually does them on my desktop computer
Thank you and hope that you do not have to burn oils and lots of caffeine to choose them
Very sorry to all participants for I could not see some of your images Cos I am using mobile data to look at them and it does not download the images often
So please forgive me
Will be back to normal in a few days time and I will surely look into them at my desktop

OK, my worst nightmare, I have to choose, all by myself <big gulp> however will I choose just a few???
OK, I will write this up later (p/c decided to update now) but in order to give everyone the time to get started, I will come back and edit this post asap, but first place is a tie because I cannot decide which I like better between rizole's Above Redacre which keeps drawing me back for another look; and RoseCat's tire in the weeds which is so attractive even though it shouldn't be. More later...but they can come up with the next theme now :) .

Well, you folk certainly are a talented lot! I may never enter anything again for fear I have to someday pick the winners...This was tough!

First off was sinnerjohn's delightful sea lion image. How do you NOT choose sea lions as a first place winner? Then came so many wonderful images each of which is unique, wonderful and worthy. My personal favorites may easily have been 8,9 & 10-rizole's Early Spring, sinnerjohn's Green Corner, and zenjenny's Grapevine against the cement wall. I would love to have each of those printed out and framed to hang in my home where I could enjoy them everyday. Because I was biased by my own personal taste on all three of those, I moved them to the bottom of the list so as not to be prejudiced by my own personal taste. Each of them is a a wonderful and worthy image.

I also love numbers 3-Solitaire (Glenton), 13-Illuminati (Glenton), 14-the stylized floral (JillyG), 38-The Green Planet (JillyG), because they are so very creative and wonderful but are so artsy (rather than photographic) again, while totally up my personal alley, I did not choose them due to my inescapable bias in their favor. And naturally, I could not vote for number 2, which was my own; or the somewhat creepy number 40-Goodbye Green! (Glenton) which was a thoroughly delightful way to keep with the green theme, but reminds me far too much of gangrenous intestines for me to choose it. Sorry bias came through on that one. <head hanging in shame>.

Then came the totally unexpected By Royal Command submitted by Venomator and the delightful plant The Green Meanie from sinnerjohn which reminds me of "A Little Shop of Horrors" and made me wonder how old Seymour is any rate, for originality and tongue-in-cheek content I had to choose both of these for Honorable Mentions.

I could wax eloquent on every piece entered, but you all know how talented this group is and I doubt there is anything I could say that would not have already been said. This was so difficult for me because I love all your work and there were 40 deserving entries out of 40 entries. But, since I was advised to be brutal...I am trying. That brings us to 3rd place and I have to choose between the bug pictures because they fit the bill and are certainly signs of spring and summer <a little drumroll please> because she "got it" and her image nailed it, I have to choose number 16-The Green Mile For This One submitted by Groovy Gouvy.

Second Place is next, and among 40 wonderful pieces I narrowed it down to.......
hah! I can't let you off too easily here....
#39 (have you caught on to my numbering method yet?
Are you jumping up and down yelling the name? you need more information?
OK, since it's you that's asking......
second place goes to terse for On A Green Background because getting that kind of shot is not easy and it's a delightful image that makes my heart happy and Kmenglee left it to me to decide.....

And, even though I already listed first place up above so that we would have as close to a week as possible since family commitments and a grumpy computer kept me from doing this sooner...let me explain my tie decision. No matter where I am on the page, when my eye can glimpse it, I turn my attention to it and get lost in thought and non-thought when I see Above Redacre by rizole. It is a wonderful setting and a place I would love to see in person, it has magic and whimsy and I am certain faeries live there. Most importantly, that image has the power, to take me out of my mind space and dump me straight onto that path where I can smell the flowers and the warm woodsy air. It is as close to meditating as an image alone can take one.

And then, RoseCat's offering of the tire on the weeds...startling, striking, it immediately evoked the memory of happy childhood days when global warming didn't exist, neither did the need for health insurance, copays, existing conditions, jobs, taxes or any such nonsense. Life was simple, it was sunshine on your skin, dew drops on your lashes and fog on y9our cheeks. It was a world of wonder, you were safe and cared for all the time. The tire makes you remember that once upon a time, life was simpler and all we had to do was play and go to school. So...with all that going on, I had to choose both of these images for first place. They are powerful, meditative, and magical.

So...congratulations to all of you who I chose for awards, and to all of you I wish I could have chosen for awards, much to my chagrin, every single entry in this theme was a winner. I hope I never have to do this again ;)
Last edited:
OK, I will write this up later (p/c decided to update now) but in order to give everyone the time to get started, I will come back and edit this post asap, but first place is a tie because I cannot decide which I like better between rizole's Above Redacre which keeps drawing me back for another look; and RoseCat's tire in the weeds which is so attractive even though it shouldn't be. More later...but they can come up with the next theme now :) .

Well, you folk certainly are a talented lot! I may never enter anything again for fear I have to someday pick the winners...This was tough!

First off was sinnerjohn's delightful sea lion image. How do you NOT choose sea lions as a first place winner? Then came so many wonderful images each of which is unique, wonderful and worthy. My personal favorites may easily have been 8,9 & 10-rizole's Early Spring, sinnerjohn's Green Corner, and zenjenny's Grapevine against the cement wall. I would love to have each of those printed out and framed to hang in my home where I could enjoy them everyday. Because I was biased by my own personal taste on all three of those, I moved them to the bottom of the list so as not to be prejudiced by my own personal taste. Each of them is a a wonderful and worthy image.

I also love numbers 3-Solitaire (Glenton), 13-Illuminati (Glenton), 14-the stylized floral (JillyG), 38-The Green Planet (JillyG), because they are so very creative and wonderful but are so artsy (rather than photographic) again, while totally up my personal alley, I did not choose them due to my inescapable bias in their favor. And naturally, I could not vote for number 2, which was my own; or the somewhat creepy number 40-Goodbye Green! (Glenton) which was a thoroughly delightful way to keep with the green theme, but reminds me far too much of gangrenous intestines for me to choose it. Sorry bias came through on that one. <head hanging in shame>.

Then came the totally unexpected By Royal Command submitted by Venomator and the delightful plant The Green Meanie from sinnerjohn which reminds me of "A Little Shop of Horrors" and made me wonder how old Seymour is any rate, for originality and tongue-in-cheek content I had to choose both of these for Honorable Mentions.

I could wax eloquent on every piece entered, but you all know how talented this group is and I doubt there is anything I could say that would not have already been said. This was so difficult for me because I love all your work and there were 40 deserving entries out of 40 entries. But, since I was advised to be brutal...I am trying. That brings us to 3rd place and I have to choose between the bug pictures because they fit the bill and are certainly signs of spring and summer <a little drumroll please> because she "got it" and her image nailed it, I have to choose number 16-The Green Mile For This One submitted by Groovy Gouvy.

Second Place is next, and among 40 wonderful pieces I narrowed it down to.......
hah! I can't let you off too easily here....
#39 (have you caught on to my numbering method yet?
Are you jumping up and down yelling the name? you need more information?
OK, since it's you that's asking......
second place goes to terse for On A Green Background because getting that kind of shot is not easy and it's a delightful image that makes my heart happy and Kmenglee left it to me to decide.....

And, even though I already listed first place up above so that we would have as close to a week as possible since family commitments and a grumpy computer kept me from doing this sooner...let me explain my tie decision. No matter where I am on the page, when my eye can glimpse it, I turn my attention to it and get lost in thought and non-thought when I see Above Redacre by rizole. It is a wonderful setting and a place I would love to see in person, it has magic and whimsy and I am certain faeries live there. Most importantly, that image has the power, to take me out of my mind space and dump me straight onto that path where I can smell the flowers and the warm woodsy air. It is as close to meditating as an image alone can take one.

And then, RoseCat's offering of the tire on the weeds...startling, striking, it immediately evoked the memory of happy childhood days when global warming didn't exist, neither did the need for health insurance, copays, existing conditions, jobs, taxes or any such nonsense. Life was simple, it was sunshine on your skin, dew drops on your lashes and fog on y9our cheeks. It was a world of wonder, you were safe and cared for all the time. The tire makes you remember that once upon a time, life was simpler and all we had to do was play and go to school. So...with all that going on, I had to choose both of these images for first place. They are powerful, meditative, and magical.

So...congratulations to all of you who I chose for awards, and to all of you I wish I could have chosen for awards, much to my chagrin, every single entry in this theme was a winner. I hope I never have to do this again ;)
What a beautiful and thoughtful wrap-up Ryn!! :notworthy: I am honored to share the stage with rizole and his fabulous image - congrats Rizole!! And it makes me happy that my simple little shot brought so much to you... a reminder how powerful and personal images can be. :inlove: And that's the beauty of having various judges... our personal "biases" and tastes can't help but be reflected in our choices, and that's what makes each week's winners so unique.

Congrats to terse Ted and GroovyGouvy for your second and third places, and HMs Venomator Rog and sinnerjohn! Well deserved!

Another imaginative and creative week from our talented MobiFamily. :inlove:
OK, I will write this up later (p/c decided to update now) but in order to give everyone the time to get started, I will come back and edit this post asap, but first place is a tie because I cannot decide which I like better between rizole's Above Redacre which keeps drawing me back for another look; and RoseCat's tire in the weeds which is so attractive even though it shouldn't be.
I hope I never have to do this again ;)
Wow, that's quite a write up.
Thank you for the kind words and joint 1st. :notworthy:
OK, I will write this up later (p/c decided to update now) but in order to give everyone the time to get started, I will come back and edit this post asap, but first place is a tie because I cannot decide which I like better between rizole's Above Redacre which keeps drawing me back for another look; and RoseCat's tire in the weeds which is so attractive even though it shouldn't be. More later...but they can come up with the next theme now :) .

Well, you folk certainly are a talented lot! I may never enter anything again for fear I have to someday pick the winners...This was tough!

First off was sinnerjohn's delightful sea lion image. How do you NOT choose sea lions as a first place winner? Then came so many wonderful images each of which is unique, wonderful and worthy. My personal favorites may easily have been 8,9 & 10-rizole's Early Spring, sinnerjohn's Green Corner, and zenjenny's Grapevine against the cement wall. I would love to have each of those printed out and framed to hang in my home where I could enjoy them everyday. Because I was biased by my own personal taste on all three of those, I moved them to the bottom of the list so as not to be prejudiced by my own personal taste. Each of them is a a wonderful and worthy image.

I also love numbers 3-Solitaire (Glenton), 13-Illuminati (Glenton), 14-the stylized floral (JillyG), 38-The Green Planet (JillyG), because they are so very creative and wonderful but are so artsy (rather than photographic) again, while totally up my personal alley, I did not choose them due to my inescapable bias in their favor. And naturally, I could not vote for number 2, which was my own; or the somewhat creepy number 40-Goodbye Green! (Glenton) which was a thoroughly delightful way to keep with the green theme, but reminds me far too much of gangrenous intestines for me to choose it. Sorry bias came through on that one. <head hanging in shame>.

Then came the totally unexpected By Royal Command submitted by Venomator and the delightful plant The Green Meanie from sinnerjohn which reminds me of "A Little Shop of Horrors" and made me wonder how old Seymour is any rate, for originality and tongue-in-cheek content I had to choose both of these for Honorable Mentions.

I could wax eloquent on every piece entered, but you all know how talented this group is and I doubt there is anything I could say that would not have already been said. This was so difficult for me because I love all your work and there were 40 deserving entries out of 40 entries. But, since I was advised to be brutal...I am trying. That brings us to 3rd place and I have to choose between the bug pictures because they fit the bill and are certainly signs of spring and summer <a little drumroll please> because she "got it" and her image nailed it, I have to choose number 16-The Green Mile For This One submitted by Groovy Gouvy.

Second Place is next, and among 40 wonderful pieces I narrowed it down to.......
hah! I can't let you off too easily here....
#39 (have you caught on to my numbering method yet?
Are you jumping up and down yelling the name? you need more information?
OK, since it's you that's asking......
second place goes to terse for On A Green Background because getting that kind of shot is not easy and it's a delightful image that makes my heart happy and Kmenglee left it to me to decide.....

And, even though I already listed first place up above so that we would have as close to a week as possible since family commitments and a grumpy computer kept me from doing this sooner...let me explain my tie decision. No matter where I am on the page, when my eye can glimpse it, I turn my attention to it and get lost in thought and non-thought when I see Above Redacre by rizole. It is a wonderful setting and a place I would love to see in person, it has magic and whimsy and I am certain faeries live there. Most importantly, that image has the power, to take me out of my mind space and dump me straight onto that path where I can smell the flowers and the warm woodsy air. It is as close to meditating as an image alone can take one.

And then, RoseCat's offering of the tire on the weeds...startling, striking, it immediately evoked the memory of happy childhood days when global warming didn't exist, neither did the need for health insurance, copays, existing conditions, jobs, taxes or any such nonsense. Life was simple, it was sunshine on your skin, dew drops on your lashes and fog on y9our cheeks. It was a world of wonder, you were safe and cared for all the time. The tire makes you remember that once upon a time, life was simpler and all we had to do was play and go to school. So...with all that going on, I had to choose both of these images for first place. They are powerful, meditative, and magical.

So...congratulations to all of you who I chose for awards, and to all of you I wish I could have chosen for awards, much to my chagrin, every single entry in this theme was a winner. I hope I never have to do this again ;)
Thanks for the HM Ryn :)
I'm not taking any credit for Ted's sea Lion though ;) Well done joint winners :thumbs:
What a beautiful and thoughtful wrap-up Ryn!! :notworthy: I am honored to share the stage with rizole and his fabulous image - congrats Rizole!! And it makes me happy that my simple little shot brought so much to you... a reminder how powerful and personal images can be. :inlove: And that's the beauty of having various judges... our personal "biases" and tastes can't help but be reflected in our choices, and that's what makes each week's winners so unique.

Congrats to terse Ted and GroovyGouvy for your second and third places, and HMs Venomator Rig and sinnerjohn! Well deserved!

Another imaginative and creative week from our talented MobiFamily. :inlove:
Thank you for the surprise second :notworthy: and many congrats to rizole and RoseCat for their joint first.
OK, I will write this up later (p/c decided to update now) but in order to give everyone the time to get started, I will come back and edit this post asap, but first place is a tie because I cannot decide which I like better between rizole's Above Redacre which keeps drawing me back for another look; and RoseCat's tire in the weeds which is so attractive even though it shouldn't be. More later...but they can come up with the next theme now :) .

Well, you folk certainly are a talented lot! I may never enter anything again for fear I have to someday pick the winners...This was tough!

First off was sinnerjohn's delightful sea lion image. How do you NOT choose sea lions as a first place winner? Then came so many wonderful images each of which is unique, wonderful and worthy. My personal favorites may easily have been 8,9 & 10-rizole's Early Spring, sinnerjohn's Green Corner, and zenjenny's Grapevine against the cement wall. I would love to have each of those printed out and framed to hang in my home where I could enjoy them everyday. Because I was biased by my own personal taste on all three of those, I moved them to the bottom of the list so as not to be prejudiced by my own personal taste. Each of them is a a wonderful and worthy image.

I also love numbers 3-Solitaire (Glenton), 13-Illuminati (Glenton), 14-the stylized floral (JillyG), 38-The Green Planet (JillyG), because they are so very creative and wonderful but are so artsy (rather than photographic) again, while totally up my personal alley, I did not choose them due to my inescapable bias in their favor. And naturally, I could not vote for number 2, which was my own; or the somewhat creepy number 40-Goodbye Green! (Glenton) which was a thoroughly delightful way to keep with the green theme, but reminds me far too much of gangrenous intestines for me to choose it. Sorry bias came through on that one. <head hanging in shame>.

Then came the totally unexpected By Royal Command submitted by Venomator and the delightful plant The Green Meanie from sinnerjohn which reminds me of "A Little Shop of Horrors" and made me wonder how old Seymour is any rate, for originality and tongue-in-cheek content I had to choose both of these for Honorable Mentions.

I could wax eloquent on every piece entered, but you all know how talented this group is and I doubt there is anything I could say that would not have already been said. This was so difficult for me because I love all your work and there were 40 deserving entries out of 40 entries. But, since I was advised to be brutal...I am trying. That brings us to 3rd place and I have to choose between the bug pictures because they fit the bill and are certainly signs of spring and summer <a little drumroll please> because she "got it" and her image nailed it, I have to choose number 16-The Green Mile For This One submitted by Groovy Gouvy.

Second Place is next, and among 40 wonderful pieces I narrowed it down to.......
hah! I can't let you off too easily here....
#39 (have you caught on to my numbering method yet?
Are you jumping up and down yelling the name? you need more information?
OK, since it's you that's asking......
second place goes to terse for On A Green Background because getting that kind of shot is not easy and it's a delightful image that makes my heart happy and Kmenglee left it to me to decide.....

And, even though I already listed first place up above so that we would have as close to a week as possible since family commitments and a grumpy computer kept me from doing this sooner...let me explain my tie decision. No matter where I am on the page, when my eye can glimpse it, I turn my attention to it and get lost in thought and non-thought when I see Above Redacre by rizole. It is a wonderful setting and a place I would love to see in person, it has magic and whimsy and I am certain faeries live there. Most importantly, that image has the power, to take me out of my mind space and dump me straight onto that path where I can smell the flowers and the warm woodsy air. It is as close to meditating as an image alone can take one.

And then, RoseCat's offering of the tire on the weeds...startling, striking, it immediately evoked the memory of happy childhood days when global warming didn't exist, neither did the need for health insurance, copays, existing conditions, jobs, taxes or any such nonsense. Life was simple, it was sunshine on your skin, dew drops on your lashes and fog on y9our cheeks. It was a world of wonder, you were safe and cared for all the time. The tire makes you remember that once upon a time, life was simpler and all we had to do was play and go to school. So...with all that going on, I had to choose both of these images for first place. They are powerful, meditative, and magical.

So...congratulations to all of you who I chose for awards, and to all of you I wish I could have chosen for awards, much to my chagrin, every single entry in this theme was a winner. I hope I never have to do this again ;)
Thanks a lot Ryn for your kind attention on my images and your beautiful and thoughtful wrap-up, as Catherine said :)
Congrats to all winners and participants, specially to the young couple finalist in the first place! :thumbs: :cool:
OK, I will write this up later (p/c decided to update now) but in order to give everyone the time to get started, I will come back and edit this post asap, but first place is a tie because I cannot decide which I like better between rizole's Above Redacre which keeps drawing me back for another look; and RoseCat's tire in the weeds which is so attractive even though it shouldn't be. More later...but they can come up with the next theme now :) .

Well, you folk certainly are a talented lot! I may never enter anything again for fear I have to someday pick the winners...This was tough!

First off was sinnerjohn's delightful sea lion image. How do you NOT choose sea lions as a first place winner? Then came so many wonderful images each of which is unique, wonderful and worthy. My personal favorites may easily have been 8,9 & 10-rizole's Early Spring, sinnerjohn's Green Corner, and zenjenny's Grapevine against the cement wall. I would love to have each of those printed out and framed to hang in my home where I could enjoy them everyday. Because I was biased by my own personal taste on all three of those, I moved them to the bottom of the list so as not to be prejudiced by my own personal taste. Each of them is a a wonderful and worthy image.

I also love numbers 3-Solitaire (Glenton), 13-Illuminati (Glenton), 14-the stylized floral (JillyG), 38-The Green Planet (JillyG), because they are so very creative and wonderful but are so artsy (rather than photographic) again, while totally up my personal alley, I did not choose them due to my inescapable bias in their favor. And naturally, I could not vote for number 2, which was my own; or the somewhat creepy number 40-Goodbye Green! (Glenton) which was a thoroughly delightful way to keep with the green theme, but reminds me far too much of gangrenous intestines for me to choose it. Sorry bias came through on that one. <head hanging in shame>.

Then came the totally unexpected By Royal Command submitted by Venomator and the delightful plant The Green Meanie from sinnerjohn which reminds me of "A Little Shop of Horrors" and made me wonder how old Seymour is any rate, for originality and tongue-in-cheek content I had to choose both of these for Honorable Mentions.

I could wax eloquent on every piece entered, but you all know how talented this group is and I doubt there is anything I could say that would not have already been said. This was so difficult for me because I love all your work and there were 40 deserving entries out of 40 entries. But, since I was advised to be brutal...I am trying. That brings us to 3rd place and I have to choose between the bug pictures because they fit the bill and are certainly signs of spring and summer <a little drumroll please> because she "got it" and her image nailed it, I have to choose number 16-The Green Mile For This One submitted by Groovy Gouvy.

Second Place is next, and among 40 wonderful pieces I narrowed it down to.......
hah! I can't let you off too easily here....
#39 (have you caught on to my numbering method yet?
Are you jumping up and down yelling the name? you need more information?
OK, since it's you that's asking......
second place goes to terse for On A Green Background because getting that kind of shot is not easy and it's a delightful image that makes my heart happy and Kmenglee left it to me to decide.....

And, even though I already listed first place up above so that we would have as close to a week as possible since family commitments and a grumpy computer kept me from doing this sooner...let me explain my tie decision. No matter where I am on the page, when my eye can glimpse it, I turn my attention to it and get lost in thought and non-thought when I see Above Redacre by rizole. It is a wonderful setting and a place I would love to see in person, it has magic and whimsy and I am certain faeries live there. Most importantly, that image has the power, to take me out of my mind space and dump me straight onto that path where I can smell the flowers and the warm woodsy air. It is as close to meditating as an image alone can take one.

And then, RoseCat's offering of the tire on the weeds...startling, striking, it immediately evoked the memory of happy childhood days when global warming didn't exist, neither did the need for health insurance, copays, existing conditions, jobs, taxes or any such nonsense. Life was simple, it was sunshine on your skin, dew drops on your lashes and fog on y9our cheeks. It was a world of wonder, you were safe and cared for all the time. The tire makes you remember that once upon a time, life was simpler and all we had to do was play and go to school. So...with all that going on, I had to choose both of these images for first place. They are powerful, meditative, and magical.

So...congratulations to all of you who I chose for awards, and to all of you I wish I could have chosen for awards, much to my chagrin, every single entry in this theme was a winner. I hope I never have to do this again ;)
Thank you very much Ryn S for choosing the winners and such a good write up to the winners
Congratulations to sinnerjohn being the winner Your images are stunning
Congrats to terse for second
To rizole and RoseCat for joint third congratulations
To each and every images they are all beautiful and lovely
OK, I will write this up later (p/c decided to update now) but in order to give everyone the time to get started, I will come back and edit this post asap, but first place is a tie because I cannot decide which I like better between rizole's Above Redacre which keeps drawing me back for another look; and RoseCat's tire in the weeds which is so attractive even though it shouldn't be. More later...but they can come up with the next theme now :) .

Well, you folk certainly are a talented lot! I may never enter anything again for fear I have to someday pick the winners...This was tough!

First off was sinnerjohn's delightful sea lion image. How do you NOT choose sea lions as a first place winner? Then came so many wonderful images each of which is unique, wonderful and worthy. My personal favorites may easily have been 8,9 & 10-rizole's Early Spring, sinnerjohn's Green Corner, and zenjenny's Grapevine against the cement wall. I would love to have each of those printed out and framed to hang in my home where I could enjoy them everyday. Because I was biased by my own personal taste on all three of those, I moved them to the bottom of the list so as not to be prejudiced by my own personal taste. Each of them is a a wonderful and worthy image.

I also love numbers 3-Solitaire (Glenton), 13-Illuminati (Glenton), 14-the stylized floral (JillyG), 38-The Green Planet (JillyG), because they are so very creative and wonderful but are so artsy (rather than photographic) again, while totally up my personal alley, I did not choose them due to my inescapable bias in their favor. And naturally, I could not vote for number 2, which was my own; or the somewhat creepy number 40-Goodbye Green! (Glenton) which was a thoroughly delightful way to keep with the green theme, but reminds me far too much of gangrenous intestines for me to choose it. Sorry bias came through on that one. <head hanging in shame>.

Then came the totally unexpected By Royal Command submitted by Venomator and the delightful plant The Green Meanie from sinnerjohn which reminds me of "A Little Shop of Horrors" and made me wonder how old Seymour is any rate, for originality and tongue-in-cheek content I had to choose both of these for Honorable Mentions.

I could wax eloquent on every piece entered, but you all know how talented this group is and I doubt there is anything I could say that would not have already been said. This was so difficult for me because I love all your work and there were 40 deserving entries out of 40 entries. But, since I was advised to be brutal...I am trying. That brings us to 3rd place and I have to choose between the bug pictures because they fit the bill and are certainly signs of spring and summer <a little drumroll please> because she "got it" and her image nailed it, I have to choose number 16-The Green Mile For This One submitted by Groovy Gouvy.

Second Place is next, and among 40 wonderful pieces I narrowed it down to.......
hah! I can't let you off too easily here....
#39 (have you caught on to my numbering method yet?
Are you jumping up and down yelling the name? you need more information?
OK, since it's you that's asking......
second place goes to terse for On A Green Background because getting that kind of shot is not easy and it's a delightful image that makes my heart happy and Kmenglee left it to me to decide.....

And, even though I already listed first place up above so that we would have as close to a week as possible since family commitments and a grumpy computer kept me from doing this sooner...let me explain my tie decision. No matter where I am on the page, when my eye can glimpse it, I turn my attention to it and get lost in thought and non-thought when I see Above Redacre by rizole. It is a wonderful setting and a place I would love to see in person, it has magic and whimsy and I am certain faeries live there. Most importantly, that image has the power, to take me out of my mind space and dump me straight onto that path where I can smell the flowers and the warm woodsy air. It is as close to meditating as an image alone can take one.

And then, RoseCat's offering of the tire on the weeds...startling, striking, it immediately evoked the memory of happy childhood days when global warming didn't exist, neither did the need for health insurance, copays, existing conditions, jobs, taxes or any such nonsense. Life was simple, it was sunshine on your skin, dew drops on your lashes and fog on y9our cheeks. It was a world of wonder, you were safe and cared for all the time. The tire makes you remember that once upon a time, life was simpler and all we had to do was play and go to school. So...with all that going on, I had to choose both of these images for first place. They are powerful, meditative, and magical.

So...congratulations to all of you who I chose for awards, and to all of you I wish I could have chosen for awards, much to my chagrin, every single entry in this theme was a winner. I hope I never have to do this again ;)

Oops, missed that one! Thank you for my HM – edit: just reread and found me third [emoji33] thank you very much again! and congratulation (even belated) to all winners and HMers and all posters that made this thread. Love all the pictures and @RynS you did a pretty nice job and so carefully written down. [emoji106][emoji177]
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