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Talking Point..........

Definately! Its becoming more important that what i capture is what I like. Ive only been researching william eggleston for 24 hours and already becoming more open to what can make a photograph interesting, while not worrying what is being said about it. Im really liking his theory on it all.
This can only have a positive effect on this hobby as it is for me. Social circles online imo are becoming strangled anyway and ive got past the like button hunting.
So yes, i would still do it
Yes i would still make it.
Would i still be me? I still havent found me but the above mentioned gentleman is where i want to go and then deviate to change it a little to make it mine.
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Would you still do it?
Would you still make it?
and would you still be you?
Just listening to the comedian's comedian podcast and this question, or one very like it, just came up. These are professional comedians so the context is a little different. If you're interested in listening to this it's around the 12 minute mark. There are adverts preceeding the main show.

Here's the transcript if you prefer to read it. I've edited it for clarity.


Now I'm on Instagram as well and I do all that stuff, then I find myself getting caught up in it and I go “I used to hate all this and now I'm part of this thing of: Oh you must put out a reel, you must do stories, you must put out a picture.” And you can see how, unless you are absolutely flying and almost deranged in how lopsided you are towards the thing, you feel like you have to play some sort of game or be aware of your brand and how to position yourself and all this sort of ********.


Does that simply come back to the marketplace or is it about the fanbase? Because if you want to do the work… like for me I want to be selling tickets, not because I want a load of money from tickets, but because I want to play to full rooms, I want to feel like I'm a success.

I've just started doing Instagram off the back of this massively viral clip of me on somebody else's page and tried to spin that into creating. And I've had a couple of viral things and, of late, not so much, and I felt myself go “Oh this was very easy!" and felt very objective about it when it was flying. And then I hate it again and “Oh God, this is awful”.

For me the motivation to do that is to get it seen by people. So maybe it isn't just about **** selling, about shifting units, selling tickets, becoming a glitzy famous person. I do think at my core, the experience of performing to a nice full room, doing stuff that you care about and excited by, is the same sensual experience for 50 people or 5000 people. So I shouldn't care at all because I want to be an artist and I wanna do the stuff, but I end up caring.


And sensual is a lovely word for it as well.

I think it's like you've done 50 people and then when you've done 5000 people it's like “right. OK. We've move to the next level here.” Once someone's absolutely ripped for a role in the film they then have the pressure of keeping the body. Once you start making progress it's like “Oh ****, if I was just in mediocrity forever then it be fine coz there's no real drop from that. The drop is less seismic than dropping from greatness. I've put myself in it now coz now I've got this new a higher standard as norm”.


But isn't that just another illusion? Aren't we people of art? That is just illusion isn't it?


Of course it is but it's so tricky distancing yourself from the illusion and illusion is coming at you all the time from all angles and we’re constantly told to “Live in the illusion, give in to the illusion, play the game.” You got to try remember that it's a game and it's really hard and sometimes it's utterly absorbing. You got to keep pushing back, keep remembering “I'm playing a game, I can put down the remote, go and have a breather coz this isn't real.” As long as you’re aware it’s a game I think it’s okay.
  • What's your favourite swear word? (please disregard the non-profanity site rule)
  • Have you any swears from your childhood that aren't actual swear words. (example: Bumsweater, coined by my sister.)
  • If you could go into a chrysalis like a butterfly and emerge as something new, what would you change into?
  • Butter or marge?
  • Would you rather have no nose or no arms?
  • What would be your weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse?
  • What words can't you spell correctly?
  • You can make one of your body parts detachable without any negative repercussions. What body part would it be and why?
  • What idea, thought or faith about the world you've always held as true has been recently shattered?
  • Who can you do a passable impression of?
  • What's your favourite swear word? (please disregard the non-profanity site rule)
  • Have you any swears from your childhood that aren't actual swear words. (example: Bumsweater, coined by my sister.)
Sugar, Flooglebinder, piffle
  • If you could go into a chrysalis like a butterfly and emerge as something new, what would you change into?
I good with butterfly
  • Butter or marge?
  • Would you rather have no nose or no arms?
no nose, might be a good thing in close quarters
  • What would be your weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse?
garlic, no wait, that’s vampires. A tank
  • What words can't you spell correctly?
is this a trap?
  • You can make one of your body parts detachable without any negative repercussions. What body part would it be and why?
my head, it’s not on too tight as is.
  • What idea, thought or faith about the world you've always held as true has been recently shattered?
America has liberty and justice for all.
  • Who can you do a passable impression of?
A carrot
  • What's your favourite swear word? (please disregard the non-profanity site rule)
  • Have you any swears from your childhood that aren't actual swear words. (example: Bumsweater, coined by my sister.)
  • If you could go into a chrysalis like a butterfly and emerge as something new, what would you change into?
  • Butter or marge?
  • Would you rather have no nose or no arms?
  • What would be your weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse?
  • What words can't you spell correctly?
  • You can make one of your body parts detachable without any negative repercussions. What body part would it be and why?
  • What idea, thought or faith about the world you've always held as true has been recently shattered?
  • Who can you do a passable impression of?

  • What's your favourite swear word? (please disregard the non-profanity site rule)
Damn. Not very edgy, I know, but obscenities are so frequent everywhere now that they've lost any effect.

  • Have you any swears from your childhood that aren't actual swear words. (example: Bumsweater, coined by my sister.)
Fershlugginer, because I was a diehard fan of Mad Magazine. I had no idea that it had a real meaning or that it was derived from Yiddish until much later in life.

  • If you could go into a chrysalis like a butterfly and emerge as something new, what would you change into?
A rejuvenated me.

  • Butter or marge?

  • Would you rather have no nose or no arms?
Ick. I'd rather keep both.

  • What would be your weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse?
A rocketship outta here.

  • What words can't you spell correctly?
I usually have to stop and think about "niece" and a few similar ones.

  • You can make one of your body parts detachable without any negative repercussions. What body part would it be and why?
Geez, why? I guess a detachable arm might be good for recovering things from behind sofas and a detachable eye for seeing around corners or over crowds, but so far I can't think of a plus that would be worth the weirdness, not to mention the risk of dropping it in an inaccessible place.

  • What idea, thought or faith about the world you've always held as true has been recently shattered?
Not shattered, but badly dented: The positive effect of education on critical thinking.

  • Who can you do a passable impression of?
On a good day, I can do a passable impression of myself. I didn't inherit the family gene for acting.
Seems relevant to the thread...
View attachment 171966

At last, a definitive answer:

garlic, no wait, that’s vampires. A tank

I watched the first 15 minutes of Blade on the weekend. Wesley Snipes is some kind of Overlord vampire slayer (I don’t know if I’m the only person in the world who hadn’t seen it before)

Kris Kristofferson (*swoon* but he didn’t sing once, least not in the first 15 mins) is some kind of mad scientist. Snipes carries an unconscious woman into Kristofferson’s lab: ‘She’s been bit”

Kristofferson waves around a dirty great syringe full of yellow liquid. “Ma’am, I’m going to inject allium sativum, garlic” . 200 ccs of garlic straight into her neck :lmao: :lmao:
“If she makes it through the night she’ll be ok” :lmao:

Almost made up for kristofferson not singing :mobibabe:
I watched the first 15 minutes of Blade on the weekend. Wesley Snipes is some kind of Overlord vampire slayer (I don’t know if I’m the only person in the world who hadn’t seen it before)

Kris Kristofferson (*swoon* but he didn’t sing once, least not in the first 15 mins) is some kind of mad scientist. Snipes carries an unconscious woman into Kristofferson’s lab: ‘She’s been bit”

Kristofferson waves around a dirty great syringe full of yellow liquid. “Ma’am, I’m going to inject allium sativum, garlic” . 200 ccs of garlic straight into her neck :lmao: :lmao:
“If she makes it through the night she’ll be ok” :lmao:

Almost made up for kristofferson not singing :mobibabe:
I’ve never heard of it. What’s it on? Sounds like fun!
I’ve never heard of it. What’s it on? Sounds like fun!

There are three, I just read. Marvel”s first box office hit.

There are three, I just read. Marvel”s first box office hit.
Half-mortal, half-immortal? How does that work?
That’s how it works for cars shows. 25 years=antique. Suddenly I feel positively ancienot…..

Years ago someone told me you know you’re old when you start seeing stuff you wore as a kid/in your teens/early adulthood back in fashion. That happened >20 years ago. I don’t know what that makes me.

As for vintage clothing - I wish I’d kept my full length blue denim jacket. Saw one in a vintage store for $700. I don’t know what I paid for it in the 70s but I didn’t blink and I was on a junior nurse wage.
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