• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Image of the Month IOTM July****RESULT****


IOTM WInner - April 2022
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Welcome to Image of the Month July - named by The Romans after Julius Caesar in 44 B.C. - the 27th IOTM.

The idea is to nominate what we the Mobitog members, consider our favourite images throughout the month, posted by other members.

Any Mobitog member that wishes to make nominations will have up to 4 picks throughout the month, closing day will be the 31st of July.
Although its best not to leave it till the last day of the month to post nominations.

The only rules are,
1. You cannot nominate your own images.
2. You only have 4 nominations. You don't have to use them up all in one go, please spread them throughout the month.
3. If an image has already been nominated you cannot nominate it again.
4. The image can be from any thread on Mobitog i.e. B/W Challenge, Color Challenge, APPstract or any of the 365's running or members own personal threads.
5. It must have been posted in the current month.

As you nominate an image can you please number the image at the top and include the name of the original poster, just check what number was last and then number accordingly.

If you do nominate any images please try and be around at the beginning of each new month for voting.
YES voting, this will not be judged but voted on by Mobitog members.

Please keep the chat to a minimum on this thread so we can best view the images and make it easier at the end of the month.
If you have any questions please shout up, there are plenty of Mobi Members familiar with this.

Finally and I know it all sounds complicated but it might be nice when nominating someone that you comment on the image in the usual way, but put
'This work has been chosen for The Image of the Month Competition' in the comment or something similar.

Voting will commence on the 1st of August 2022
#1 - sdimbour with Doors.

I have this thing with doors, especially old ones like this. I firmly believe this won’t be your only nomination this month but wanted to get this one in. And yes what a surprise, I favour the mono version.
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