• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Image of the Month RESULT: Image of the Month (IOTM) DECEMBER 2022

Nominations so far…

19 WildPlace Yvonne Seonaid looking rather 007


Simple and striking. And the pop-cultural reference is a bonus :thumbs:
(I bet Starzee Star would like to see the BW version in this week’s challenge


Sorry for c&p, none of the MobiTog edit tools work for me on my Pro Mini (the menu is permanently greyed out - and while I’m complaining I can’t tap and drag to select text either)
Image of the Month - December is now closed for nominations and OPEN for VOTING.

Three votes each. Please vote for three different images and no voting for your own image!:D

Voting should be like this:

#92 5pts
#63 3 pts
#43 1 pt

Voting will end on 7th January.
Happy Voting! :lol:
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