• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Ubbyisis aka Eva’s 2024 366

Day 9 - January 9th - Golden glow

The last sunrays gave the snow in the twigs a golden glow

shot through our kitchen window with native cam, edits in Lightroom


Day 10 - January 10th - Bauble selfie

Spent an hour this afternoon wow-ing and ooooh-ing. The most beautiful sunset I ever seen. I took tons of photos. At the very moment I noticed it was ”finally” almost total darkness I got like a horse’s kick in my tummy so I had to stretch out on the bed for a while. Happens quite often, very irritating. The first times I thought I needed to go to the hospital, but soon I got used to it and now I feel safe that if I just rest for a while it passes. Long rest today :sleep: I'll check my sunset photos later, or tomorrow.

Earlier this afternoon I got a fun surprise when I noticed myself in a decoration bauble. Edits in Lightroom and Retouch and perhaps something else. I have already forgotten :facepalm:


Day 11 - January 11th - Huge cloud passing over my head

From today’s morning walk. Now it’s late afternoon and cloudy. I’m almost happy we didn’t get another breathtaking sunset. Now I can have a tranquil rest of the day, especially as my DH left for a trip to southern Sweden. He wanted to attend to one of his aunt’s funeral tomorrow.

autoenhanced in Radiant photo


Day 11 - January 11th - Huge cloud passing over my head

From today’s morning walk. Now it’s late afternoon and cloudy. I’m almost happy we didn’t get another breathtaking sunset. Now I can have a tranquil rest of the day, especially as my DH left for a trip to southern Sweden. He wanted to attend to one of his aunt’s funeral tomorrow.

autoenhanced in Radiant photo

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I forgot I already posted these and started editing them in Lightroom Mobile :D I usually don't sit down with my photos until towards the end of the day. That's probably why I forgot I'd already posted :thinking:


Day 12 - January 12th - Fake

It wasn’t very nice outside today. The wind almost knocked me down a few times and light rain had made the road partly icy. But there were also a few holes in the clouds. I wish I had wings and fly over the sky in the sunshine :)



original after downsizing

Day 13 - January 13th - Getting ready for spring…

…. but I think these tiny buds are a bit too early :rolleyes:
Boring grey weather today. But at least the water comes down from the sky as snow today. The road was very icy, but I survived :thumbs:

edits in Hipsta



bored walker - edits in Lightroom

Day 18 - January 18th - Didn’t see more of the sun than this

After another very snowy walk I started my yearly horror project: fixing the financial reports for Linus. It’s so boring and I get flashbacks from my work life. Checked my blood pressure just for fun, and yes, higher than usual at that time of the day :lol:

Photos…. looked up from my workspace and noticed it was already dark :facepalm: I had one photo though, shot on the porch at sunset. At this time of the year the setting sun is hidden behind a bunch of fir trees so it's impossible to get decent photos.

did some basic edits in LR - still a bad photo. But it kind of sums up my day

Day 19th - January 19th - No dripping here

Minus 23C (-9,4F) right now. Beautiful sunshine all day. I took this photo when we got home from our walk. About a week ago we had temperatures above zero the snow on the roof started to melt and moved downwards. Some of it fell to the ground but not all. Then it got cold again and we have these ice formations hanging down. Quite decorative :)

edits in Radiant Mobile

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