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Web photo gallery creator


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iPhone 14 Pro
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Does anyone have experience with or recommendations for a program or app to create a photo gallery on the web? iOS or MacOS for me, but if you've got info for Android or Windows, add it here in case someone else wants to know.

I do have my own domain (cafebongo.com) where I can host such a thing, but the Mac software I used before is long defunct. I'm not looking for anything elaborate -- no comments (eek!) or forums or anything like that -- just the images and text (for titles and notes) with easy browsing and viewing.
I know I can create a shared public album through iCloud, but I'm looking for something to create a gallery I can host on my own site.
Not sure if you can embed something, and you have to have a Microsoft account... but I created this on Sway, which I could've sworn Microsoft deprecated. :rolleyes:

London Adventure 2017

Another thought... Keynote?
I'd never heard of Sway -- that's a nice looking gallery. And Keynote never occurred to me -- off to check now. Thanks!
I notice the Craig Scott gallery uses https:// www.myriad-online.com/en/products/galerie.htm
Have you considered that or looking for a replacement?
I'd use Galerie again if I could, but it hasn't been updated in ages and doesn't run on current MacOS. I'd love to find something that does the same -- point it at a folder of images and it creates a static site with a thumbnail page and individual image pages, nothing fancy at all. I've found a few possibilities, including the open source Jekyll, but so far nothing that automatically does everything I want (poor me :rolleyes: ). I was hoping I wouldn't have to dredge up my ancient html skills, such as they were.

(Hmm... although maybe I could run an old OS in a virtual machine. Not sure that would work with my M1 Mac.)
I had hopes for Jekyll, but after downloading the files and poking around a bit, I've decided to set it aside, at least for now. It runs from the command line, which I can deal with, and is based on the Ruby language, so it requires you to have a Ruby interpreter installed. As it happens, Macs come with Ruby installed, but despite what you (and I) might think, that is not a good thing because the installed version is 2.x and Jekyll wants 3.x. Fine, so install an updated version, right? And that's where things go south. No one says to uninstall the old Ruby first -- I'm guessing because it's being used somewhere in the system -- and installing a newer Ruby alongside the old generates configuration problems. Fixing those is long and tedious enough that one guy sells $20 to $80 scripts for automating the process, and even those don't guarantee they'll work on the first try. I'm not nearly as interested in screwing with my computer as I used to be, so I decided to look elsewhere.

And I did find that a Mac graphics utility -- GraphicConverter -- which I've had for ages can generate what it calls a catalog in HTML and save the results (HTML files, thumbnails, and images) in a local folder that can then be uploaded to your web host. It creates a very basic site -- pages of thumbnails with links to full images and navigation links -- but I think that's all I need. I'm testing out the options at the moment. You can see an early test here:

(Needs to show titles instead of filenames. Navigation arrows are too big. Etc.)
That works well. It's nice that when viewing individual pics they are responsively resized to the size of the screen. A shame the designer didn't think to make the controls and overall layout responsive as well as it doesn't all fit on the screen.
Looks like the hard work is done with javascript, There's no CSS and the HTML is quite bare-bones.
That works well. It's nice that when viewing individual pics they are responsively resized to the size of the screen. A shame the designer didn't think to make the controls and overall layout responsive as well as it doesn't all fit on the screen.
Looks like the hard work is done with javascript, There's no CSS and the HTML is quite bare-bones.
I've uploaded another iteration that includes more images resolves some of the problems but now features vivid purple borders around the thumbnails. I wanted to try borders to get better spacing between the title and the image below, but there was no place to specify the color, and for some reason it defaults to purple, on my system anyway. EDIT: Oh, I see, it's coloring the border according to the visited/not visited status for links. Don't see any way to turn it off.

Maybe I should just clear out my Flickr account, reload it with images, and use that as my gallery.
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You could just code one yourself. It’s been awhile since I’ve done it but it wasn’t to hard. You could probably google “photo gallery” html and get one done for ya
You could just code one yourself. It’s been awhile since I’ve done it but it wasn’t to hard. You could probably google “photo gallery” html and get one done for ya
I was hoping to avoid getting my hands dirty :lmao:

I have done it that way before, but what I'd really like is a system where I can just keep dumping new images in a folder and run a program or script to regenerate a new version of the site.
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