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Brush Explorations - a Series


Real Name
Jerry Jobe
iPhone 12 Pro Max
Brush Exploration 1: Sound

Created a few of these yesterday. I was on a roll. Created a background in iColorama, places one painted dab of an included brush, then finished it off in different ways.

My favourite so far. Surreal, and I love the colours.

I really like this one, too, but when I cross-posted on Facebook, this received almost no interest.

Very much enjoying your brush explorations, bu thought would mention the backgrounds are showstoppers,too.

Thanks! The brushes themselves have to support and be supported by the backgrounds. Otherwise, it’s “eh”.

Yeah, how do you dream these titles up, juryjone ? Mine are so boring.

I do work on titles for a while. I always sigh when I see a beautiful or interesting image and then see “Untitled” or no title at all. Sometimes I like to clue the viewer into what I found interesting, or a snatch of song or poetry that the image brought to mind. I like alliteration, so you’ll see that a lot.

“Donut of Doom” is alliterative, but it’s also a private reference, dating back to my college days, when bored friends would perform that maneuver in parking lots with their muscle cars.
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