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Landscape Photography Apps


Real Name
Dave Gray
iPhone 14 Pro Max
Landscape Photography is my Passion.Both of my 365 Projects have been heavily devoted to this genre.I’ve trawled the Landscape Threads for examples of Apps which lend itself to creating a variety of stunning photos but have not found any threads over the last 3 years with ideas.........so I thought i’d Start one.

I try to evoke ARTY,DREAMY,ATMOSPHERIC,DRAMATIC or MOODY Feel to my photos,although the nature of some of my 365 themes don’t enable me to do it to every photo I upload.

Probably the best and easiest App to generate the above is HIPSTAMATIC.

Great for Textures is MEXTURES,STACKABLES AND DISTRESSED FX, though I have to say that Stackables is very buggy at the moment and frequently crashes. Mextures would be great if it were available in Landscape form(not portrait).......there looks like a major upgrade shortly so that might be one of the updates.Whilst Distressed FX is superb for a whole range of textures,though you have to pay for the various packs.

I like the new upgrade in LIGHTROOM CC which enables use of Presets of which I have hundreds on my laptop and can now transfer them to my Ipad..........unfortunately you have to pay a lot for Lightroom and cough up dosh every year.

I actually like ȮGGL and use it frequently to take photos using their paks.Likewise I use CINEMATIC for short videos......I like the way you can stop the clip at any stage and continue with it without having to start a new clip......it might be for only a minute but this length is often long enough for short landscape videos.

I’ll return to this topic later with an update on JIXIPIX Apps.

Meanwhile feel free to add to my list.......I look forward to trying out some new styles if there are other APPS out there I don’t know about.
Gee, there are so many apps that do filters. I mainly stick to the ones you have mentioned or I add my own textures using iColorama.

Other apps that I know of that I use occasionally are Gloomlogue, PhotoToaster, Photocopier, Simply HDR, Shift, Mix, Thyra, UltraLight. Most of these I got when they went free (or are free) so I dip into them when I’m bored so not sure if I would actually pay for them. I put them in a separate folder called Grunge so that I know these are the ones that are for grunging up a photo. I think though it pays to choose one and get to know it really well.

For adding filters to video: VideoLUT (same as iColorama’s Tone options but for video - pretty good) and I see that Ultralight does as well although haven’t really used it.
Digital Film Tools (formerly Tiffen Photo fx) might be useful. It has lots of filters, not in the Mextures/Stackables sense but more in the old film camera sense. It includes gradient filters, neutral density filters, day-for-night, diffusion, lighting, tints, warming/cooling, and so on, all without grunge or textures (which you can add later). It comes in separate iPhone and iPad versions, and it's cheap.
Gee, there are so many apps that do filters. I mainly stick to the ones you have mentioned or I add my own textures using iColorama.

Other apps that I know of that I use occasionally are Gloomlogue, PhotoToaster, Photocopier, Simply HDR, Shift, Mix, Thyra, UltraLight. Most of these I got when they went free (or are free) so I dip into them when I’m bored so not sure if I would actually pay for them. I put them in a separate folder called Grunge so that I know these are the ones that are for grunging up a photo. I think though it pays to choose one and get to know it really well.

For adding filters to video: VideoLUT (same as iColorama’s Tone options but for video - pretty good) and I see that Ultralight does as well although haven’t really used it.
I realise that there are dozens of Apps with Filters but Mobitogs usually mention these in a whole range of threads.......thought it would be nice to compile our list in one thread,unless i’ve missed a similar list in other forums. Good start, i’ll add these to my folder and call them filter threads:):) like the idea of a Grunge folder.
Digital Film Tools (formerly Tiffen Photo fx) might be useful. It has lots of filters, not in the Mextures/Stackables sense but more in the old film camera sense. It includes gradient filters, neutral density filters, day-for-night, diffusion, lighting, tints, warming/cooling, and so on, all without grunge or textures (which you can add later). It comes in separate iPhone and iPad versions, and it's cheap.
Not heard of that one......have put it in my newly designed “Old Film Style Filters”:thumbs:
As usual I'll have to be awkward and turn this around ;)
Why do you need an 'app' to take a landscape photographs Dave?
I'd say the best app you have is the standard camera that came with your phone. After that you can style it anyway you want with the apps above, or crazy as it seems not edit it at all ! :eek:
I personally think that over editing is the curse of mobile photography, but I'm sure that most of this community (and the app developers) would strongly disagree :lol:
As usual I'll have to be awkward and turn this around ;)
Why do you need an 'app' to take a landscape photographs Dave?
I'd say the best app you have is the standard camera that came with your phone. After that you can style it anyway you want with the apps above, or crazy as it seems not edit it at all ! :eek:
I personally think that over editing is the curse of mobile photography, but I'm sure that most of this community (and the app developers) would strongly disagree :lol:
:D Oh, but isn’t it marvellous to have the choice - leave it as you took it, or app it to death (and everything inbetween)? Isn’t that the joy of mobile photography? It’s that choice that makes it enjoyable for me.
Landscape Photography is my Passion.Both of my 365 Projects have been heavily devoted to this genre.I’ve trawled the Landscape Threads for examples of Apps which lend itself to creating a variety of stunning photos but have not found any threads over the last 3 years with ideas.........so I thought i’d Start one.

I try to evoke ARTY,DREAMY,ATMOSPHERIC,DRAMATIC or MOODY Feel to my photos,although the nature of some of my 365 themes don’t enable me to do it to every photo I upload.

Probably the best and easiest App to generate the above is HIPSTAMATIC.

Great for Textures is MEXTURES,STACKABLES AND DISTRESSED FX, though I have to say that Stackables is very buggy at the moment and frequently crashes. Mextures would be great if it were available in Landscape form(not portrait).......there looks like a major upgrade shortly so that might be one of the updates.Whilst Distressed FX is superb for a whole range of textures,though you have to pay for the various packs.

I like the new upgrade in LIGHTROOM CC which enables use of Presets of which I have hundreds on my laptop and can now transfer them to my Ipad..........unfortunately you have to pay a lot for Lightroom and cough up dosh every year.

I actually like ȮGGL and use it frequently to take photos using their paks.Likewise I use CINEMATIC for short videos......I like the way you can stop the clip at any stage and continue with it without having to start a new clip......it might be for only a minute but this length is often long enough for short landscape videos.

I’ll return to this topic later with an update on JIXIPIX Apps.

Meanwhile feel free to add to my list.......I look forward to trying out some new styles if there are other APPS out there I don’t know about.
You made me go and have another look at my apps, and I discovered Shift, which I don’t think I’ve ever used. But it looks really interesting. Quite a few filters and lots of textures. I think I’ll be experimenting with this app. Has anybody else used it?
You made me go and have another look at my apps, and I discovered Shift, which I don’t think I’ve ever used. But it looks really interesting. Quite a few filters and lots of textures. I think I’ll be experimenting with this app. Has anybody else used it?
I've used it but not for a while, it is a 'cross-over' app :lol:
Two that are in my arsenal are DFT and Photocopier. DFT I use mostly for the Day to Night filter and the lighting effects. It may be more of an effect filter but there are some filters in there. Photocopier has filters that imitate classic paintings, movie looks and photos. There has been discussion about this app here before, a year or more ago.

I use the filter apps as a replacement for the texture layers and lighting layers i used to add in Photoshop. I agree with Dave in that I now prefer to add a depth to my photo but adding texture and giving it a “feeling” of dreamy, arty and so on. Diffrent strokes....:)
I use the filter apps as a replacement for the texture layers and lighting layers i used to add in Photoshop. I agree with Dave in that I now prefer to add a depth to my photo but adding texture and giving it a “feeling” of dreamy, arty and so on.
Texture is one thing I really miss from the old Photoshop days. I've not found an Android app that can do this, not sure if any Apple apps can do it either?
As usual I'll have to be awkward and turn this around ;)
Why do you need an 'app' to take a landscape photographs Dave?
I'd say the best app you have is the standard camera that came with your phone. After that you can style it anyway you want with the apps above, or crazy as it seems not edit it at all ! :eek:
I personally think that over editing is the curse of mobile photography, but I'm sure that most of this community (and the app developers) would strongly disagree :lol:
Can’t agree with you there John......I don’t need an App to take the Landscape photo as,like you said, many apps do that.......the skill in taking a good landscape photo is using the light to your advantage and composing the image.As we can’t control the depth of field, I like to edit my photos to achieve the style of photography I like. Some people prefer the “what you see is what you get” style and there’s nothing wrong with that.......however I believe that the full range of editing styles you now see, offers the viewer a greater range of visual stimulus’s because of it.I love to add Atmospheric and Moody feel to my photos and that is more difficult to achieve without editing. Not all Photography Editing Apps offer the same uses to enable me to achieve this style, hence starting this thread to see if there are apps out there that I have not tried/don’t know about which I might feasibly use to edit my photos in the style I enjoy.

I’ll try as many out as I can or at least check the feedback on the app and set up a list of stylised apps. Not every photography app helps in the editing of landscape photos,strange as it may seem.
You made me go and have another look at my apps, and I discovered Shift, which I don’t think I’ve ever used. But it looks really interesting. Quite a few filters and lots of textures. I think I’ll be experimenting with this app. Has anybody else used it?
Can’t find it Jilly....is it under another name.
Can’t find it Jilly....is it under another name.
If you type in Shift, weirdly it’s not the first app that appears.:confused:

But it’s there.:D
I’ve started to categorize the apps into genres(or what I think they do)

Lightroom cc

Toon Camera

Distressed FX

Digital Film Tools

Simply HDR

Moku Hanga
Rainy Daze
Snowy Daze
Vintage Scene
Impresso Pro

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I guess like an overlay, a bit more than a filter, something to give the image a grungy look. The closest is Mextures or Stackables or Distressed, still not like layering a texture though.
Ahhh, I see. Yes, that’s what I thought.:thumbs:
I’ve started to categorize the apps into genres(or what I think they do)


You might add Rays to your Lighting Layer apps. It's from Digital Film Tools (the company that makes DFT the app). I seem to remember there is or was a better one, but the name escapes me.
You might add Rays to your Lighting Layer apps. It's from Digital Film Tools (the company that makes DFT the app). I seem to remember there is or was a better one, but the name escapes me.
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