• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

MobiTog Moments


Yup, rizole ’s method works! One of my images from my first month which is one of my favourites.

Brilliant palette (those blues do such a good job of mediating the red and the green)
This is my first post from my introduction thread. :) February 2, 2012. I joked about being afraid to get in the water (posting), so I was jumping in. I lurked on the board for over a month before this.

The picture was taken with the original iphone with camera+ and edited with Snapseed and king camera(?). I don’t remember king camera. Lol


I have 30 pages of attatchments. :eek: The majority are hipstamatic :lmao: I posted my first set of abstracts around June of 2012, after discovering icoloramaS. It’s interesting looking back at those imageso_O

In May of 2012, we had a tiny meetup here in Conroe, TX. I had the pleasure of meeting Lisa and Peter (pametz). Here’s a “where’s dolly” pic from then.


I miss these early days.
The attachments whatsit tells you how many times something's been viewed I notice.
I've just skimmed this years pics, they have gotten mostly between 40 to 70 views, some less, some more. Over 100 is unusual.
Oddly, all the pics I've submitted to this week's mobi colour are all around the 200 mark. My most viewed pic this year so far is, with 235 views:
This is my first post from my introduction thread. :) February 2, 2012. I joked about being afraid to get in the water (posting), so I was jumping in. I lurked on the board for over a month before this.

The picture was taken with the original iphone with camera+ and edited with Snapseed and king camera(?). I don’t remember king camera. Lol


I have 30 pages of attatchments. :eek: The majority are hipstamatic :lmao: I posted my first set of abstracts around June of 2012, after discovering icoloramaS. It’s interesting looking back at those imageso_O

In May of 2012, we had a tiny meetup here in Conroe, TX. I had the pleasure of meeting Lisa and Peter (pametz). Here’s a “where’s dolly” pic from then.


I miss these early days.
Oh, I remember all of your wonderful lake images. :inlove:
And I totally remember that meet-up!! It's always exciting to me when these real life MobiTog meetings happen..... it literally makes my heart happy.
The attachments whatsit tells you how many times something's been viewed I notice.
I've just skimmed this years pics, they have gotten mostly between 40 to 70 views, some less, some more. Over 100 is unusual.
Oddly, all the pics I've submitted to this week's mobi colour are all around the 200 mark. My most viewed pic this year so far is, with 235 views:
Well, it IS a fabulous image. :inlove:
The attachments whatsit tells you how many times something's been viewed I notice.
I've just skimmed this years pics, they have gotten mostly between 40 to 70 views, some less, some more. Over 100 is unusual.
Oddly, all the pics I've submitted to this week's mobi colour are all around the 200 mark. My most viewed pic this year so far is, with 235 views:
SO adorable. No wonder.
Collaborations, I’ve seen a few . . . .

Anyone recall making a collaborative image ? I lovelovelove collabs.

Here’s one with the inimitable RoseCat and me from December 2015, Levels of Abstraction #12 Wing’ed . On browsing, I notice there was a fair bit of plagiarism in that thread, mainly mine :oops: :mobibabe: This Collab was inspired by Ted terse ’ earlier info about the (then) new British Library Creative Commons Flickr page.

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Collaborations, I’ve seen a few . . . .

Anyone recall making a collaborative image ? I lovelovelove collabs.

Here’s one with the inimitable RoseCat and me from December 2015, Levels of Abstraction #12 Wing’ed . On browsing, I notice there was a fair bit of plagiarism in that thread, mainly mine :oops: :mobibabe: This Collab was inspired by Ted terse ’ earlier info about the (then) new British Library Creative Commons Flickr page.

View attachment 71030
Isn’t this marvellous! Hey, whatever happened to Levels of Abstraction? :appsir:
Collaborations, I’ve seen a few . . . .

Anyone recall making a collaborative image ? I lovelovelove collabs.

Here’s one with the inimitable RoseCat and me from December 2015, Levels of Abstraction #12 Wing’ed . On browsing, I notice there was a fair bit of plagiarism in that thread, mainly mine :oops: :mobibabe: This Collab was inspired by Ted terse ’ earlier info about the (then) new British Library Creative Commons Flickr page.

View attachment 71030
I loved this collab... :inlove:
This is my first post from my introduction thread. :) February 2, 2012. I joked about being afraid to get in the water (posting), so I was jumping in. I lurked on the board for over a month before this.


I miss these early days.

We miss any of your days, Valeri - when are you coming back?

And like Cat I recall your lovely lake images — sometimes with a few loony-looking kids splashing about :lmao: . Personally I miss your dropdead abstracts most. If you don’t :) i will rummage around the archives and post a couple here. For their historical significance, don’tyouknow :mobibabe:
We miss any of your days, Valeri - when are you coming back?

And like Cat I recall your lovely lake images — sometimes with a few loony-looking kids splashing about :lmao: . Personally I miss your dropdead abstracts most. If you don’t :) i will rummage around the archives and post a couple here. For their historical significance, don’tyouknow :mobibabe:

I poke around on the board often, reading the goings on and checking out everyone’s work. So I’m not really gone, just sorta in shadows. I hope to be more interactive soon.

I’ll try to poke around in my history later today, see what I find in my abstracts that might be interesting. It would be intriguing to see which app influence the progression the most. If I had to guess, I’d say Decim8... but I might be wrong.
The attachments whatsit tells you how many times something's been viewed I notice.
I've just skimmed this years pics, they have gotten mostly between 40 to 70 views, some less, some more. Over 100 is unusual.
Oddly, all the pics I've submitted to this week's mobi colour are all around the 200 mark. My most viewed pic this year so far is, with 235 views:
I've probably looked at this 100 times myself! Loved the photo, just didn't think it was tilt-shifty enough ;)
Oddly, all the pics I've submitted to this week's mobi colour are all around the 200 mark.
So that also makes me wonder who is doing all the viewing? I'd estimate there are probably around a dozen hard core mobitoggers that regularly post and comment. So there must (going on the size of membership) be a lot that just lurk and never take part. Shame that. :rolleyes:
Although I'd love to know what viewed actually means? Does opening a thread a casually scrolling through the images get a 'view'? Which would account for popular 'hot' threads getting more picture views maybe.
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