• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Mobi365 MsDee 365 Project - 2023

Looks cozy! When’s the big day?
After Spring Training - my husband works (part time, retired) a few days a week as a mechanic for an MLB team. We will put the house up for sale in a week or so. Trying the clear things out, packing, sorting, tossing, donating... etc. :coffee:


Your American Legion is much prettier than ours.
Well... it's ok... and it's on the water - so it's kinda popular, especially now the snowbirds are back. :rolleyes:
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After Spring Training - my husband works (part time, retired) a few days a week as a mechanic for an MLB team. We will put the house up for sale in a week or so. Trying the clear things out, packing, sorting, tossing, donating... etc. :coffee:


Well... it's ok... and it's on the water - so it's kinda popular, especially now the snowbirds are back. :rolleyes:
We aren’t moving but doing renovations in our downstairs. Doing the same sorting, tossing, donating.

Our Legion is in a basement with this metal stuff on the wall. Looks more like a biker bar than a legion. But it’s the only bar in town so it, too is very popular. :rolleyes: I haven’t been there in a couple of years.
Day 52 - February 21

Growing Basil in Water

Captured with iPhone 12 Pro Max native camera; processed on same with Becasso Graphite

Growing Basil in Water by Dee Bantz, on Flickr
What Eva said….do you just put the basil in water or is there more to it? I can get basil with the roots at the grocery store.
That’s something for us to try. We use basil a lot, but we haven’t tested growing it in water. Cool pot/vase :cool: :thumbs:

What Eva said….do you just put the basil in water or is there more to it? I can get basil with the roots at the grocery store.

I have an old basil plant from a couple years ago... growing outside still. I snipped off as much green as I could (the plant has become "woody"), I put in in an ikebana vase for a week or two until it sprouts roots. Then I moved it to this other vase (I bought at a craft fair a long time ago) and have since rooted a couple more small sprouts we found on that old plant.

I use spring water (store bought)... I need to look for the instructions that came with the clear vase.
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