• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

R.I.P. Rest In Peace Larry (@Lzed)...


IOTM Winner - Sep 20 + Jan & Nov 21
Mobi Veteran
Real Name
iPhone 13 Pro Max
Project Page
Lzed Larry has been diagnosed with two life threatening conditions, and, like the trouper he is, is determined to fight them. Please send your good wishes and healing thoughts to Larry at this difficult time and post any images here you feel will cheer and uplift him. Larry has been a member of Mobitog for a very long time and has always posted in his 52 thread, through good times and bad. He may not be on Mobitog as often as he’d like whilst he undergoes treatment, but, when he pops in, I’m sure he’ll appreciate it to see that we are thinking of him.
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Lzed Larry - Sending you a sunny Hollyhock to let you know that you’re in our thoughts at this difficult time for you. :inlove:

Cats have been known to raise the spirits. Oh. Lift might have been a better word. The combined thoughts of this fine group of world-wide artists may well have some influence on whatever treatment you are undergoing. Please keep us updated :thumbs:
View attachment 148549
Cats have been known to raise the spirits. Oh. Lift might have been a better word. The combined thoughts of this fine group of world-wide artists may well have some influence on whatever treatment you are undergoing. Please keep us updated :thumbs:
Or scare you into getting better. :rolleyes: What a funny bunch.:D
Dear Larry -

From one who had returned to the dead (21th May 2014) . . .

These statements were taped my hospital wall :

“To win any battle, you must fight as if you are already dead.”

~ Miyamoto Musashi from A Book of Five Rings

“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.”

- Samuel Beckett


Larry, Larry, Larry - we are all so very saddened to hear your news, we are all of us in your corner adding to your own fighting spirit and filling this place with our pick-you-up in happy thoughts and photographs!

Believe it or not, this is one of my very first iPhone photographs, if not the first, taken way back in 2009 and dug out of the archives especially to, hopefully, bring some sunshine to you and your family Larry... :inlove:

Thank you all. Love the cats, especially the one with the big golden eyes!
Probably the next week or so is going to be lots of doctors and a lot of tests as they try and figure out how to get me the treatments I need without it creating other issues.
I am fortunate because my family have been here. My daughter lives in Calgary, Friday morning she had a final to write then jump in her can and drive out here (750kms or so) and yesday spent the morning with Karen and I and driving back. Amazing with everything on her mind she still got a 98% grade. She is planning on driving back for our long weekend (labour day) here the beginning of Sept.
She has a wicked sense of humour and brought me this

Hope this works had to use copy and paste.
Only my daughter could get me to wear it but nurses here sure got a laugh out of it.
Yes it does seem strange to be wearing a toque but it does help
Thank you all. Love the cats, especially the one with the big golden eyes!
Probably the next week or so is going to be lots of doctors and a lot of tests as they try and figure out how to get me the treatments I need without it creating other issues.
I am fortunate because my family have been here. My daughter lives in Calgary, Friday morning she had a final to write then jump in her can and drive out here (750kms or so) and yesday spent the morning with Karen and I and driving back. Amazing with everything on her mind she still got a 98% grade. She is planning on driving back for our long weekend (labour day) here the beginning of Sept.
She has a wicked sense of humour and brought me this
View attachment 148571
Hope this works had to use copy and paste.
Only my daughter could get me to wear it but nurses here sure got a laugh out of it.
Yes it does seem strange to be wearing a toque but it does help
Just look at that little unicorn peeping over the top of your head.:hearteyes: Unicorns are lucky aren’t they (along with cats)?
Dear Sir
I don't know you, I probably will never meet you, but my heart is with you. I work daily with amazing, amazing people who go through a journey that no one ever wants to. They face Cancer diagnosis and treatments that are challenging beyond belive at times. What I have learnt through this is that people care, people also need to know that people care and we do. Sending you a pic of one of my favourite vistas.
Thank you all. Love the cats, especially the one with the big golden eyes!
Probably the next week or so is going to be lots of doctors and a lot of tests as they try and figure out how to get me the treatments I need without it creating other issues.
I am fortunate because my family have been here. My daughter lives in Calgary, Friday morning she had a final to write then jump in her can and drive out here (750kms or so) and yesday spent the morning with Karen and I and driving back. Amazing with everything on her mind she still got a 98% grade. She is planning on driving back for our long weekend (labour day) here the beginning of Sept.
She has a wicked sense of humour and brought me this
View attachment 148571
Hope this works had to use copy and paste.
Only my daughter could get me to wear it but nurses here sure got a laugh out of it.
Yes it does seem strange to be wearing a toque but it does help
Haahaahaa! Hang in there Larry. Having family around is an incredible boost. Is that a prescription unicorn? I’m jealous. Our health system is so sadly lacking...
View attachment 148549
Cats have been known to raise the spirits. Oh. Lift might have been a better word. The combined thoughts of this fine group of world-wide artists may well have some influence on whatever treatment you are undergoing. Please keep us updated :thumbs:
That image is brilliant. And I spy a unicorn... perfect! :D
My daughters toque, she brought it in and had to twist my arm to get it on, no not really but I don't wear this style normally but she can talk me into it. Nurses still get a good laugh out of it when I do.
Dear Sir
I don't know you, I probably will never meet you, but my heart is with you. I work daily with amazing, amazing people who go through a journey that no one ever wants to. They face Cancer diagnosis and treatments that are challenging beyond belive at times. What I have learnt through this is that people care, people also need to know that people care and we do. Sending you a pic of one of my favourite vistas.
View attachment 148590
Looks like a very calm relaxing view.
While there has been cancer in my family at the time I was focused more on the more personal aspects and never really thought much about the Doctors, Nurses, vollenteers etc. My thoughts about them have changed a whole lot over the past 22 days. I agree that in most cases they really are unappreciated. I will see how things go as I progress along my own journey.

Had first mild Chemo yesterday so for next at least week is waiting and watching and checking my heart especially. Chemo Dr was in and talked to her for a bit. As I mention this dose was mild.

Today they took me down and put in a PICT (Peripheral Inserted Central Catheter) line. So far have had a lot of issues getting the IV line both in as well as staying in. Many times veins will roll them they have to poke again or try elsewhere.
In my case to complicate matters I have a strange rash that is all over my body and you find out sometimes just how weird things can be. I was having my whole skin mostly showing a red tinge which made veins difficult to find let alone get into. They took some alcohol and rubbed the whole area and skin went almost back to normal colour and rash changed to more like little bumps. Made it easier to find veins but when they want to roll out of the way still difficult so I was beginning to look like a pincushionand plenty of bruising.

Now is waiting game to see what this dose does and things will be adjusted’ How long this whole process is going to take is unknown, depends on so many different factors.

I may come ask you about some of this as I know very little about it and sometimes I would like more Information. Sometimes yes we are fortunate here in Canada. But like everywhere we have to deal with government and while we pay higher taxes Medicare is pretty good, far better then a lot of other countries. Like everything pluses and minuses.
Looks like a very calm relaxing view.
While there has been cancer in my family at the time I was focused more on the more personal aspects and never really thought much about the Doctors, Nurses, vollenteers etc. My thoughts about them have changed a whole lot over the past 22 days. I agree that in most cases they really are unappreciated. I will see how things go as I progress along my own journey.

Had first mild Chemo yesterday so for next at least week is waiting and watching and checking my heart especially. Chemo Dr was in and talked to her for a bit. As I mention this dose was mild.

Today they took me down and put in a PICT (Peripheral Inserted Central Catheter) line. So far have had a lot of issues getting the IV line both in as well as staying in. Many times veins will roll them they have to poke again or try elsewhere.
In my case to complicate matters I have a strange rash that is all over my body and you find out sometimes just how weird things can be. I was having my whole skin mostly showing a red tinge which made veins difficult to find let alone get into. They took some alcohol and rubbed the whole area and skin went almost back to normal colour and rash changed to more like little bumps. Made it easier to find veins but when they want to roll out of the way still difficult so I was beginning to look like a pincushionand plenty of bruising.

Now is waiting game to see what this dose does and things will be adjusted’ How long this whole process is going to take is unknown, depends on so many different factors.

I may come ask you about some of this as I know very little about it and sometimes I would like more Information. Sometimes yes we are fortunate here in Canada. But like everywhere we have to deal with government and while we pay higher taxes Medicare is pretty good, far better then a lot of other countries. Like everything pluses and minuses.
Would be happy to chat. Keep up your positiveness mate. Here with you x

Loving thoughts with you, Larry. So glad you have your close family (and your brilliant daughter who can write a final, jump in the car to travel 750km across the country and score a 98% grade).

Hope you’re comfortable and at least (after all that uncertainty) better for knowing what you’re dealing with.
Still lots to learn as are they I think.
Main issues so far is heat, house can be +28 and I still am cold, wear tee shirt and heavy sweater and a new one for me, a touqu. Toque keeps my head warmer and seems to help even out the cold/hot spots.
They have been around today at about 20-30 minute intervals checking my vitals. Blood pressure to has been low pretty much from start.
Mentioned that first chemo was lite, which is mostly because of main issue 2. Left ventricle of heart is enlarged which creates issue with hypertension or Over stressing the heart. Right now they are controlling it with the use of blood thinners. I have a blood clot by the enlarged ventrical and clot is slowly spinning, so far it has not gone anywhere but don’t want it too.
I have a persistent rash and from what I was reading todayits common with cancer to have issues with food alllergies, not sure in my case but does appear in write ups so maybe I started out with mild allergy and cancer has ramped that up to where it becomes an issue. Hardest is getting bathed, they are careful trying to keep it genial but still sometimes feels like I am having it done with sandpaper.
Persistent diarrhea which is hard to deal with. Trying to get me eating better and giving me pills to counteract it.

They changed my pain med to Hydromorphone and 2 pills a day and it works pretty good for getting rid of peaks and valleys so pain is more tolerable.

Still have a list of other test coming so have wait and see what else.

I had for me lately a huge supper, very good cream of chicken soup, breaded fish filet that I also ate all of, coffee, high protein milk, juice, with the fish rice pilaf which I almost finished and peas that I ate about half of. As I said probably the most I have eaten while in here.

Weekend will be quite but chemo Dr is supposed to be in. New Paliative Dr said she would be in sometime.

Karen got moved to Wascana rehab and out on day pass for tomorrow so she will be around.

Karen's bed is at home and has a trapeze bar on it. Last night had Karen, Linda and I were talking about how it might help. This morning talked to some of the RN's about it and one a LRN did checking and they had so, went down and hauled it back as she didn't have time to wait for maintenance to install it so she did.
Tried using it both to help me roll which I think will work better once we figure out how to adjust and get it locked. They used it to also help move me up the bed closer to the top hheadoard. I think it surprised the LPN and I, o much easer..

Well they gave me sleep meds and hey are kicking in will ost more tomorrow..
I had for me lately a huge supper, very good cream of chicken soup, breaded fish filet that I also ate all of, coffee, high protein milk, juice, with the fish rice pilaf which I almost finished and peas that I ate about half of. As I said probably the most I have eaten while in here.
So happy to hear this!!
Karen got moved to Wascana rehab and out on day pass for tomorrow so she will be around.
Lovely. I’m sure you will raise each other’s spirits.
Well they gave me sleep meds and hey are kicking in will ost more tomorrow..
Sleep well..... keeping positive thoughts for you, Larry. xoxo
Still lots to learn as are they I think.
Main issues so far is heat, house can be +28 and I still am cold, wear tee shirt and heavy sweater and a new one for me, a touqu. Toque keeps my head warmer and seems to help even out the cold/hot spots.
They have been around today at about 20-30 minute intervals checking my vitals. Blood pressure to has been low pretty much from start.
Mentioned that first chemo was lite, which is mostly because of main issue 2. Left ventricle of heart is enlarged which creates issue with hypertension or Over stressing the heart. Right now they are controlling it with the use of blood thinners. I have a blood clot by the enlarged ventrical and clot is slowly spinning, so far it has not gone anywhere but don’t want it too.
I have a persistent rash and from what I was reading todayits common with cancer to have issues with food alllergies, not sure in my case but does appear in write ups so maybe I started out with mild allergy and cancer has ramped that up to where it becomes an issue. Hardest is getting bathed, they are careful trying to keep it genial but still sometimes feels like I am having it done with sandpaper.
Persistent diarrhea which is hard to deal with. Trying to get me eating better and giving me pills to counteract it.

They changed my pain med to Hydromorphone and 2 pills a day and it works pretty good for getting rid of peaks and valleys so pain is more tolerable.

Still have a list of other test coming so have wait and see what else.

I had for me lately a huge supper, very good cream of chicken soup, breaded fish filet that I also ate all of, coffee, high protein milk, juice, with the fish rice pilaf which I almost finished and peas that I ate about half of. As I said probably the most I have eaten while in here.

Weekend will be quite but chemo Dr is supposed to be in. New Paliative Dr said she would be in sometime.

Karen got moved to Wascana rehab and out on day pass for tomorrow so she will be around.

Karen's bed is at home and has a trapeze bar on it. Last night had Karen, Linda and I were talking about how it might help. This morning talked to some of the RN's about it and one a LRN did checking and they had so, went down and hauled it back as she didn't have time to wait for maintenance to install it so she did.
Tried using it both to help me roll which I think will work better once we figure out how to adjust and get it locked. They used it to also help move me up the bed closer to the top hheadoard. I think it surprised the LPN and I, o much easer..

Well they gave me sleep meds and hey are kicking in will ost more tomorrow..
As Catherine says, it’s great to hear that you’re finally eating. I always think that’s a great sign. And sleeping well too - I think the body needs that to help it recover. Sounds like the first positive steps to getting better.
[Day 23] [Days in hospital]
Well slept not to bad. Will have to find what they have been giving me because I have been sleeping far better, might need prescription, don't know but would be nicer if it was over the counter but will see.

BP is still low so like yesterday you feel more like a specimen being watched all the time and of course more liquid...

Some talk about tests to do With pituitary gland which is another that helps regulate body temperature. As I said I think I am showing stuff they have not seen before and people’s curiosity makes them want to know more.

Have a bit of a mess to clean up.... bound to happen at some point and today was it...
The LPN brings me what I think she calls swish, basically a yellow sweet mouthwash and instead of spitting it out you swallow. It comes on one of those little plastic clear pill containers and I caught the top edge and that stuff went everywhere...

Funny as I was typing this LPN came in and then went and got a cloth so we could clean it up.. .

She was asking if I was comfortable and told her that I’ve felt better today and only needed two flannel blankets. She went over and someone had upped temp in here to +29 which is no wonder they overheat and I am comfy. She set it back to +27.... oh well, could’ve worse I guess.

A couple days ago the iPad died, well, out of juice. Sometime when they were moving my bed or I had cord too tight, long and short came undone.
Died at about 7 or 8 and I never thought to throw in a real book so not much to do. 7:30 is shift change here so did’t want to interrupt them for that so spent next hr watching the lightning show. That night there was lots of weather out by Moose Jaw. Still it kept me occupied though I wish I was able to get up and maybe get some pics.

Last night all cable did was flip between charging and not charging and tell me that it’s not recognized. When we bought these cables it came with 2 and a fast charger so David brought that in for me. Karen asked for me to check and see if she could bring in pizza. RN Kenny said he would race me down the hall to see who would get my portion
Had a better look at the cable that started acting up and can see some damage so probably on the floor and something rolled onto it.

Will have to check and see if Costco still has them. Thought it was a good deal, 2hr charger with 2 six foot long cables and were good up till this. I think around $20 for them.

Coronation80 you might know (for sure more then I know)
Heard about doing tests on Pituitary gland which also helps regulate body temperature.

Not much else happening or not yet
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