• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

APPstract RESULT: APPstract #60 THEME Halloween


I used to have a stash of colouring pages for the grandbabies. One of them is starting university next year :disoriented: — I probably had a clean-out and forgot. Anyhow, this one seems to have survived.
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The Pippin Crypt
This is an image I made a few years ago, from a pic of my favorite crypt at Fort Hill Cemetary. I can’t remember all the apps, but at the time I was watching tutorials from Niki Fitz-Gerald and Susan Tuttle for iColorama. I also remember making the “Pippin” in Over. (ubbyisis Eva’s mention of it brought this to mind.
#60 is now closed, with thanks to all who contributed spooky and in other ways Halloween-ish images. I loved the range of images - we had a bit of everything.

I’ll bb shortly with my favourites. Meantime #61 is here
First, JillyG Jilly, whose untitled (delightfully) scary pumpkin-scarecrow most closely matched my idea of “through the eyes of a child”


Equal 2nd rizole Sam’s “Leaving the body” for its home-movie effects. I can imagine Sam showing it at his sons’ 21st parties


and juryjone Jerry’s iconic foreboding in “Stop at the gatekeeper’s house”


HMs to Jilly for stellar artistic multipurposing with her biscuit tin


and to RoseCat Catherine for her [habitual] touch of the beautiful in the mystical ”Into the wood”

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