• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

BargainWatch *post app bargains here*

I'm going to let you all in on a little secret about how I get some of my photo apps for free. I use a handy little service called IFTTT (if this then that) over at ifttt.com. It automates certain functions on the web, one of which is the ability to track RSS feeds. I have three trackers set up, one for lifilofi.com, one for iphoneography.com, and one for theappwhisperer.com. Every time something new is posted on one of those blogs with the word "free" in it, the tracker sends me a text message or an e-mail. It is very handy, and I rarely miss a freebie.

Sign up for a free account at ifttt.com. There are more tools available as well, such as being able to upload your Instagram posts to Flickr automatically or save a copy to Dropbox.
Another little secret is to use an app called AppsFire.
It is updated very regularly and has brought quite a few freebies to my attention in the short time I have been using it.
I check it every morning and every evening just to cope with the time zone differences.
Highly recommended.
I'm going to let you all in on a little secret about how I get some of my photo apps for free. I use a handy little service called IFTTT (if this then that) over at ifttt.com. It automates certain functions on the web, one of which is the ability to track RSS feeds. I have three trackers set up, one for lifilofi.com, one for iphoneography.com, and one for theappwhisperer.com. Every time something new is posted on one of those blogs with the word "free" in it, the tracker sends me a text message or an e-mail. It is very handy, and I rarely miss a freebie.

Sign up for a free account at ifttt.com. There are more tools available as well, such as being able to upload your Instagram posts to Flickr automatically or save a copy to Dropbox.
Great tip, Chris. I used IFTTT for a while now but really only to let me know if it's going to rain tomorrow!

How did you set up lifeinlofi.com and iphoneography.com as recipes? They don't appear in the list of channels and I can't find an obvious way to enter their URLs. Any help would be appreciated.
How did you set up lifeinlofi.com and iphoneography.com as recipes? They don't appear in the list of channels and I can't find an obvious way to enter their URLs. Any help would be appreciated.

I just use the standard RSS channel, and select the keyword search as my trigger. Here are the two basic recipes I use. They currently point to Buffer so I can retweet any free app posts, but you can use the RSS feed and point to any channel you want. This will work for any blog that has an RSS feed.

Life in LoFi to Buffer

iPhoneography to Buffer
This is awesome...learning so much...great links and info. (I use AppZapp Pro also)
Chris, many thanks for the detailed info. I've now joined, but only managed due to your help!:thumbs:
I just use the standard RSS channel, and select the keyword search as my trigger. Here are the two basic recipes I use. They currently point to Buffer so I can retweet any free app posts, but you can use the RSS feed and point to any channel you want. This will work for any blog that has an RSS feed.
Thank you, Chris. Really useful. It's always nice to learn something new. :D
For those that like to shoot video, Filmic Pro 2 has just been released but if you wait until the weekend it will be free.
CJ! said:
For those that like to shoot video, Filmic Pro 2 has just been released but if you wait until the weekend it will be free.

It's not free but it is 99¢...and apparently buggy, if you believe some of the reviews.
I can find it in the UK store Richard.
Thanks Chris, I found it too after I had posted my comment (of course!). It wasn't showing up on my iPad 2 and wouldn't download onto my iPhone 4. Guess I'll have to wait until my iPhone 5 arrives. :D
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