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Oh my g...Oggl! Hipstamatic launches new community

Swankolab is still around and at least they upgraded it a few months back. Hipsta-D is dead and gone.
From AppZapp: Released 7Apr10, updates on 22Apr10, 5Oct10, 5Sep12 and last update 30Oct12 so a little over 6 months ago. I suppose if I went back and looked most of the complaints would be between Oct2010 and Sep2012.

So the big question becomes, is it worth the $4.00 To get the app and in-app? What does it have that the rest of the filter apps don't?
I submitted for an invite too, waiting to see what this is all about. Love the combos in Hipstamatic but have to admit the filters in Instagram are faster to apply, although it might be I just have too many combos saved :cool:
Fear not - all existing purchases will transfer across.

Anyone got their invite through yet? You can download the app but need invite to use...
The blurb from the app:
It’s a big day for the Hipstamatic community: For the first time ever, we’re launching a new way to experience Hipstamatic’s beautifully crafted lenses and films, and providing a way for our community to connect like never before.

-Oggl isn’t a fuzzy snap of cooking solo on Tuesday—it’s dinner at French Laundry.

-Oggl isn’t screenshots of your favorite album cover—it’s when you hung backstage with the band.

-Oggl isn’t ducklips or bathroom selfies—it’s living like you mean it, your best creative work, and amazing life moments.

Key Features Oggl is a free app, designed around two key features: Capturing and curating photos.

Oggl is a “capture-first” shooting experience using Hipstamatic’s beautiful lenses and films, and comes with 5 “Favorites” pre-loaded for situational shooting: Landscape, Food, Portrait, Nightlife and Sunset. For the first time ever, edit a photo after it’s taken to experiment with different looks, and “tap to preview” effects before shooting.

Share your best photos to your Oggl profile to curate your personal story, and the browse the Curated Editorial Feeds, curated by the Hipstamatic team and talented photographers from around the world. With “My Collection,” see your photos showcased next to photos you’ve curated from around the community.

Additional features on Oggl.
Share to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare, Tumblr and Flickr, set new “Favorites” for situational shooting, tag location, and tag other Oggl community members in photos.

Support the Community & Get More Gear
Oggl is an experience designed for capturing and curating beautiful photos, not for showcasing advertising. To support this vision for the community, Oggl will offer two subscription options: Quarterly for $2.99 & Yearly for $9.99. While Oggl itself will always remain free, each subscription comes with access to Hipstamatic’s entire catalog of current lens and film gear, and guarantees new gear each month.

They talk about this being their first setup like this and of course never mention their failed Family Album and Disposable which were their first attempts at social.
The first write ups said a monthly/yearly subscription but this says quarterly/yearly.
Doesn't say anywhere that all current bought packs are included.
Fear not - all existing purchases will transfer across.

Anyone got their invite through yet? You can download the app but need invite to use...

Got my invite today - but UK App Store doesn't seem to have it yet. :(
I actually signed up for an invite on my first post in this thread out of curiosity. It looks like it is also avilable free from Lzed's post above and since it didn't ask me for credit card info upon opening I guess this is the case. This will be a big bonus to site since most users probably already own all or everything they want already. I know I have no plans to pay for any service. Much like music subscription services I guess I'm "old school" and would rather own what I use.

Anyway first impression (only a couple minutes) is that it's a cross between tumblr and flickr. It's got a "feed" page like tumblr. Upon registration it asks for your name. I just used the username I use at flickr since I don't like using my real name online. So when I open up and go to :my collection" it says Callmar@Callmar. I'm not sure what the @ is for since it doesn't seem to be an email or anything.

I'll give it a couple weeks to decide whether I like it or not. So far I'm not blown away or not repulsed either, it's just kina hmmm, meh, whatever,....in other words it's somewhat 'beige" although I do like that it has a button for San Francisco pictures so I've already favorited a picture of At&T park (S.F. Giants baseball stadium) ;):thumbs:
also not sure why they need to try and stress "post your best photos" because people are going to post anything. I've already seen a cheeseburger photo and a guy standing in a liqupr store :thumbs:
Ok a few more minutes and I'm already not likeing it so much. There's a couple buttons which are confusing and overall the layout is more confusing than needs to be. Also the biggest thing is that it does not see to have acess to my photo library even though it asked my for acess to my pictures and I allowed but when I click on the "frame button" it is blank. It is also somewhat laggy. When I open up hipstamatic export in hipstamatic I don't see a button for oggle although I realize it just launched but I wonder if they will include one in future updates. I also wonder if they are trying to replace hipstamatic with oggle since it seems like they want you to take photos with the oggle app (again since I can't seem to acess my library photos). This app might get deleted sooner than two weeks time :angry:
Please post some screen grabs. Would like to see what it looks like especially the camera portion. Did it import all you packs from Hipstamatic?
Please post some screen grabs. Would like to see what it looks like especially the camera portion. Did it import all you packs from Hipstamatic?
The import function is, supposedly, "Coming soon"... :D

I'm all Oggl'd up too now... :rog:
While the app Oggl is free you can only go so far then you have to have an invite code and I assume at that point you have to subscribe and it will charge your account through Apple.

Well I too wonder if this is the way that Hipstamatic is going but really hope they don't. I would not want to be tied to a pay social site for taking pictures. Through the articles I read the co-owner has a hate on for Instagram (although he always denies it) and that was also the impetus behind Family Album and Disposable, both which failed in a big way.

I tried Instagram but how many pictures of food do you want to see?
While the app Oggl is free you can only go so far then you have to have an invite code and I assume at that point you have to subscribe and it will charge your account through Apple.

Well I too wonder if this is the way that Hipstamatic is going but really hope they don't. I would not want to be tied to a pay social site for taking pictures. Through the articles I read the co-owner has a hate on for Instagram (although he always denies it) and that was also the impetus behind Family Album and Disposable, both which failed in a big way.

I tried Instagram but how many pictures of food do you want to see?
Yeah I downloaded the app after receiving the invite code (took about three days for the invite I think) and then after entering your email and creating a password in the app you need to enter the code they sent you to get any further. It's like a top secret society :D
some screen shots

This is your home screen where you have "Captured", "my collection", "curated"

captured is photos you take with the app, collection is a combination of the two I think, curated is photos you've liked from others.

a drop down menu from the "feed" page. The feed page is like dashboard on Tumblr

Camera view with presets

camera view with selections for film / lens

this is where my camera roll should be I thought but I don't think it's working or maybe they just don't let you import previously taken shots.
While the app Oggl is free you can only go so far then you have to have an invite code and I assume at that point you have to subscribe and it will charge your account through Apple.

Well I too wonder if this is the way that Hipstamatic is going but really hope they don't. I would not want to be tied to a pay social site for taking pictures. Through the articles I read the co-owner has a hate on for Instagram (although he always denies it) and that was also the impetus behind Family Album and Disposable, both which failed in a big way.

I tried Instagram but how many pictures of food do you want to see?
No charge to sign up and no IAP that is automated, choice is yours all the way... ;)

Hipstamatic stuff will be downloadable 'soon' and I assume access to your Library will be added in due course... :D
"Soon" as defined by Blizzard Entertainment:
"Soon" does not imply any particular date, time, decade, century, or millennia in the past, present, and certainly not the future. "Soon" shall make no contract or warranty between the production company and the end user. "Soon" will arrive some day, the production company does guarantee that "soon" will be here before the end of time. Maybe. Do not make plans based on "soon" as the production company will not be liable for any misuse, use, or even casual glancing at "soon".

Well....to me Oggle sounds like a beta-version....since the interesting features are all promised to be added "soon"... :rolleyes:
Oggl has finally arrived in the UK App Store and I'm all set up. I've got a couple of invite codes is anyone's interested.
FYI, Hipsta items available in the free version include:
Lenses: Jane, Lucas, Foxy, Loftus and one called Sunset.
Films: BlacKeys Supergrain, Blanko Freedom 13, DC, Ina's 1982 and Sunset.
Which means there's a film and a lens called Sunset. Huh? o_O

Also, when you click the (non-operational) Import button it asks if you want to import your lenses and films from 'Hipstamatic Classic'. Does this make Oggl the New Hipstamatic?
Oggl has finally arrived in the UK App Store and I'm all set up. I've got a couple of invite codes is anyone's interested.

I would also like an invitation-code please. Gonna have to try it out really....since it's Hipstamatic related... :rolleyes:
I'm gonna open a conversation and send you my email :)
I would also like an invitation-code please. Gonna have to try it out really....since it's Hipstamatic related... :rolleyes:
I'm gonna open a conversation and send you my email :)

Received and sent, Chris!
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