• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

MobiColour RESULT: #2

Pink sled, blue door
Hipsta - Aatto, DreamCanvas

Trippy indeed.....cool face paint it gave you!
That's two layers from two different effects on the camera. I think it has 180+ free effects. Warning:approach with caution if you have the front camera on - all the effects are previewed real time in thumbnails - so it all *moves* .. Trippy.
Okay Color Warriors, this challenge is officially CLOSED, and now our Kaywib Kay has the task of choosing this week's winner, as well as deciding if the next challenge will have a theme. :sneaky:
The post you all been waiting for is finally here.

Third place goes to:

Mo-Co.(Morris Cox) for his image ”Sunset”

When I look at this image I feel calm. The perfect reflection of the sky in the water is Beautifully disrupted by the fallen pole. The light in this image is so soft and gentle on the eyes wich makes it even more soothing to watch.

Second place goes to:

Rebecka. (Rebecka) for her image “Extra Autumn”

This image makes me feel I am in a dramatic and intense movie. The burned out sky makes me think of an atomic bomb just went off or the alien mothership just arrived, either way what is to come will be intense. I like how the sunbeams push thru the trees and paints the grass. Colorful and pleasing to behold.

The Epic first place goes to:

ImageArt. (Ann) for the image “Chinese New Year Paper Decoration” The second one down in the post. (Original taken with Hipstamatic and tuned in iColorama)

This image is a joyful mix of shapes, color and composition. Love how the petals on the paper flowers almost look like metal for a second. For me it’s a joy to watch this image. It has a momentum, like the flowers are about to burst and grow out of the frame. Perhaps turn into Paper kaleidoscopic craziness. Well done!!

Thank you all for submitting such a variety of photos. It makes the judging part really fun!!

On to my next decision, The theme for next week.

The theme for next week shall be People/humans. The shot has to have People/humans (1 or more)in it. They have to be placed some were in the foreground in some form. The only no no really isPeople/humans in the distant horizon. Other than that feel free to mix and match whatever you like with People/humans.

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Thanks Kay for an excellent wrap-up: I love it when I enjoy the judge's comments as much as the images! Congrats Morris Rebecka and Ann on your fabulous images - Ann even threw in a mini tutorial! :notworthy: :thumbs:

Can't wait to see this week's colour images with people/humans in the foreground somewhere !
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