• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.
Oh good call. I've only got overly formal Japanese historical action movies to watch and the subtitles are too small. A bit of Dylan on YouTube over the washing up's gone down a treat. Have you seen Black Books? Classic stuff.

Kurosawa? I watched (inhaled) everything of his in the 90s. Black Books is a favourite. I knew Bill Bailey as a stand-up, but didn’t guess that Moran would be, too :rolleyes: Nice that there are still nice surprises. My current YouTube obsession is Jordan Peterson.
Ok, so I wanted to choose an easy theme for the week even though it might be a little difficult for me to get the result done. I am choosing DOORS. I love doors and it will be fun to see all the different types people can find.

I apologise now that I will only be able to get the result on Monday as I am helping my sister with her shop stock take on the Sunday.

Cool theme - lots of interesting doors around my way :thumbs:
[emoji33] sounds like that awful story of the Austrian girl. [emoji33][emoji33][emoji33][emoji33] hope its less horror. Are there dvds of it? Are they to find in charity shops?
It’s pure comedy.... no horror whatsoever. The characters and the writing are hilarious. :D
Maybe MC changes naturally from Monday to Monday that way. Would play in my cards actually.
This one aside, I’d like to keep it ending on Sundays. It’s easier for me to do the wrap up, create the new thread, etc. on a weekend rather than a work day. :thumbs:
Kurosawa? I watched (inhaled) everything of his in the 90s. Black Books is a favourite. I knew Bill Bailey as a stand-up, but didn’t guess that Moran would be, too :rolleyes: Nice that there are still nice surprises. My current YouTube obsession is Jordan Peterson.
Takashi Miike. There's many Kurosawa I've never seen.
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