• MobiTog Has Moved!

    The MobiTog mobile photography community lived here from 2010 to 2024. Thanks to all who joined us over the years and made it such a great place. We've now moved to Discord and hope you'll join us there.

    This site is now closed. Until the end of June, you can still view threads and images here, but you won't be able to post anything new. At the end of June, the site will disappear.

    If you're a MobiTog member, you can join MobiTog on Discord by opening a free Discord account and then following this invitation link. If you run into problems joining, you can send us an email.

MobiColour RESULT: MC #20 Theme: Angles - June 13-19

Nah, he's always had this all-seeing, eye-for-detail magic talent. I realised when he started his 365 Day Challenge. He can make a pile of rubbish look like a thing of art - big time jealous.
Jealousy doesn't begin to describe how I feel about your iColorama work. I'd love to be able to do what you do. Maybe you could add a few iColorama tutorials to your YouTube channel. I'd love that.
Angles interrupted


Diana Photo, Leonardo, iColorama, Snapseed
It's a composite of two photos, but I was surprised how well they blended together. The stucco texture of the wall really helped.

And I've seen both before, but didn't see the composite. Doncha love when a blend works that well!
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