• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

MobiColour RESULT: MC #59 Theme: Leaves - March 13-19

IC and Visionn

And here is
He Leaves
What I had on my mind since I've read the title but didn't have the opportunity yet.

View attachment 90544

Natve 6s+, Handy Photo (cut and contrast), Pulp (soooo sad this has such a low res, but looking sooo good!)
Another nice alternative take on the 'theme'. Is resolution really that important if you are posting something on the web?
A Study

View attachment 90500
TangledPic, Mextures, Stackables, iColorama, iC Painter

This reminds me of some of your quilt images, Jilly - which reminds me that I haven't seen any of your quilt images recently, Jilly :mobibabe: I mean, come on - yes you're playing IC like a violin and owning the collage threads and posting a 365 and looking after B&W, but really, show some commitment to your art? :mobibabe: :appsir: :alien:

Perfect background (texture & colour) to show off the texture & colour of the leaf. Just-quirky-enough composition (to my eye) to make that tight crop really work. BeCasso? Did you edit to bring out that rich autumn hue ? (I know, it's spring over there - but that's an autumn leaf, dammit).

insert emoji of (clapping hands)
Much appreciated compliment from our non-abstract John, thank you :notworthy: :)
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