• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

MobiColour RESULT: MC #59 Theme: Leaves - March 13-19

It has been a very, very difficult choice. All the shared images are very good, very creative and contain a great variety of interesting perspectives, as well as many worthy - as has been mentioned - of a good catalog of leaves and plants.

A resume (Interesting numeric series):
5 images: 1 person
4 images: 2
3 images: 3
2 images: 4
1 image: 5
Total images: 35
Total participants: 15 (Female: 9/Male: 6)

My considerations:
1st: Several same singulars in a SINGULAR image
shilpa shilx2: Leaves in the rain.
Patience and endearment in the achievement of this image.

2nd: Several singulars in several/different images
John sinnerjohn: leaf (singular)
Sandra sdimbour: Shot that one…

A lot of leaves into her habitat AND a beautiful lighting and reflexes: Catherine RoseCat: Along the High Line
A mother plant and the sons and daughters of other mother: Jilly JillyG: Leaves in leaves

Honorable Mentions
rizole: Frozen
Jen zenjenny: Departures
Sondy sck: Another Unknowing Leaves

Please now then, shilpa shilx2 decides the next issue and follow the colorful party!

Oh my goodness. Someone's going to be busy next Sunday!:D Well done Shilpa! Congrats to John, Sandra, Catherine and ... er ... me. And there's more - the HM's Rizole, Jen and Sondy - good ones.:thumbs: Wonderful job Rodolfo.
It has been a very, very difficult choice. All the shared images are very good, very creative and contain a great variety of interesting perspectives, as well as many worthy - as has been mentioned - of a good catalog of leaves and plants.

A resume (Interesting numeric series):
5 images: 1 person
4 images: 2
3 images: 3
2 images: 4
1 image: 5
Total images: 35
Total participants: 15 (Female: 9/Male: 6)

My considerations:
1st: Several same singulars in a SINGULAR image
shilpa shilx2: Leaves in the rain.
Patience and endearment in the achievement of this image.

2nd: Several singulars in several/different images
John sinnerjohn: leaf (singular)
Sandra sdimbour: Shot that one…

A lot of leaves into her habitat AND a beautiful lighting and reflexes: Catherine RoseCat: Along the High Line
A mother plant and the sons and daughters of other mother: Jilly JillyG: Leaves in leaves

Honorable Mentions
rizole: Frozen
Jen zenjenny: Departures
Sondy sck: Another Unknowing Leaves

Please now then, shilpa shilx2 decides the next issue and follow the colorful party!

[emoji23][emoji106] this is a GREAT presentation! Facts and numbers as well as wise choices. Congratulations to ALL the winners with shilx2 in front. Wonder what you will chose. [emoji898]
And also congrats to those who are mentioned [emoji322]as well as those who not. [emoji166][emoji16]
Prepare to participate in the next round. [emoji106][emoji1]
It has been a very, very difficult choice. All the shared images are very good, very creative and contain a great variety of interesting perspectives, as well as many worthy - as has been mentioned - of a good catalog of leaves and plants.

A resume (Interesting numeric series):
5 images: 1 person
4 images: 2
3 images: 3
2 images: 4
1 image: 5
Total images: 35
Total participants: 15 (Female: 9/Male: 6)

My considerations:
1st: Several same singulars in a SINGULAR image
shilpa shilx2: Leaves in the rain.
Patience and endearment in the achievement of this image.

2nd: Several singulars in several/different images
John sinnerjohn: leaf (singular)
Sandra sdimbour: Shot that one…

A lot of leaves into her habitat AND a beautiful lighting and reflexes: Catherine RoseCat: Along the High Line
A mother plant and the sons and daughters of other mother: Jilly JillyG: Leaves in leaves

Honorable Mentions
rizole: Frozen
Jen zenjenny: Departures
Sondy sck: Another Unknowing Leaves

Please now then, shilpa shilx2 decides the next issue and follow the colorful party!
Wow, many thanks for the silver Rodolfo and a great judging job :thumbs: Great theme, one that we could all get involved with.
Well done Shilpa and a double I see, how great is that :)
Some great entries this week so well done ALL.
It has been a very, very difficult choice. All the shared images are very good, very creative and contain a great variety of interesting perspectives, as well as many worthy - as has been mentioned - of a good catalog of leaves and plants.

A resume (Interesting numeric series):
5 images: 1 person
4 images: 2
3 images: 3
2 images: 4
1 image: 5
Total images: 35
Total participants: 15 (Female: 9/Male: 6)

My considerations:
1st: Several same singulars in a SINGULAR image
shilpa shilx2: Leaves in the rain.
Patience and endearment in the achievement of this image.

2nd: Several singulars in several/different images
John sinnerjohn: leaf (singular)
Sandra sdimbour: Shot that one…

A lot of leaves into her habitat AND a beautiful lighting and reflexes: Catherine RoseCat: Along the High Line
A mother plant and the sons and daughters of other mother: Jilly JillyG: Leaves in leaves

Honorable Mentions
rizole: Frozen
Jen zenjenny: Departures
Sondy sck: Another Unknowing Leaves

Please now then, shilpa shilx2 decides the next issue and follow the colorful party!
Well done, Shilpa. Great shot. And lovely shots from John and Sandra too and all the HMs. A lovely week of photos I must say.

Great theme and great judging Rodolfo.
Thanks for wrap-up and brief statistical analysis, Rodolfo :D

Congrats, Shilpa - a gorgeous image. And a double win, taking the crown in Mobi B&W as well! Double congrats -- and as I think everyone is saying, aren't you lucky to be judging two challenges this week :appsir:

Another who-would've-thought-it level of variety & interpretation this week - yay to all :thumbs:
Thanks for HM [emoji16][emoji108][emoji120]

Congratulations for the winners [emoji106][emoji4]

Almost forgetting if i was post here and there, too busy lately [emoji28]
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