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Sunset 14th and 16th May

5 Jun 2013 Sunset


Hipstamatic, John S Lens, Kodot Grizzled Film, RedEye Gel


Hipstamatic, Tejas Lens, Ina's 1982 Film, Jolly Rainbo 2X


Lomora Pro, Redscale


LemeLeme, KIR Royal
Another nice sunset so I decided to try something completely off the wall. I took pictures in Pro HDR, True HDR and HDR3. I also have some in KitCam, Pure Shot, Hipstamatic and Oggl. I will put up the HDR images. I tried getting the settings as close to the same between them. I left all three in auto mode and let each app pick the exposure points. Ie trying to see the difference between the apps. All were taken one right after the other to minimize light changes at sunset.

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First thing I noticed was how much brighter and more yellow it was. Easy to tell this one because its screen is slightly different aspect ratio then the others, the house on the right side is clipped off.

True HDR
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At lot more colour and as I mentioned screen aspect is wider than Pro HDR

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This one was a bit of a surprise, much flatter looking then the other two almost like the saturation is lower although I tried to get all the settings the same. I think a lot of the difference is also how the app picks exposure points so next will be to try manual and set them as close to the same as I can.

I thought it was an interesting comparison, what do you peeps think?

I really like the True HDR version. It has that 'emotional zing' for me, and the sky color at upper left really makes it for me. Also the exposure seems to be more balanced, although I would play around with it and tweak it some more. Terrific comparison shots and wonderful and informative stuff your doing here Larry! :):):)
26 May 2013 Sunset
All HDR3 bumped saturation a touch, dropped brightness a touch, the image is very close to what I can see. The second picture is run through CamDream and not touched otherwise. Quite like the Orton Effect!
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I must make people think I'm a bit off my rocker. I take my lawn chair outside our front door, set up the tripod with the iPad. One couple walked past and I overheard the lady ask the guy with her "what's he watching?" Comment on it's own is innocent enough but it's the tone of her voice :D most are quite friendly...

My next door neighbour made me real jealous today. They just picked up a '79 MGB. Beautiful car and one I have lusted over for many years. Run's, drives, body is really nice condition, interior needs the seats to be recovered and he was working on brakes this afternoon. He thinks one axle seal is seeping a little so will get the parts and fix it. He already has a early TR6, a 60’s Midget that he has been welding new body panels on, then it goes to get repainted and he has a Spitfire that is waiting to be restored! Will try and get some pics of the new toy...
Thinking about getting Camera Dream. Any idea what resolution it shoots at? I couldn't find any info in the App store. Thanks Larry :)
I really like the True HDR version. It has that 'emotional zing' for me, and the sky color at upper left really makes it for me. Also the exposure seems to be more balanced, although I would play around with it and tweak it some more. Terrific comparison shots and wonderful and informative stuff your doing here Larry! :):):)
I have all the real HDR apps but one, by real I mean the ones that take multiple images and blend them together. One of my projects is to take basically the same images with the lot of them so people will be able to see how they compare. All of these I wanted the settings as close to the same as I could get and exposure was auto. In most cases I much prefer setting exposure points myself but to be fair I felt I would leave it to the app. Sometimes it surprises me how different the apps exposure points are but part may be that some take 2, some 3 and I have 1 that takes 4 (unfortunately with that app it only has auto and not manual mode). The other thing I want to do is take bracketed shots (I will use Pure Shot) and load them into the apps that let you use library shots but in almost all cases they only use 2 images, not sure why it takes three but the library it uses two but it's the way it is. I may buy the last real HDR that I am missing but will see, as it is I have 14 apps to compare.
Thinking about getting Camera Dream. Any idea what resolution it shoots at? I couldn't find any info in the App store. Thanks Larry :)
Full device, or at least on my iPad it's full resolution.
Today (well 5:30am when the visiting Beagles started baying away) it was clouded over but not to bad, by 7 it was almost black out and started raining. Off and on all morning it was either heavy rain or light rain. After lunch Karen wanted to go to Walmart, they had the plug in coolers on sale so she was thinking for in the motorhome. We are finding the frig freezer in it a bit small sometimes. Anyways we left and light rain. Came out of Walmart and raining pretty hard. By the time I got Karen in the car and her wheelchair in I was soaked. Heavy rain the rest of the afternoon and evening. By 8 I could see some breaks in the clouds and some colour so thought it would be a nice sunset, all I can say is wow! Blowing pretty good so clouds were moving so fast that the light was changing a lot in a few seconds. I took over a hundred pictures :) thinking back what I should have done is made a Timelapse movie with images about 15-20 seconds apart, could have been interesting but at the time I never thought of it :)


Lomora Pro, Redscale


645 Pro, last image is almost straight up.

Posted 3 on Oggl and took a lot in Hipstamatic

Wonder Lens, Robusta Film, no flash

Tejas Lens, Ina's 1982 Film, Jolly Rainbo 2x Half Flash
I took over a hundred pictures :) thinking back what I should have done is made a Timelapse movie with images about 15-20 seconds apart, could have been interesting but at the time I never thought of it :)
Seeing the pictures I thought, "Sure would be interesting to see a Hipstamatic timelapse". Of course, a quick Google search showed me some. Remarkable patience - I prefer being able to set it up and let it go rather than hitting the shutter every 15-20 seconds. I'm lazy that way. :)
Can't imagine sitting there doing one image at a time, I much prefer letting an app do it. Might be something for Hipstamatic to add, that would be fantastic....
Went and had a look on YouTube and found these

Memory 22 by Bill Newsinger
Road Trip Sunrise
Chuck McCudden
Hipstamatic Stop Motion
Adrian Newcomb
We found our crab apple tree's soulmate, there one a couple blocks over that had the same purplish pink colour with one branch that's white. I don't know if Karen took a picture. To late now all the little blossoms have been blown off.

Yes I am really liking Tejas, Ina's 82 + Jolly Rainbo 2x @ 1/2 for sunsets and actually lots of other pics to.
Rained part of the day and was actually quite cool last night. Strange sunset, mostly clear with some low fast moving clouds. I took some looking toward the setting sun and when it was dying away I walked around the motorhome to find I missed most of the best part. Clouds were lit up from south to northeast.


Lomora Pro, Redscale

Hipstamatic Oggl, Tejas, Kodot Xgrizzled - Hipstamatic, Tejas, Ina's1982, Jolly Rainbo 2X @ 1/2

This is looking NNE
Hipstamatic, Tejas, Kodot Xgrizzled, Jolly Rainbo 2X @ 1/2

From our deck so this is SSE to East, two images from KitCam and used AutoPanorama to stitch the two together and crop. By the time I saw this it was almost to late, sunlight was fading really fast and within a minute the was not much left. If I had of known :) I would have driven out of town and tried a bigger panoramic.
Hot and sunny most of the day but around supper time it started clouding over, though it might be a good sunset and sure enough it was pretty good.

Lamora Pro, Redscale

I really like Redscale and find I am using it a lot more.

Hipstamatic, Tejas, Ina's 1982, Jolly Rainbo 2X
Well our trip started off but ended rather sudden to. Filled up before we left and drove 2.5 hrs and stopped to fill up and wouldn't start again. I called CAA (Roadside service) and decided I would try the old trick, hit the starter with a hammer, the bigger the hammer the better, biggest I have in the motorhome is a 2.5# sledge so I crawled under the motorhome (not my idea of fun and very tight) and hit it a couple times, then the joy of getting out and when you have bad knees it's quite difficult to get up. Anyways it started again, then debating do we continue to Calgary or go back home. We opted to drive the 2.5 hrs back home. Parked on our front lawn (much easier on you on grass rather the concrete or pavement). My son just showed up and says solenoid is shot. I need to find a heat shield for it, it getting to hot because it's really close to the exhaust. I will have to phone around tomorrow and hopefully I can find one. It's going to change all our plans, can't see getting out there and being back to Three Hills in time, so BC trip will have to wait. We have been thinking maybe it's time to get a newer motorhome. We looked at buying one in Arizona last Nov but there are all the hoops you have to jump through to import it as well as the safeties here as well as driving it back and flight down. Just have not found anything decent at a decent price locally.
Not a bad sunset tonight but I did try a couple things that I don't normally. Also a mistake but actuall I thought it was cool so I tried again....
Hipstamatic, Salvadore, Kodot Xgrizzled, Jolly Rainbo.

Hipstamatic, Tejas, Ina's 1982, Jolly Rainbo

Lomora Pro

I was holding my iPad and trying to get up :)

Playing around, just moving the iPad slowly
Rain most of yesterday, a few times really heavy rain but it cleared for a little while so I got some nice pictures. Today we are back to cool and humid and I can hear rain again :(


Lomora Pro, Redscale


Leme Cam Pro, KIR Royal


Lo-Mob, 35mm Superslide


Oggl, Loftus, Sugar
Went and had a look on YouTube and found these

Memory 22 by Bill Newsinger

Road Trip Sunrise
Chuck McCudden

Hipstamatic Stop Motion
Adrian Newcomb
These are really cool!! Love the first one...

Rain most of yesterday, a few times really heavy rain but it cleared for a little while so I got some nice pictures. Today we are back to cool and humid and I can hear rain again :(

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Lomora Pro, Redscale

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Leme Cam Pro, KIR Royal

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Lo-Mob, 35mm Superslide

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Oggl, Loftus, Sugar
Beautiful shots Larry! :thumbs:
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