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APPStracts, Photo Impressionism and other Mangled Images


Loving the changes to CamTrails. My best results come from using the FotoDa button first and then adding a second exposure to that.

Here‘s one that’s been changed in PaintCan and Hips’ted.

View attachment 164061

Original File
View attachment 164062
I think I should to stick to one camera til I get the hang of it. This jumping from one to another is making me crazy.
I think I should to stick to one camera til I get the hang of it. This jumping from one to another is making me crazy.
For practice with Slow Shutter Cam (the one from CogiTap):

Set the shutter speed to Bulb. (Shutter stays open until you tap the shutter button again.) In Motion Blur mode, reduce Blur Strength a notch or two. In Light Trail mode, do the same with Light Sensitivity.

Now tap the shutter button, hold the camera still for a sec, and then move it slightly in any direction (small movements only) and watch the image develop on the screen. Tap the shutter again when you think you might have something, and then play with the Freeze slider in Edit mode.

Next try the same but with larger movements of different types.

The results from SSC are often rather pale, so before you discard an image, try taking it into an app where you can play with changing and/or intensifying the color.
For practice with Slow Shutter Cam (the one from CogiTap):

Set the shutter speed to Bulb. (Shutter stays open until you tap the shutter button again.) In Motion Blur mode, reduce Blur Strength a notch or two. In Light Trail mode, do the same with Light Sensitivity.

Now tap the shutter button, hold the camera still for a sec, and then move it slightly in any direction (small movements only) and watch the image develop on the screen. Tap the shutter again when you think you might have something, and then play with the Freeze slider in Edit mode.

Next try the same but with larger movements of different types.

The results from SSC are often rather pale, so before you discard an image, try taking it into an app where you can play with changing and/or intensifying the color.
It took me several minutes to locate the bulb setting. :lmao:
For practice with Slow Shutter Cam (the one from CogiTap):

Set the shutter speed to Bulb. (Shutter stays open until you tap the shutter button again.) In Motion Blur mode, reduce Blur Strength a notch or two. In Light Trail mode, do the same with Light Sensitivity.

Now tap the shutter button, hold the camera still for a sec, and then move it slightly in any direction (small movements only) and watch the image develop on the screen. Tap the shutter again when you think you might have something, and then play with the Freeze slider in Edit mode.

Next try the same but with larger movements of different types.

The results from SSC are often rather pale, so before you discard an image, try taking it into an app where you can play with changing and/or intensifying the color.
That's one way to practice with Slow Shutter Cam. Here's another:

Set the shutter speed to 1/4 or even 1/8 instead of Bulb. Now move your phone with larger motions and trigger the shutter while it's moving. (I find it easier to do this using a Bluetooth trigger in my other hand, but it also works using the volume control trigger or the onscreen shutter button.) Try it in both Motion Blur and Light Trails mode. You'll get different, less predictable results this way.

A third way to use SSC is to put your phone on a tripod (like a Joby Griptight Micro) to shoot moving water, car tail lights in moving traffic, or something like that, where you have part of the scene that is still and part that is moving. I think Spectre is a better app for this kind of shot because it can produce good results handheld (using some kind of magic). SSC can do more kinds of things, but Spectre is better for this particular thing.

And once you've collected a bunch of ICM shots, try blending some of them together. For example, I get good results sometimes by blending a Motion Blur shot with a Light Trails shot.

Figures in a landscape
A photo of a painted wall, a texture saved from Stackables (I think), and a photo of three people on a beach, all layered in Leonardo (with a Hard Light blend -- something I don't use very often) and then touched up in TouchRetouch. I do wish the texture had been a bit finer grained.

Singin' in the rain
An ICM photo of a museum entrance, layered in Leonardo with a texture and some odd bits of masked PNGs. The musician comes from a photo of a 50lb coffee bag (Bali Blue Moon, I think) and the frog and the hat from around the house.
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