• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Mobi365 Geek1956 Project 365 - 2021


What i like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.
Karl Lagerfeld
Our walk starts and ends at the Sydney Olympics archery centre. I dropped in at the end of our walk, shot some quick photos before I was warned off.... Hipstamatic X.
Alan Wilson Watts
The old beatnik himself. :notworthy: In the early 70s, I helped to do the sound for an event of his in San Francisco. And a couple of years later, the community college where I was working hired him for the day to wander around and talk to people. That included a debate with a philosophy professor in the tutorial center where I was working. He knew how to entertain, but there was a lot of substance to what he said nonetheless.
The old beatnik himself. :notworthy: In the early 70s, I helped to do the sound for an event of his in San Francisco. And a couple of years later, the community college where I was working hired him for the day to wander around and talk to people. That included a debate with a philosophy professor in the tutorial center where I was working. He knew how to entertain, but there was a lot of substance to what he said nonetheless.
Great back storey
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