• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Good morning all


Real Name
Fred Claus
Good morning from Western New York everyone. I'm Fred Claus (Yes Santa's big brother). All my life I've been a photographer, from the days of Twin Lens Reflex all the way up to the DSLR days. I gave up my professional work in the early 2000's, and went into the IT field. Now I am doing mobile photography as a hobby and writing articles on the topic. Hope to be able to meet a few nice people here.
Good morning from Western New York everyone. I'm Fred Claus (Yes Santa's big brother). All my life I've been a photographer, from the days of Twin Lens Reflex all the way up to the DSLR days. I gave up my professional work in the early 2000's, and went into the IT field. Now I am doing mobile photography as a hobby and writing articles on the topic. Hope to be able to meet a few nice people here.
Good afternoon from California and welcome to MobiTog. I had a Yashica TLR as my very first camera, a gift from my parents when I was in high school. Where've you had your articles published?
Good afternoon from California and welcome to MobiTog. I had a Yashica TLR as my very first camera, a gift from my parents when I was in high school. Where've you had your articles published?
My stories are being posted to fredjclaus.medium.com. I just started there. Most of my previous ones were local papers.

My TLR was a Rolleiflex but I hear good things about Yashica too.
Good morning from Western New York everyone. I'm Fred Claus (Yes Santa's big brother). All my life I've been a photographer, from the days of Twin Lens Reflex all the way up to the DSLR days. I gave up my professional work in the early 2000's, and went into the IT field. Now I am doing mobile photography as a hobby and writing articles on the topic. Hope to be able to meet a few nice people here.

Hello from Australia and welcome to MobiTog. Look forward to seeing some of your mobile images. Please just jump in anywhere — and call out if you have any questions.
Hello from Australia and welcome to MobiTog. Look forward to seeing some of your mobile images. Please just jump in anywhere — and call out if you have any questions.
Thanks. I can't wait to get started. I did share one image, and plan to move it over to the Color Challenge soon.
My stories are being posted to fredjclaus.medium.com. I just started there. Most of my previous ones were local papers.

My TLR was a Rolleiflex but I hear good things about Yashica too.
Oh, the Yashica -- I think it was a Model D -- wasn't a match for a Rollei, but it got me started. :D
Good morning from Western New York everyone. I'm Fred Claus (Yes Santa's big brother). All my life I've been a photographer, from the days of Twin Lens Reflex all the way up to the DSLR days. I gave up my professional work in the early 2000's, and went into the IT field. Now I am doing mobile photography as a hobby and writing articles on the topic. Hope to be able to meet a few nice people here.
Welcome to Mobitog! I started out with SLRs, went digital when it came along, editing with photoshop. Then I got an iPhone and iPad and never looked back. I love having a whole studio at my finger tips!

As everyone is saying jump in anywhere and ask any questions. Looking forward to your images and your input!
Welcome to MobiTog Fred! Where in NY? I lived in NY/NJ for 33 years - currently residing on the west coast but I do miss my beloved east coast.

We’re excited to have you here! :) You’ve definitely come to the right place to meet fellow mobile photography addicts, to learn tips and tricks, discover new apps, and hone your skills. Hopefully this info will be helpful, but if you still have any questions be sure to give us a shout - our MobiCommunity are a super friendly and helpful bunch of mobile photography addicts enthusiasts!!

At the bottom right on any page you'll see “Help” - click on that and it will bring you to our detailed help section. You can also click this link: Help

Visit our "How Do I..." forum, where you'll find all sorts of tips and tricks to help you find your way around more easily: How Do I...

Important note: Please remember that only images originated on a mobile device (iOS or Android) can be posted to this community. No pictures created on a DSLR or compact camera are allowed.

We have lots of great challenges to help hone your skills and have loads of fun doing it, like Starzee Star's Black & White Challenge, and for the color-minded we have MobiColor, zenjenny Jen’s outside-the-box APPstract Challenge, and lots more. Check them out in our Challenges, Projects, 365s & 52s forum!!

We also have some wonderful on-going Community "drop-ins", like Sign Spotting, Shadow Selfies, Found Faces, MobiTattoos
, Our Grandchildren, Our Pets, and The MobiCafe.

Lastly, if you have any questions on anything at all be sure to give us a shout out!
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