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ICM Photography - Intentional Camera Movement Discussion

Another stunner!! Did you try the selective tool, reduce the size of a few of them along the top, reduce brightness. It might work. You got to have a few but if you make them slightly larger than needed then edit them with a brush afterwards it might do the trick.

edit- I did an even easier way with your image, sorry I pulled it to see what could be done in snapseed.
lower curves to darken photo, then edit and select inverse, and paint the light back in. It’s what I’ve been doing a lot of.
What a great image! I use a 50% grey layer on overlay and black and white brushes to lighten or darken areas. Yes, it’s a holdover from Photoshop days.
Love the greenish look! It says dilapidation in an unusual way
Thanks, folks. I feel like this is an effect that I might keep on pursuing.


On the beach
Bluristic, just a bit of movement, cropped in Photos
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Bluristic - more than one take from a shot:

I suggest that you first go to the settings and turn on Save to Camera Roll so that you can see your results in the Camera Roll.

If you look at the gallery within the app at any point, your current recording will be wiped!


So start off by switching Live capture to Track afterwards by tapping the white camera:


Now record your movement and this is the screen you will see:

When I accepted these settings this is the next screen I get. The secret here is to tap the video icon!

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If you wish to skip frames in your next selection, bizarrely you do it here before tapping the video icon:


Actually I found that 3 wasn’t enough so I changed it to 9. Here is the result:

You can look at the camera roll at any point and then go back into the app providing you don’t close the app.

You can also change the contrast, brightness etc on the first screenshot by tapping the slider icon on the right and then the save button which comes up.

Now go back to your tracking video once more by tapping the video icon:

Tap the white square to add different tracking points. Here it is with result Additive.


I hope that helps. Let me know if anything is unclear.
I like that downward effect on the trees. I find I almost always have to work with the color in ICM/slow shutter shots. Just part of the process.
I hear you Ted. Yeah I prefer the deeper colours which you don’t get without some edit which is fine.
got a load more websites to search on this to learn more.
View attachment 182899

Jacaranda in bloom on Church Street
Nine (I think) ICM shots with Slow Shutter Cam, stacked in Affinity Photo, elaborated in iColorama (Lighten/3, Water/1, Glow/1), tweaked a bit in ACDSee Pro.
I love jacarandas. I have one in the back and one (long with all the neighbours on the street) on the front verge - in summer the purple blossoms cover the street :inlove:

(And if I’m out there barefoot I sometimes step on drunken bees and get stung )
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