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MobiColour MobiColour 265 Jan 25-Feb 1 “OBJECTS”

It’s roughly the size of something like a Fujifilm x100 if that helps. I’ll send a pic later if you like. It’s certainly not tiny.
I had 2 Olympus cameras that were comparable to any other SLR. Perhaps it’s the lens that makes it seem small by comparison.
I get 'still life' is it that?
That’s what I’m going with.
Lay-flat is usually photos taken from above. If you want ’extreme’ lay-flat and creative realism which is an art in itself checkout @dinabelenko on Instagram but it doesn’t need to be quite so OTT (over-the-top for the US citizens). #layflat on Instagram is more ‘normal’. Rizole, I think you would be very good at this. You know, arranging the washing up in the sink and making it look like art. Arranging like stuff in an arty way and taking the image from above.
I'm sorry that I have confused you - a flat lay is an arrangement of objects, usually shot from above, but not necessarily. @dinabelebko on IG does amazing artistic stuff, but that's not what I'm looking for, but go wild if you're up for it. A still life is just objects arranged artfully - take a look at IG @stilllife_perfection or the IG tag #stilllife_perfection.

But Ann ImageArt has the best description - "You know, arranging the washing up in the sink and making it look like art. Arranging like stuff in an arty way and taking the image from above."

You don't need to shoot from above- just make sure there are "objects" of some sort in your photo - can be found anywhere. Like an arrangement of garbage cans that catch your eye, red Target carts, a fetching array of fruits and vegetables in a store, a pile of pencils or brushes, etc.

So just OBJECTS is a better title.
I had 2 Olympus cameras that were comparable to any other SLR. Perhaps it’s the lens that makes it seem small by comparison.
It is small compared to an SLR. It measures about 4.5" wide by 2.75" tall. 40mm f2.8 lens. Original ads for it featured English photog David Bailey. These days, it has a cult following. Very simple, few controls, excellent lens, good results.

My Mom’s old pastel box :inlove:

So clever!!!
Thanks, Leslie, I actually bought Dina’s lay-flat course when it was on sale a couple of months back, but rather like buying a book to read instead of thinking I might do much of it myself and curious about how she achieved her effects and to marvel at her ideas.
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