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Mobitog Health Thread

Hubby just returned from our little grocery store where he chatted with the owner. Our kids went to school together and played on the same soccer teams, so we’ve known him a long time. He said the first three days of this crisis they did the same business as three thanksgivings in a row. The sold totally out of meat. Now, two weeks later, they have delivery trucks that come every day, but they are nearly empty. Yesterday their toilet paper delivery consisted of 20 rolls of Scot. The next order of eggs will be $3.99 a dozen, compared to $1.49 two weeks ago. Sheesh.....
Hubby just returned from our little grocery store where he chatted with the owner. Our kids went to school together and played on the same soccer teams, so we’ve known him a long time. He said the first three days of this crisis they did the same business as three thanksgivings in a row. The sold totally out of meat. Now, two weeks later, they have delivery trucks that come every day, but they are nearly empty. Yesterday their toilet paper delivery consisted of 20 rolls of Scot. The next order of eggs will be $3.99 a dozen, compared to $1.49 two weeks ago. Sheesh.....
Well, if it makes you feel better, you’re a little bit behind us in the running-out-of-stuff scenario, but it will get better and settle down, if our experience is anything to go by. :thumbs:
Well, if it makes you feel better, you’re a little bit behind us in the running-out-of-stuff scenario, but it will get better and settle down, if our experience is anything to go by. :thumbs:
I do know it will improve, I just sort of expected the whole panic thing to die down a little sooner. Where do those hoarders put all that stuff?
Due to an unjoined up buying strategy, we've ended up cheese rich. Anyone know the going cheese/toilet paper exchange rate?
Due to an unjoined up buying strategy, we've ended up cheese rich. Anyone know the going cheese/toilet paper exchange rate?
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I’ve heard that some people are using cheese AS toilet paper!!!! :lmao: But you can freeze cheese, if you’ve got room in the freezer.
A few days ago, Santa Cruz County had 25 confirmed cases. (It's now up to 32.)

At that time, the demographic breakdown was

Ages 17 and under = 0
Ages 18 to 65 = 21
Ages 65 and up = 4
Now that’s bucked the trend elsewhere. I wonder why?
Now that’s bucked the trend elsewhere. I wonder why?
At a guess, the 18-65 folks are most likely to be (or to have been) out and about and are most likely to be employed in nearby Silicon Valley, which is one of the California hot spots. The 65 and up are probably retired, mostly, and more likely to be hanging out at home, while the 17 and unders would normally be in school but are now mostly at home under parental supervision (for as long as the parentals can stand it, that is).
For some perspective, here's a very good article from Smithsonian Magazine on the 1918 influenza epidemic. (It was far more savage than I realized.)

So many people complaining about the indescribable Mr Trump, but the Brazilian president, Mr Bolsonaro, said earlier this week that this is just the flu and because he is very fit and used to be an athlete, if he catches it he won’t even know :zip: and told people, on national tv, to stop isolating and go back to work as usual!
The Brazilian minister of health is doing an amazing job, considering we’re a huge country, with most of its population not having access to water even. And then this bum says that on tv! Really, there’s no end to stupidity.
I always say that him and Trump went to the same circus school, for they’re both clowns!!!
And Britain's Boris Johnson!! Three peas in a lunatic pod.
A few days ago, Santa Cruz County had 25 confirmed cases. (It's now up to 32.)

At that time, the demographic breakdown was

Ages 17 and under = 0
Ages 18 to 65 = 21
Ages 65 and up = 4
Now that’s bucked the trend elsewhere. I wonder why?
Just when you think you've got it figured out... so weird. :alien:

At a guess, the 18-65 folks are most likely to be (or to have been) out and about and are most likely to be employed in nearby Silicon Valley, which is one of the California hot spots. The 65 and up are probably retired, mostly, and more likely to be hanging out at home, while the 17 and unders would normally be in school but are now mostly at home under parental supervision (for as long as the parentals can stand it, that is).
That makes sense. :thumbs:
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