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MobiColour RESULT: MC #139 Theme: Windows - Sept 24-30, 2018

View attachment 114878

Disturbing stained glass window at a dentist's office
Ohhhhhh, it’s a tooth! I thought it was a girl in a puffy dress with extra large legs (the girl, not the dress). Now it all makes sense. Or does it?
Looks more like a chocolate man on a double ice cream cone - that’s why it should be disturbing for a dentist :lol:
Phantom glass.

PureShot, Affinity, aremaC.
This window has not had any glass for many years.
Ohhhhhh, it’s a tooth! I thought it was a girl in a puffy dress with extra large legs (the girl, not the dress). Now it all makes sense. Or does it?
Looks more like a chocolate man on a double ice cream cone - that’s why it should be disturbing for a dentist :lol:
:lmao: OMG...what have you and JillyG been smoking?? :lol: Although now I can *see* both of your scenarios and it’s hilarious to me.
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