• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

MobiColour RESULT: MC #6

Calvary Episcopal Church, downtown Santa Cruz
native cam, Snapseed

I think so. Although I'm really enjoying Ted's cold-fingered garden shots. . . And Dee's sunsets . . . And I do have my first datura flower. . . And and and . . .
But yes they can continue in the next thread. So I'll give a shout out to the lovely RoseCat RoseCat ! ! !
Who ever said judging was easy, was out of his/her tiny mind !!

So the week without a theme, weirdly took on a theme of its own (with a few exceptions) and that was NATURE :alien:
We had terse showing us all the beauty of his garden. FundyBrian with his beautiful beach scene. Three sunsets, some black swans and some lovely landscapes. Maybe its seasonal thing :)

Anyways, because I'm contrary, in FIRST place its Mo-Co Morris for his definitely non natural, wizard like welding.ImageUploadedByMobiTog1457796176.432046.jpg

SECOND PLACE goes to terse for his amazing bug laden flower. Not that many years ago I'd have laughed if you'd have said that superb image was from a MOBILE device :lol:

RUNNERS UP..........well everyone else, for taking part and sharing such great images :cool:
MC 7 anyone :)
abit late but,Congrats!! Mo-Co Morris. Well chosen Sinnerjohn.

I am not usually a fan of Selfie on a stick. But you have out done all Selfies I've seen. At first I didn't notice your hand, but when I did the image grew even more. Well done!!!

Hat off to terse. Beautiful fauna shot!
abit late but,Congrats!! Mo-Co Morris. Well chosen Sinnerjohn.

I am not usually a fan of Selfie on a stick. But you have out done all Selfies I've seen. At first I didn't notice your hand, but when I did the image grew even more. Well done!!!

Hat off to terse. Beautiful fauna shot!
Thanks, I'm not a selfie fan either, but in this case I had to do what I had to do.
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